The others will afford to continue motoring come what may - and all that can be achieved is to punish them for wanting to get to work on time or being able to do the weekly shop.
This is not the way the problem must be approached. Yes of course, ever greener cars are necessary. Of course, public transport must improve but reducing hold ups will achieve much more over all.
Removing congestion points may actually add a very few motorists to the jams BUT if journey times are cut by tackling areas where traffic funnels into daily snarl ups, then much more can be achieved.
I have already explained on this Blog how one roundabout in the right place reduced my regular journey times by 27%. The net gains are substantial and you do not have to persecute motorists to achieve this.
It cannot work everywhere but should be a target and to counterbalance those places where it fails totally, there will be many others where better than my 27% could occur.