Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dear, Dear.

Only 35% of Evangelicals think they're ready to share biblical truths: poll.

Ryan Foley  04 October 2024 | 11:27 AM
(Photo: Getty/iStock)

(CP) While the overwhelming majority of Evangelicals believe they have a duty to share the teachings of the Bible, most don't feel prepared to do so, according to a new survey.

The Institute of Faith and Culture released the results on Tuesday of its 2024 Survey on Christian Cultural Engagement, which it conducted in collaboration with Lifeway Research.

When asked if Christians have a responsibility to "share truths from God's Word with people who hold different views," 92% agreed, while only 6% disagreed and 2% were unsure. However, only 35% of Evangelicals considered themselves "ready for most opportunities to share what the Bible says about cultural and hot button issues."  CT.

Fear of The Lord Is A Must.




Pathetic Sentencing. Out in 5 Years Is My Best Guess!

Three Men Convicted of Gang Raping 13-Year-Old Girl in London.

Paul Maxwell, 24, Kayon Bhola, 29, and Jeremiah Jackson, 24,Met Police

Three men have been sentenced to a collective 34 and half years in prison for the gang rape of a 13-year-old girl, whom they lured off the streets of London to a flat where they forced themselves upon her.

On Friday, Paul Maxwell, 24, Kayon Bhola, 29, and Jeremiah Jackson, 24, were jailed over the rape of a 13-year-old girl last year.


Thomas Sowell Always Speaks With Wisdom.

 Immigration laws, the American economist Thomas Sowell once said, are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. This recent Channel tragedy, which was far from a lone incident, exemplifies how we treat these illegal migrants as victims without agency – in much the same way the Left do drug addicts. It’s true that narcotics dealers will use devious means to get vulnerable “customers” hooked. But many of those users are still entering into a voluntary exchange. DT.

Please Pray For Our Brothers and Sisters In Christ.

Open Doors US calls on churches to pray for persecuted Christians in sub-Saharan Africa.

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the regions known for the most severe persecution of Christians, and it includes countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique, Burkina Faso and Uganda.

“On November 3, we are inviting Christians everywhere to join together in lifting up the persecuted Church,” said Ryan Brown, president and CEO of Open Doors US, in a statement sent to The Christian Post. “This day reminds us that we are all part of one body, and when one part suffers, we all suffer.” CP.

Monday, October 14, 2024


 So-called 'experts' at Oxford University say illegals now make up one in 100 of the population.

I've no idea where they got that figure from, but it has to be hopelessly wide of the mark.

In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the then Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Captain Beaujolais, now Lord Beaujolais, told me that there were probably 250,000 people in London alone that the authorities knew absolutely nothing about.

Migrants launch a boat into the English Channel as they prepare to make the perilous crossing from Dunkirk in northern France. Since 2020, more than 150,000 have crossed in small boats

His guesstimate was based on the number of foreign nationals being arrested by Scotland Yard for a variety of crimes, from driving without a licence to aggressive begging and suspected terrorism offences.

Some had entered Britain in the back of lorries, others had overstayed their tourist or student visas and disappeared into the black economy. Many had ripped up their papers and flatly refused to say where they'd come from.

That was 23 years ago. Are the academics at Oxford University seriously expecting us to believe that the number of illegals across the whole country has only increased by 500,000 since then?

Since 2020, more than 150,000 have crossed the Channel in small boats and still they keep on coming. And that's just a small proportion in comparison with those who have entered Britain legally but temporarily and then vanished off the radar when their visas expired.

A more accurate assessment came as long ago as 2016, when an immigration panel judge, writing anonymously in The Mail on Sunday in defiance of the Home Office, estimated there were at least 1.5 million illegals here.

Many have entered Britain in the back of lorries. Here, migrants clamber aboard in Calais 

The judge said: 'How do I know this? Partly because of the cases that come before me, but also because of the evidence of the sewage industry – an excellent way of gauging how many people are really living in this country.

'The discrepancy between the official figures and what is actually going down the pipes shows there are more than a million more people in London than are legally registered and another half million or more outside the capital.'

For years we were told it was impossible to keep track of illegal migration. But, as I wrote at the time: The answer, my friend, was flowing round the U-bend.

You'd get a far more accurate assessment of the problem from Dyno-Rod than the Home Office, which for more than two decades has conspired with politicians to deceive us about the scale of immigration.

The judge writing in The MoS exposed how many illegals lie and cheat, often using false passports easily obtained abroad and peddle sob stories which fall apart on cursory examination.

Grown men pretend absurdly to be minors. Heterosexuals pretend to be gays fleeing persecution. Albanians pretend to be Kurdish refugees. Yet the system continues to indulge them.

