Sunday, May 31, 2009

Who is my neighbour?

Even in churches, I am not sure that people today really grasp the significance of the parable of The Good Samaritan.
Jesus told the story against a backcloth of racial hatred. The Samaritans were not so much gentiles as 'renegade Jews'. They were hated and despised.

So when Jesus told a story where the Samaritan was the hero and the Jewish religious people were cold and unfeeling - the story would have caused a tidal wave in a rockpool.

It was meant to!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

2nd in latest poll.

Don't forget to vote UKIP on Thursday. The polls are improving!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Ronnie Biggs to repay proceeds of Great Train Robbery after ‘genuine oversight’

Notorious Great Train Robber, Ronnie Biggs, has announced that he is to return the proceeds gained from the 1963 multi-million pound train heist in an attempt to restore public confidence in the once honourable criminal classes.

[Taken from NEWSBISCUIT.]

Manchester United.

Unlike many, I am not rejoicing in Manchester United's failure against Barcelona.
Nonetheless, the Manchester United/Premier League phenomenon profoundly upsets me.

I object to players being paid more in a week than many fans earn in three or four years.

I object to teams teeming with foreign players - two or three maybe, would be acceptable!
I object to the player power which arose from The European Court's ridiculous Bosman Ruling. The knock on effects to smaller clubs have been horrendous.
I object to the people who associate themselves with giant clubs with which they have no connections whatsoever by geography, family or tradition.
I object to the principle in football of 'buying' success.
I object to the control that SKY TV has over sporting events.
I object to the costs of going to a football match - they are obscene and directly linked to the appalling wages.
For me however, the worst thing is seeing youngsters in Sheffield, Scunthorpe, Barnsley et al decked out in Man Utd kits because parents have fallen into 'glory seeker mode'. It is actually offensive, poor parenting and teaches children a message that disloyalty to your local area is acceptable.
To the fans who live in Manchester and to all the genuine expats - sorry you lost!
To the others ......shrug!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Missing link - more hokum from Attenborough!

IDA HYPE FAILS TO IMPRESS, according to articles in Live Science, Science NOW and Access Research Network, The Guardian and Wall Street Journal.
The small primate fossil nicknamed Ida was launched into the public eye with a blaze of media hyperbole involving a Museum show presided over by Mayor Bloomberg of New York, a Google logo, a David Attenborough documentary, and a website named 'Revealing the Link'. But the media “made monkeys of themselves” and many palaeontologists were not impressed with the extravagant claims, which include being called the “eighth wonder of the world”, along with aggrandizing statements by the following: Jorn Hurum, Norwegian fossil scientist, University of Oslo Natural History Museum: "This is the first link to all humans ... truly a fossil that links world heritage."
My thanks to Creation Research.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I hate racism.

I detest racism and having seen a black police officer abused in appalling fashion by a Millwall fan in the wake of the League One Playoff Final, I can only congratulate him on his demeanour and calmness.
Mind you, I must admit that the anti-racism types usually make my flesh creep!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Church of Scotland.

I note with more than a little disquiet that the General Assembly of The Church of Scotland has decided to make Christianity optional in areas of leadership so as to accomodate itself to the modern world - which after all, knows far more about life, the universe and everything than God could possibly do.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is really important?

As I prepare for Wembley and to find out by the end of the day whether my cherished football team are in The Championship next season or are languishing amongst the also rans of League One, I stop to try to take stock of what really matters in life - and it sure ain't football.

I think of a number of bereaved friends; those suffering from severe or chronic illnesses; the desperate need to turn politics around; our dealings with our fellow man; world poverty; our own health - whether mental or physical and all of those tragic people who are heading to a Godless eternity.

Yet sports and other passtimes have the effect of letting us pretend that something, which in the great scheme of things is not really all that vital, has an importance. It helps us to turn off for a while.
I think that deep down we all know that that importance is shallow and ultimately meaningless and yet it can help to divert us on occasion from the tedium and the negatives of life.

So. If I come back later disappointed - at least I shall know that Shankley's claim that football was more important than life and death was wrong.
Should we win - I shall be immensely cheered for a while but will never forget that the things of earth are but temporary shadows and in the final analysis, only heavenly values truly matter.

25th of May. Indeed, yesterday was a good day but there are plenty more in any given year!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Unfit for purpose.

