Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Debate - A Sham!

Sham debate seeks ban on therapy for unwanted same sex attraction

Watch the full debate (30m 3s) >
MPs have held a debate in Westminster Hall in an effort to increase pressure on the government to ban therapy which helps reduce feelings of unwanted same sex attraction.

‘Change therapy’ is a means of reducing feelings of same sex attraction for individuals who seek change in their sexual preference and expression.

Despite evidence that the therapy can help reduce unwanted feelings of same sex attraction, it was variously described as “voodoo”, “abhorrent” and a “real and present danger” during the debate.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, commented:
 “This ‘debate’ was marked by unfounded, hyperbolic and scaremongering comments from MPs. It was completely one-sided without any proper discussion based on the evidence.
“The large number of referrals to counsellors who practice this kind of therapy was mentioned. Could this be because health professionals actually understand the therapy to be beneficial, contrary to what MPs driven by ideological agendas think?
“Until the other side of the debate has been heard, this hollow attempt in Westminster to ban reparative therapy needs to be exposed for what it is.” Christian Concern.