Even when foreign nationals who have no right to be here are detained, they are rarely if ever deported. After their final appeal application is rejected, they simply go missing. Nobody bothers looking for them.

The only way in which the Oxford figures may be remotely accurate is if the vast majority of those who were in Britain illegally have been granted asylum or indefinite leave to remain.

Which, come to think of it, wouldn't surprise me in the least. It's over 20 years since Labour ripped up our borders and, in the words of the odious Peter Mandelson, 'scoured the world for immigrants'. A Blair speechwriter later admitted that the policy was designed deliberately to 'rub the Right's noses in diversity'.

Frankly, they didn't care less whether those migrants came here legally or illegally. The intention was to change the face of Britain irrevocably. Shamefully, during 14 years in government the Tories did nothing to reverse the trend, despite us voting to 'take back control' in the Brexit referendum.

Immigration, both legal and illegal, is off the charts and Labour has no intention of doing anything about it. Far easier to screech 'racist' at anyone who dares to draw attention to the crisis.

For years, the official figures have been an underestimate. The politicians like to talk about 'net' migration, balancing new arrivals against British nationals getting out of Dodge for good.

In the US, some on the Right call it the great 'replacement' theory, supplanting the native population with newcomers who have no cultural or historical ties to the country. Under Biden, more than seven million illegals from all over the world have entered America over the Southern border.

The same thing is happening here. This week we learned that officially the population grew over the past year by 662,400 to a record 68.2 million. That, too, is almost certainly a few million short of the true number. Check the sewers.

It's not just the pressure on public services and housing. There's also a failure of far too many immigrants to assimilate.

Britain is changing at breakneck speed, with virtual ghettos now firmly established in our major cities, where English is no longer the first language in some areas.

When Nigel Farage remarked that on his train into London from Kent it was becoming increasing rare to hear an English voice he was denounced as a racist, even though he was telling it as he saw it.

That's not to disparage the millions of hard-working migrants from Eastern Europe and elsewhere who have contributed so much to our society.

But while we are ordered to 'celebrate diversity' at every turn, anyone who stands up for traditional British values and customs or questions the overwhelming scale of immigration has been routinely smeared as a knuckle-dragging white supremacist on a par with the Ku Klux Klan.

Migration is now the biggest political issue, which can no longer be brushed under the mat.

A debate which dared not speak its name until recently is breaking out into the daylight. Those voices will not be silenced.

A country which can't, or won't, control its borders ceases to be a sovereign nation and becomes a Tower of Babel, somewhere people live but don't belong.

Britain is bursting at the seams and can't handle this level of unfettered immigration, legal or illegal.

It's time to pull up the drawbridge.

Millionaires are fleeing Britain in record numbers in advance of Martha Reeves's upcoming Budget, which is expected to squeeze them until the pips squeak.

At this rate, Clarkson will have to fall back on his farm. What's the point of a show called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? if the winner will have to hand most of it over to the Treasury?

Contestants will settle for 32 grand, even if they've got all their lifelines intact. And what of Britain's budding entrepreneurs? Why would Del Boy Trotter bother knocking his pipe out flogging Peckham Spring water trying to become a mill-yon-aire if his profit was going to disappear in tax.

No income tax, no VAT is not going to be a prospect under Labour. I suppose the Trotters could always desert Nelson Mandela House for more accommodating climes. This time next year, Rodders, we'll be living in Dubai!

Spent Wednesday night flicking channels following the track of the Florida hurricane as the speed increased to 160mph. Then I turned to the BBC, which reported that Milton was expected to deliver winds of 'up to 270 kilometres an hour'.

You couldn't make it up.

Net Zero nutjob Ed Miliband says he'd happily live next to a wind turbine or electricity pylon.

He should try sticking one up on Hampstead Heath near his London home and see how his trendy Guardianista neighbours react. Littlejohn.


 John Swinney experienced a double loss on Thursday as his party, SNP lost two by-elections in North Lanarkshire. A collapsed vote share even caused them to reach third place.

Instead, both Labour and Progressive Change, which is a group of formed SNP councillors, beat the national party in Fortissat.

Lammy or Bevin?


Blogger: well, at least Bevin was on the UK's side!



Demonic Possession Walks Amongst Us.

 In the modern world, belief in Satan or evil spirits is usually ridiculed or completely ignored. Scientists often assume such ideas are delusions – symptoms of a psychiatric illness or psychosis. Some Christians even dismiss the idea, even though they feature prominently in the gospel accounts of Jesus's life.Demonic Foes: my 25 years as a psychiatrist investigating possessions, diabolic attacks, and the paranormal was published by Harper Collins in 2020 and the doctor has been in the media ever since. In the book, Dr Gallagher writes of "unmistakable cases of demonic possession and other diabolical attacks that I directly encountered over the past twenty five years."