"The Archbishop of Canterbury today calls for an end to the 'systematic humiliation' of MPs over the expenses scandal.
Dr Rowan Williams says such intense scrutiny of politicians' spending habits could threaten our democracy." Daily Mail.

Just what is the matter with this man? It seems that if there is a wrong thing to say, do or think - then he is guaranteed to make the wrong call. When he takes a stance on an issue, it is invariably bad for Christianity, democracy or basic justice.
Time to go!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Last evening, the Spaniard Marta Andreasen was on Question Time and did very well for someone for whom English is a second language.
For readers unaware, she is standing for the European Parliament on behalf of UKIP and as a Number 2 candidate has a good chance of election.

Her history is interesting, to say the least.

She was the Chief Accountant in Brussels who first refused to sign off the accounts. For her principled stand and genuine 'whistleblowing' - she was sacked. Neil Kinnock was behind this if reports are to be believed.
She exposed the corruption, fraud, double dealings and institutional dishonesty of the EU.
She paid a heavy price and deserves to be elected on June the 4th. I wish her well.
Incidentally, she was invited to speak just 3 times during the programme - William Hague 14 times!
No BBC bias there, eh?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Free will.

I have been meditating around the question of free will in recent days and the first point is that Man would not be Man without free will; he would be an automaton or superior kind of android.
Bible teaching is clear that Man abused his free will and this caused the Fall which allowed evil into the world. Clearly the individual must take ultimate responsibility for his own actions but that does not prevent his actions adversely affecting those around him in the meantime.
It is fundamental that the problems arose for all from disobedience to God.
All of this is basic and so I have tried to think around what things I would change in the world if I had a magic wand and could make four or five mega changes to the world.
It is strangely difficult as there are so many areas where you feel that you may be crossing the Will of God with such interference.
Certainly, the abolition of war is one area that could be considered but it is possible to consider circumstances where war is the lesser evil.
What about illness? How righteous would it be to abolish disease and thereby remove something which is so often a direct consequence of sinful behaviour? Could you discriminate?
I do not know the answers to these points and is Man meant to sort out hunger himself?
Hmm. Tricky.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just so you know.

The Conservatives smears about UKIP.

As honest as their MPs!
The Conservative party has published a leaflet about UKIP failing to defend British interests — here UKIP sets the record straight with the truth!
1. The Conservatives say: UKIP Let down their supporters. They returned 12 MEPs in 2004, but completely wasted their opportunity. Their MEPs have been characterized by in-fighting and scandal; as a result, one third of their MEPs have left or been expelled
The Truth: Unlike the Conservative Party, where people have proved that they do not deserve the trust of voters, they have been expelled from the UKIP group.
2. The Conservatives say: UKIP Badly let down British fishermen when they failed to ppose a plan put forward by Spanish and French MEPs to scrap the Shetland Box, a protected fishing zone for British vessels .
The Truth: The Conservatives voted with Labour, Lib Dems and Scots Nats to allow British vessels to catch 40% of the quota in the Shetland Box. UKIP believes that British vessels should have the right to catch 100% of the quota in the Shetland Box. The Conservatives voted to give Spanish & French vessels 60% of the quota.
3. The Conservatives say: UKIP have failed to crack down on EU fraud and corrupttion — one MEP has been sent to prison for benefit fraud and another is under investigation by the police over fraud allegations.
The Truth: Ashley Mote was elected but never took his seat as a UKIP MEP: he was expelled from UKIP as soon as the party discovered that he had failed to declare that he had been charged with fraud before the election. Tom Wise was suspended from the UKIP group as soon as the party was aware that allegations of fraud against him and a Conservative candidate he employed as a researcher were under way. UKIP will always take action against those who break faith with voters. In contrast, the Conservatives have 3 MEPs, including their group leader, under investigation for misuse of expenses, and have been forced to fire another.
4. The Conservatives say: UKIP have failed on their promises—they said they opposed new countries joining the EU from Central Europe because it would lead to a ‘flood of migrants’ that would be ‘bad for Britain’. But their former leader Roger Knapman MEP has revealed to be employing Polish builders to renovate his home.

