Saturday, October 08, 2011

It's 'Im Again!

Perhaps not the wisest move from a man oft noted for his intelligence but not quite so much for his wisdom. Talking to the Times Educational Supplement, he described a trip he made to an 'utterly deplorable' Muslim school in Leicester.
According to the Daily Telegraph, he said: 'Every person I met believes if there is any disagreement between the Koran and science, then the Koran wins.
'It's just utterly deplorable. These are now British children who are having their minds stuffed with alien rubbish.'
Hmm. Brave or stoopid? Hard to say, really. (Fatwah imminently expected! - He isn't dealing with Christianity this time!)
Incidentally, how can an avowed atheist approve of the sign above with the word 'probably' included. That surely makes him agnostic. - I wonder if he's weakening? - I'll probably have to pray for him even more than I do!
There is one point here which sets him interestingly and kilometres apart from so many of the liberal left, though - he is actually more evenhanded. He attacks beyond Christianity. The liberal left all too often tend to launch virulent attacks on Christianity and then go 'all moisty-eyed' when they talk of other religions.

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