He describes his work as a mainstream psychiatrist who was at first reluctant to get involved with demonic possession, but came to be regularly consulted by the International Association of Exorcists and other trained clergy. His role was to rule out standard psychiatric problems and offer advice to the priests involved, sometimes attending the exorcisms themselves. 

His sober and objective descriptions of these eery events – including levitations, paranormal knowledge and speaking in unknown languages – make his account all the more convincing.

He details a number of these cases in the book. A particularly disturbing incident took place with 'Julia' (all names were changed and permission to publish sought by the publishers) who went to a Catholic priest for help after experiencing blackouts where she would speak in other languages, and she believed that she was possessed by evil spirits. However, she was a member of a satanic cult which she did not want to leave – so she did not receive relief despite repeated exorcism rituals. 

For example, he worked with a former gang member he called 'Juan' who had turned to "Santa Muerte", a hispanic occult practice, to seek the devil's help in his criminal and violent activities. However when finally imprisoned for drug offences, Juan found that he could not escape these dark spiritual activities, and he found himself entering into frightening trances and displaying superhuman strength when a prison chaplain attempted to perform a deliverance.

Back on the outside and married, Juan tried to turn to God, but he found himself being prevented against his will from entering churches. Dr Gallagher assisted in more exorcisms for Juan, and he started to find relief from his symptoms as he worked on growing his spiritual life.

As in this case, for freedom from possession, Dr Gallagher prescribes a genuine spiritual path. "You have to work at it," he told the Daily Mail. "You have to renounce your evil ways or your involvement with something nefarious like the occult, and you have to want to reform your life... you have to want to turn to God basically."

Dr Gallagher is no quack. He is still listed as a professor at New York Medical College, and lecturer at Columbia University. He was trained at Yale. His book features a foreword from a former president of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr Joseph T English, who describes his colleague as "superbly credentialed" and commends the book as "serious scholarly study". It reads: "Dr Gallagher brings his trained intellect and unimpeachable integrity to bear on the investigation of such 'states of possession''. 

During consultations with Dr Gallagher, Julia revealed knowledge that he is certain she had no way of knowing, such as what a priest was wearing hundreds of miles away – which was confirmed straight away by phone. These kind of uncanny incidents convinced him that it was a supernatural problem and not a psychiatric condition. "I always believe that skepticism should start governing all these investigations," he writes in the book. "But it is difficult and foolish to hold on to disbelief in the face of such overwhelming evidence."
In contrast to 'Julia', most of the cases he mentions are people who repented of occult activity or dabbling with serious evil in their past. 

Dr Gallagher says that many other medics support his claims privately. "Readers may be surprised to learn that many physician colleagues of mine - around the world – agree with my findings, though they may be reluctant to speak out so openly," his book's introductory chapter reads.

As he says, it is not unusual for people who have psychiatric illnesses to describe strange spiritual phenomena. He does not consider this to be supernatural in origin, but simply the effects of a medical condition.

Current scientific explanations for such hallucinations and phenomena vary, but are biological rather than spiritual. Dr Gallagher is critical of those who attribute demonic activity to every human problem and mental illness, and warns against working with untrained people who claim to practise exorcism or deliverance.

In fact, despite his Catholic upbringing, at first he was sceptical of the reality of possession. However when a priest first came to him for help, he gradually observed enough evidence to convince him. But still he concludes possession only after he has ruled out standard organic, psychiatric causes.

He admitted to Esquire magazine that he was reluctant to 'go public' with these conclusions. "I wasn't sure that it was a great idea, professionally speaking, to publicise a belief that is unacceptable to a lot of people in my field," he told the publication. He persevered, he said, because he felt he could "enlighten" people. CT.

Power To The Weak.


Our Sad, Sad World.

 Freedom of speech is in crisis, Braverman says after Cambridge cancellation.

Good To See.

Christian schools seek judicial review over Labour VAT policy.

Staff writer  11 October 2024.

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

Independent Christian schools, parents and students are pursuing a judicial review to challenge the Labour government's plans to impose VAT on private school fees.

They argue that the policy, which comes into effect on January 1, discriminates against Christian parents and will result in the closure of Christian schools.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), they also say that the policy violates their parental rights to educate their children in accordance with their religious beliefs. 

Among the schools taking action are Emmanuel School in Derby, the Branch Christian School in Yorkshire, and the King's School in Hampshire.

They want the courts to declare the policy unlawful and order the government to amend or withdraw it completely. 

Caroline Santer, headteacher at the King's School in Hampshire, called the proposals "short-sighted" and said that the government "does not appear to realise, or care, about the impact they will have on the UK's education system".