The Truth: UKIP have consistently voted against the expansion of the EU and the right of unlimited immigration to the UK that that brings. The Conservatives have consistently supported expansion, and eagerly want Turkey to join, giving another 100 million people the right to live and work in the UK. Cheap comments about specialists working on a private home some border on xenophobia.
5. The Conservatives say: UKIP have failed to oppose barmy EU regulations— including a directive to monitor whether employees were exposed to too much sun.
The Truth: If the Conservatives hadn’t taken Britain into Europe, or had opposed the Single European Act, there wouldn’t be barmy regulations to oppose. Occasionally UKIP do miss pieces of legislation, but as the European Parliament has only a consultative role on most EU legislation, it doesn’t matter whether it passes or rejects it: if the Commission wants the legislation, it can pass it even if the parliament disagrees.6. The Conservatives say: UKIP let down small firms when they failed to support plans to cut EU red tape.

The Truth—The Conservatives hav e promised in every manifesto since 1983 to reduce EU red tape and take powers back from Brussels. In the intervening 25 years, of which they were in government for 14, not a single power has been repatriated. In the year to April 2009, the European Commission introduced 2754 new laws, the vast majority of which the Conservatives supported.
7. The Conservatives say: UKIP have failed to convince their own supporters—Robert Kilroy-Silk joined UKIP in 2004, but left a year later, describing the party as ‘a joke’ that he was ‘ashamed’ to belong to.
The Truth—Yes, Robert Kilroy-Silk left UKIP to sit as an independent, but he didn’t consider the party a ‘joke’ when he desperately sought the leadership. He left because he did not win.
8. The Conservatives say: UKIP have failed to promote British businesses — for example, they have voted against an initiative to ‘name and shame’ countries that fail to apply the common rules of the EU’s internal market and against calls to open up global markets with a new world trade deal
The Truth—UKIP believes that Britain should have a global outlook, not just a European one. EU trade negotiations actively damage Britain’s interests because we are tied into all the pointless and expensive legislation that goes with membership of the European Union.
9. The Conservatives say: UKIP’s leadership have failed—the former chairman of UKIP in Wales has said: “the moral integrity of a number of people at the top left much to be desired.”
The Truth—Former Welsh chairman and leadership contender Richard Suchorzewski joined UKIP after the 2004 elections, having formerly been a Conservative candidate. He has now returned to the Conservatives. After losing the leadership election to MEP Nigel Farage, he was offered a senior post, but declined, preferring to resign instead after having been a UKIP member for less than 18 months. He maintained close links to the Conservatives during his UKIP membership, which may explain his comments.
10. The Conservatives say: UKIP have failed to stick to their guns—UKIP leader Nigel Farage surprised many in a debate in the European Parliament with Tony Blair when he said “If you can reform the European Union, Mr Blair, then I may even change my mind and think it is worth staying”
The Truth—Tony Blair, during the British presidency of the European Union, passed over 3,000 pieces of EU legislation into British law. He is a supporter of the euro and a Federal Europe, like many Conservative MEPs and MPs. Mr Farage was, of course being sarcastic, and the use of a truncated, out of context quote is simply typical of the Conservatives leaflet—it is fundamentally dishonest

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dealing with bad behaviour.

Heard of Tom Wise MEP? - Well he was UKIP. Suspected by the party of dodgy financial dealings he was investigated, made to pay the funds back and then had the whip withdrawn in Brussels.
Heard of Ashley Mote MEP? - He contrived to conceal ongoing criminal charges against him which he did not declare at his selection.

The whip was withdrawn.

Wrongdoing? - Sorted out by UKIP without waiting to be pushed.

Different innit?

Nice one Dave!

David Cameron has gone onto the attack against UKIP as he sees his Tory, EU Election lead under threat.
He has recently pointed out that UKIP did nothing in the EU Parliament in 1996 to protect the name of Stilton cheese.

Tragically, he is perfectly correct!

This may have more than a little to do with the trivial fact that UKIP gained their first MEPs in 1999!

Monday, May 18, 2009

BNP charm offensive.

It was stated on local radio this morning that the BNP are insisting that the Gurkhas should leave.
Oh dear!

15% - isn't!

Some of the recent polls for the EU elections suggest UKIP are on 15%. This is only apparently the case as these are the raw figures. When filtered down to those likely to vote, it comes much nearer to 20%.
15/16% would give UKIP slightly fewer seats than last time with the number of EU seats having been reduced.