"The VAT increase affects families who are not from affluent backgrounds but want to send their children to a Christian school. Following the draft legislation, a number of families have been forced to take out loans," she said. 

"The school will also feel the effect of the VAT increase as we will lose 80 per cent relief on business rates. The policy will also have a significant impact on teachers' wages and on the ability of independent schools to maintain their buildings." CT.

We Are In A National Week Of Prayer.

Christians invited to join National Week of Prayer.

Duncan Williams  10 October 2024.

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

Christian organisations and churches across the UK and British Isles are calling for believers to unite in a National Week of Prayer from October 12 to 20. The initiative seeks to bring people together in prayer, with a focus on repentance, spiritual awakening, and transformation in the nation.

The campaign, organised in partnership with groups such as Open Doors UK & Ireland, 24-7 Prayer, CARE, and the Evangelical Alliance, aims to encourage Christians to host or attend local events, with a particular focus on praying for areas like education, politics, and the arts. CT.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

I Pray That He Knew The Saviour.

Alex Salmond dies aged 69 as former Scottish First Minister's cause of death is revealed.

Alex Salmond has died aged 69. He was First Minister of Scotland between 2007 and 2014. Suspected Heart Attack.

By Hannah Kane, News Editor, Conor Wilson, News Reporter

Alex Salmond has died aged 69 (Image: Getty

The Families of Christian Martyrs.

Families of Christian Martyrs.

We support the families of Christian martyrs; prisoners of faith and their families; Christians suffering oppression and violence; and Christians forced to flee.Our English words ‘martyr’ and ‘martyrdom’ originate in New Testament Greek words, which referred to ‘witnesses’ and the ‘testimony’ witnesses bore. For example:“This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses” (Acts 2:32)

“And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus…” (Acts 4:33)

However, the meaning of words can sometimes evolve, in certain environments. By the beginning of the Second Century it appears that, among Christians, these words evolved from simply referring to a witness (or the testimony they bore) to being used to describe a Christian who was killed for his or her witness; that is, for their professed faith in Jesus Christ. This is how the words have been received into the English language. A Christian martyr is someone who has been killed for his or her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Martyrdom is, then, the ultimate physical experience of Christian persecution. In the New Testament the first Christian martyr (using the definition, above) was Stephen, who was stoned to death by a Jewish mob (see Acts 6:8 – 7:60). Others followed.

Down the centuries history records many martyrdoms of Christians who, in the face of opposition and threat, maintained their faith in Christ and who continued to proclaim the gospel of God’s grace in Christ alone – eventually paying the ultimate price for doing so.

In a number of places in our world today the martyrdom of Christians continues. In the past two decades the west African nation of Nigeria has seen an appalling catalogue of killing of Christians by various Islamist groups. In India Christian pastors and other leaders have been killed by Hindu nationalists seeking to silence their proclamation of the gospel.

Martyrdom leaves in its trail not only obvious grief but, very often, trauma for those who have witnessed acts of violence, as well as further suffering and hardship for families.

That is why supporting the families of Christian martyrs has been one of the key activities of Release International over the past 50 years of ministry.

In 2018, to encourage further support in this area, Release International launched an annual Day of the Christian Martyr. Held usually on June 29th, this event gives churches in the UK and Ireland an opportunity to support, and to pray for, the families of today’s martyrs for Christ and the gospel.

Release International.

What A Disgrace.

Pro-life group not exempt from Oregon's abortion coverage mandate, judge rules.

A federal judge has rejected a pro-life organization's attempt to secure an order invalidating an Oregon law requiring most employers to include abortion coverage in their employer-sponsored healthcare plans for employees.

In an opinion published last week, Judge Ann Aiken of the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon ruled against Oregon Right to Life's bid for a preliminary injunction invalidating Oregon's Reproductive Health Equity Act.

The judge reasoned that the organization doesn't qualify as a religious employer and doesn't meet the requirements to receive and exemption from the law.  Freedom Post.

Judicial Insanity and An Appalling Affront To Justice!

Asylum seeker who sexually attacked his stepdaughter won't be sent back to Africa so he can give wife 'emotional support' as she looks after her children.

By Dan Barker

Published: 07:35, 11 October 2024.

An asylum seeker who sexually attacked his stepdaughter avoided deportation back to Africa so he could give his wife 'emotional' support as she looked after her children.

The offender, who cannot be named, won the right to stay in the UK on human rights grounds.

It was ruled that if the man, originally from central Africa, was removed his wife 'would lose all emotional support' and it would 'negatively' affect her children's wellbeing. DM.

Dear, Dear.

Only 35% of Evangelicals think they're ready to share biblical truths: poll. Ryan Foley    04 October 2024 | 11:27 AM (Photo: Getty/iSto...