Get up to around 23% voting and there would be a major shift - a few more than that and UKIP are in with a chance of becoming the largest party.

Please encourage all your friends, family and colleagues to vote and network to others to do the same.

For the first time in my stay on this planet, we have an opportunity to change the status quo - such times in British politics may well be once in a lifetime opportunities.

One more proof of the truth.

Read The Old Testament and one thing strikes you immediately is that it hides nothing.
Look at all the old time 'heroes' and what you see is ordinary people, many who did great things but they all had feet of clay: Adam, Cain, Jacob, Moses, Abraham, Saul, David inter al

Look at the New Testament and what do you find? - The disciples are all profoundly flawed. Jesus could hardly have picked a bigger bunch of losers to change the world: Doubting Thomas, boastful Simon Peter, 'Give-us -the-best-place-in-heaven' James and John. Then look in Mark's Gospel alone at the number of times Jesus had told the losers what would happen in Jerusalem - and they were ready to pack it all in between the crucifixion and the resurrection!

Truth looks just like that!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not namby pamby.

'Jesus loves you!' - I wonder how many times that you have heard that?

'He loves you just as you are'. - I wonder how many times you have heard that?

I also wonder how many times you have heard what, I might suggest, is the full version:

'Jesus loves you, He loves you as you are BUT He loves you too much to want you to stay like that!'

Well: it made me think! - Phew!

'The Beginnings'

"It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate .

They were not easily moved,
They were icy willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When shall count from the date
That the English began to hate."

Comments section of the ST, by someone called 'Angry Brit'.

[Thanks, Jo.]

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I have watched The Da Vinci Code film at last - when I first had the opportunity to see it without paying for the dubious privilege. What a load of unadulterated codswallop!
It is based on silly gnostic 'gospels' written several centuries after the originals.

The ideas propounded border onto, and cross the line of, blasphemy

Lincoln said: "You can fool some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time."

Anybody who believes the pap of this film/book must be a real simpleton.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Octopi do evolutionary hypothesis few favours.

'95 million year old' octopi have been discovered, fossilised.
In the words of Evidence News, this is as likely as finding 'a fossil sneeze'.
Few creatures rot as quickly as an octopus and so a rapid, catastrophic event will have been necessary for them to have been enveloped and deposited into 'cretaceous' limestone.
Hmm. Catastrophic event, you say?
- Yes. And also these rather aged creatures have not changed from the modern cephalopods. Hmm.
Always remember - evolution is not scientific fact. It hardly ranks as an opinion - it is a belief system!

A Labour MP answers a constituent.

" ..... On having a referendum, we had a referendum many years ago and there was overwhelming support for joining a Common Market. Fundamentally, the EU Treaty is not a Constitution, and I really think that a referendum would be a distraction, especially at the moment when we need to focus on much bigger things like the global (and local) economy. Again, I think that being part of Europe is a massive advantage in doing so."

So disingenuous and mendacious that I am struggling not to swear! The referendum was won based on the lies of Heath and to a lesser extent Wilson. Heath was later asked if he had known the truth about the federalist nature of what is now the EU and said: "Know? - Of course I bloody did!"
The EU Treaty is not a constitution - true - it is only 97% of a constitution.


"I think" - not supported with any facts gets no marks on any GCSE paper!

A window of opportunity?

Dear Friends,
Wow! 19% and if the bandwagon keeps on a-rollin', both Labour and Tories are catchable in the EU elections!

And WHAT a UKIP broadcast from Nigel Farage last night and just before Question Time too! This after a weak-kneed, instantly forgettable Green effort a day or two ago and a BNP broadcast which was lamentably feeble from the start and then had a councillor mumbling and stumbling for at least half the broadcast. Main parties are clearly avoiding all the issues on the EU - it is certainly not conspiracy theory to point out that this silence is a tacit agreement between the europhile parties.

The broadcast:

[You need to join up this link as it is so long I have cut it into 3 segments.]

Please copy and pass this article onto everybody you know and invite them to do the same!

There is a glimmer of hope that we could be seeing the start of an opportunity to change the face of British politics for ever. These moments are exceedingly rare and the window is only slightly ajar. Please help us grasp this chance under Proportional Representation.
Political momentum disappears so very quickly.
The SUN later published the figure at 15% BUT it is not the same figure. The 19% is more accurate as it reflects the views of those most likely to vote.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I respect the people who practise Islam even though I disagree with them. On this Blog, I have never attacked Islam although the violent jihadists have come under attack.
I am becoming increasingly concerned however, that in a nation which is mainly Christian/secular, concessions are being made to Islam almost as rapidly as the politicians and authorities are marginalising Christianity.

The Qur'an is now placed in a symbolically higher place in courtrooms; Sharia Law has been made part of the legal system through Muslim Arbitration Tribunals; the EU Directive on Religion & Belief adopted in 2003 is forcing religious groups to appoint people of other religions inappropriately.

Now, the BBC has made a Muslim Head of Religious Broadcasting.
Just imagine the appointing of a Christian to such a post in Saudi, Pakistan or Afghanistan if you wish to grasp how absurd matters have become!
Respecting people as Muslims is one thing but their current treatment is just one more example of political correctness-creep where minorities are given rights over and above the rest of us.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Party Election Broadcast by the Greens.

The recent Party Election Broadcast by the Greens was devious and disingenuous. It majored on a relatively unimportant issue where it had 'fought' the European Union. The idea was calculatedly propounded that the greens are EU realists. THEY ARE NOT. They are quasi marxist, sellout merchants with a manifesto which manages to horrify the few who may read it.

Far from perfect but ...

All politicians are liable to abuse their positions.

Congratulations to UKIP however, who have adopted zero tolerance from the outset as soon as anything has been proved against their MEPs and officials.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Perhaps I shouldn't comment but ...

When I see how many Christians who are reasonably well off do not send their children to Christian schools, I am deeply puzzled.
It is their choice, of course.
But why would you send your child into an environment which today is socially problematical and from a spiritual point of view, appalling?
Arguments about better facilities and 'helping them better integrate into the world' just do not wash.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A metaphor for life.

As a commentator on football, I really do not like Sky TV's Andy Gray very much. Last night however, he made a comment which was something like this: "Playing good football has little value; scoring goals is all that matters."

How comparable to our relationship or otherwise with God - however good we try to be it will not work. The only thing that matters is the accepting of His Son.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Traffic flow.

I return to the rather vexed issue of traffic flow. All that the so-called Greens, car-haters and tax 'em types can hope to achieve is to tax 10% of motorists off the roads - at best.
The others will afford to continue motoring come what may - and all that can be achieved is to punish them for wanting to get to work on time or being able to do the weekly shop.

This is not the way the problem must be approached. Yes of course, ever greener cars are necessary. Of course, public transport must improve but reducing hold ups will achieve much more over all.

Removing congestion points may actually add a very few motorists to the jams BUT if journey times are cut by tackling areas where traffic funnels into daily snarl ups, then much more can be achieved.
I have already explained on this Blog how one roundabout in the right place reduced my regular journey times by 27%. The net gains are substantial and you do not have to persecute motorists to achieve this.
It cannot work everywhere but should be a target and to counterbalance those places where it fails totally, there will be many others where better than my 27% could occur.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

A first: a DOUBLE Loonytuneswatch award!

'Stepladders have been banned from part of Oxford University's historic Bodleian library - because of health and safety fears.
The ruling by officials means that students cannot use items on the higher shelves of the Duke Humfrey reading room.
However, the university is standing its ground and refusing to move the books from their 'original historic location' on the room's balcony.'

The first goes to the Health & Safety fascists and the second to the Bodleian/Oxford authorities.

Daily Mail.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Party Election broadcast.

Phew. If that was what you can do when you are on a low budget - what would UKIP do with a large one?
Last night might have been short on glitz and insubstantial waffle but it made up for it with a load of facts - most of which were quite horrific.
The points made were simply unassailable.

Miss it? Watch it now on the BBC I Player:

[Link is in two parts. Join together.]

Thursday, May 07, 2009

A God's eye view.

Man is fundamentally stupid even when he has a belief in God.

How often does man do something known to be wrong and hope that God has failed to notice?
How often is a wrong deed rationalised as being 'not too bad'?
How often is wrongdoing masked by saying 'Well. So and so is worse than me'?
How often is sin downgraded?
How often is sin justified?
How often is minor sin dismissed as not being important enough for God to worry about?

"He who planted the eye, does He not see? He who planted the ear, does He not hear? Psalm 94.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Long age evolutionists having another really bad day.

[My thanks to Creation Research for this excellent material. EVIDENCE NEWS 04/09 6th May 2009AD.]

'ROCK LAYERS CHALLENGE ASTEROID THEORY, according to a report in Science Daily 28 April 2009. There is one thing in this report that most will miss, so let’s do some quick math on the rock layer central to this debate, which is claimed to have formed at a rate of “two to three centimetres per thousand years”. That’s between 0.02 and 0.03 mm per year(approximately 0.01 inches). According to the International Sand Collectors Society: “sand is an unconsolidated (loose), rounded to angular rock fragment or mineral grain having a diameter in the range of 1/16 to 2 mm (0.0025 to 0.08in.).” Therefore, if the scientists in the study above are - correct, the sandstone was laid down at the rate of less than the thickness of one sand grain per year. We find it hard to believe that the weather could be so quiet as to allow sand grains to collect in one place at this rate for one year, let alone 300,000 years, and in all that time erosion did not remove the sediments faster than they were being deposited. What wonderful faith evolutionary geologists have, and what a reminder of one of our favorite neo-catastrophist’s constant comment (Dr. Derek Ager), “If one attempts to calculate rates of sedimentation in the past, the results are usually ludicrous.” The New Catastrophism, p1,Cambridge University Press, 1993 International Sand Collectors: (Ref. sedimentology, time, uniformitarianism)'

Photo: A grain of sand.

Crying wolf over swine flu.

I am starting to remember all of the other officially sponsored panics of the last 20 years from eggs to chicken [Or was it the other way around?], CJD and countless more.
Add all of these to global warming - oh ... er ... I mean climate change - and we see a pattern emerging.

We have governments trying to manipulate the populations of the world. The problem is that each scare gets less scary and so one day when a true crisis comes along ... Admittedly, it could even be this one further down the line but I seriously doubt it.
Photo. A rather fetching portrait of swine flu.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

UKIP aiming for poll success

THE UK Independence Party in Sheffield has launched its campaign for the European elections.
The launch at St Mary's Conference Centre at Bramall Lane was attended by Paul Nuttall, UKIP party chairman, and Jonathan Arnott, UKIP general secretary, together with 25 local activists.

Mr Arnott is a candidate for the Yorkshire and the Humber region and chairman of the Sheffield branch.

The party say they are confident of success in the June 4 elections as last time the European elections were contested, in 2004, UKIP took more than 2.6 million votes nationally, knocking the Liberal Democrats into fourth place.

Sheffield members say they have already delivered more than 20,000 leaflets in what they describe as the "most professional national campaign that the party has ever run".

Mr Arnott said: "We're in the middle of the biggest global recession in my lifetime and we're fighting it with one hand tied behind our backs with Brussels red tape.

"Our small businesses are being strangled before they can become big businesses. If you're right-wing, you should oppose the EU for its interference in sentencing and belief in unlimited immigration. If you're left-wing you should oppose it for its callous foreign policy and state aid rules that won't let the government help failing businesses.

"But whether you're left, right or centre we should all be opposing the EU for its wastefulness, bureaucracy and cost.

"If you're in favour of the European Union you have a wide range of choices – Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or Green. If you're opposed to the European Union then there's just one moderate show in town and that is the UK Independence Party."
Sheffield Star.

Simon Darby.

Just how warped would you have to be to vote BNP if you knew what they are really like? Their aim to become 'respectable' is not working.

"The deputy leader of the British National Party has attacked the Uganda-born Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, for being 'anti-British' and an 'ambitious African'.
BNP number two Simon Darby suggested Dr Sentamu had no right to preach to Britons and added that Ugandans were likely to kill outspoken foreigners with spears."

If they were to get as much as a single EU seat in the forthcoming European elections, it would put the case for withdrawal from Brussels back by ten years.
The generally uninformed would associate leaving with hard right politics.

Some good news though. My spies tell me that the BNP campaign is faltering and Nick Griffin's attempts to be elected in the NW region are no longer imbued with the earlier confidence.


Monday, May 04, 2009

Don't be nice.

In her intro to the live song 'Proud Mary', Tina Turner announces 'I don't do nice'. - Good. It is not often a positive.
Sadly however, many do.
So just who are the liberal left who have caused almost all of the damage done to this nation in the last 40 years? -
I believe that I can answer the question or at the very least can make a worthy suggestion.

They divide roughly into two distinct and separate groups. The first is that which is based on impossible idealism and this will be inflicted onto the population at large irrespective of the damage done and how unreal the targets are. These are the genuinely awful.

The second group is those who are terminally 'nice'.
This group is made up of kind, warm, generous, honest people who are often referred to by people in general as 'bleeding hearts' or 'do-gooders'. [Do remember that the latter expression is laden with heavy irony!]

This is the group which customarily opposes the killing of vermin such as foxes, corvidae, pigeons and even rats. They are soft-centred and always see the best in others - even when that quality is entirely absent. They defend criminals as being 'misunderstood'; they would offer aid to Zimbabwe in the lame and forlorn hope that this would not find its way into Mugabe's pocket.
This group feels more sorry for people who have engineered their own downfall than the victims such people have created.

They automatically have enhanced sympathy for muslims, blacks and Asians than for Christians, whites and the indigenous peoples. Strangely, people of other religions such as Sikh and Hindu are barely considered.

The 'nice' are a truly strange mix and many can be found working selflessly for numerous good [and not so good] causes. They frequently swell the ranks of liberal christianity.

Bottom line - they are nice yes, but more important than that - they are dangerous!
Give me 'muscular Christianity' every time.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Psalm 102 - asking for comfort.

Psalm 102 (King James Version).

1] Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.
2] Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me speedily.

Delara Darabi

The trouble with liberal left organisations like Amnesty International is that they have cried wolf on so many occasions and have automatically and indiscriminately supported the 'rights' of extremely wicked people again and again.
So when an execution comes along which is genuinely disturbing - who other than their standard, liberal left supporters will pay them any heed?

The case of Delara Darabi, executed in Iran this week, is one such example. The circumstances of the execution were distasteful and the genuine doubts as to her guilt leave a most unpleasant taste in the mouth and perhaps typify the nature of the current Iranian regime.

Amnesty however, decides to major on the non fact that she was executed at 23 for a crime when she was 'a child' of 17. Child?

I wonder just how many Amnesty supporters have advocated 'votes for 16 year olds'?

Saturday, May 02, 2009

What an appalling individual.

David Miliband has been sending out greetings cards from the Foreign Office for many festivals, Ramadan included.
Inevitably, Christmas has been left out!

UKIP: the route to power.

1] Neutralise EU propaganda.
2] Make people understand that the EU is not just a niggle - it underpins everything else.
3] Let the quality of the UKIP manifesto be seen.
4] Take full advantage of PR to become the biggest party in Brussels.
5] Win a goodly number of council wards.
6] By-election successes.
7] A small caucus at Westminster.
8] Following election to become HM's Opposition.
9] Government.
10] Remove UK from EU.

If voters get angry enough to leave their apathy behind - it could happen.
The worst scenario is that the apathy and lack of interest, the vested interests and 'clone voting' continue as they have done for decades.

Friday, May 01, 2009

What is a Christian?

Christians are people who have recognised that God is not in their lives and so they have resolved to find out what the problem is.
They discover that the sin in their lives is proving to be a barrier between them and God.
They see that this will result in permanent separation from God and usually, at this point, attempt to remove the sin themselves - which is impossible.
They then discover that there is a way forward and it is one which God has already done for them.
God the Son, Jesus, has died on a cross. He was without any sin and therefore this selfless act can 'buy back' our sin; the sacrifice was big enough to cover all sin for all time. He has taken the merited punishment on our behalf.
All the would-be Christian is required to do is to: admit the sin, repent it, thank Jesus for what He has done and invite Jesus into his/her life.

That person is now a Christian.

Living the Christian life? - Ah, well. That is another story and for another time.

Motorway service stations.

Motorway service stations - have you ever met anybody who likes them?
For decades, I have fumed whenever I have been to stop in these ripoff havens. If ever there were perfect examples of 'the unacceptable face of capitalism' these are they!
Daily Mail - info from WHICH.
