Friday, January 31, 2014

Somerset Flooding - The Environment Agency To Blame!

Edwina On Food Banks.

Former Tory health minister Edwina Currie has warned that "pernicious" food banks can put local shops out of business and make users poorer. Writing for the Spectator's Coffee House blog, Currie argues that food banks end up making people poorer rather than helping them."Free food subsidises low wages; it helps support the black economy. It pauperises those it seeks to help. Like giving money to ‘homeless’ beggars on London streets, it encourages more of what it seeks to relieve."The food banks can have pernicious effects on the local economy. Some Liverpool streets where I grew up have betting shops and pawnbrokers, but no food store. There’s no need for one, if enough local residents get their groceries free. But the closure of a corner shop affects everyone, including those who don’t qualify for the food bank."recent figures suggesting the use of food banks has tripled in a year, is not a sign of greater poverty.
She suggested that the spread of food banks, with
"The data are being used as a stick to beat the government, often by well-meaning groups who want to ‘do something’ to help. In reality, they may be perpetuating the problems that brought people to their doorstep in the first place," she wrote.

Shocks Due In EU Elections.

Protest movements are emerging throughout the EU as more people reject established party politics in the lead up to the European Parliament elections in May, say researchers.

Judging Tips Is Always Difficult.

More On North Korea.

It’s Time to wake up to extreme persecution!

North Korea remains the number one place in the world where faith costs the most. Persecution is extreme: in North Korea, Christians are imprisoned in labour camps, tortured, or even killed just for owning a Bible.

And yet the international community remains largely unmoved!

On Tuesday 4 March, we have the amazing opportunity to bring a Christian survivor of a North Korean prison camp to the UK parliament, to speak directly to politicians about North Korea. It’s so important that their voice – representing thousands more – is heard by our government.

Please write to your MP today and urge them to attend!
This is a unique moment: the UN has commissioned its first ever inquiry into human rights abuses in North Korea and its report is due to be published in March 2014. This gives hope that the silence could be broken and the plight of Christians in North Korea exposed.

Please urge your MP to attend this meeting and to ensure that the international community does all it can to call the North Korean government to account. It’s Time to break the silence!

If, If, If.

Further Liberalisation Of Abortion?

ACT NOW: Don't let abortion be further liberalised through the back door
Dr Peter Saunders speaks to
the Telegraph about the
proposals (2m 4s) >
The Department of Health has launched a public consultation seeking views on its proposals to introduce wide-ranging changes that will fundamentally liberalise the way in which the 1967 Abortion Act is interpreted and implemented by independent sector abortion providers.

It has updated the range of procedures (known as the “Required Standard Operating Procedures” (RSOPs)) that private abortion providers, such as the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), must follow in order to be authorised to perform pregnancy terminations by the Secretary of State.
The proposed RSOPs will allow doctors to authorise abortions without examining, in person, women who are seeking an abortion.  They will also permit non-doctors (such as nurses) to perform terminations by administering abortion-inducing drugs provided that a doctor ‘decides upon, initiates and takes responsibility throughout the process”.
As such, the proposals significantly undermine the protections built into the 1967 Abortion Act, which specifically states that an abortion is illegal unless two doctors agree ‘in good faith’ that one of the grounds for an abortion under the Act have been met.  Christian Concern.


Migrants' Bill Amendment.

The Lib Dems voted to SUPPORT the ECHR. They are NOT on our side as a nation!

Return To God!

Amanda Knox.

So. Guilty, huh? This Blog has never really believed in her claimed 'innocence'.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Latvian Lunacy Moves On Apace! (They Can Become 'The New Greece!')

Lithuania expresses 'will' to join euro in 2015 - 28/01/2014 19:37:51
Lithuania is determined to become the next member of the eurozone in 2015,
the country's finance minister confirmed Tuesday.

Find Out About Government Spending!


Labour Demands Apologies For Maggie And The Tories During The Miners' Strike.

Idiocy of the highest order!

Paul Is A STAR.

Paul Hudson previewWeather expert accuses Met Office of 'warm bias' in getting annual predictions wrong 13 out of the last 14 years

BBC Look North weatherman Paul Hudson wrote in his blog that nearly every annual global forecast made by the Met Office this century was wrong, and always 'on the warm side'. Mail.
I hear him most days and am pretty sure that he needs a ten foot barge pole to have anything to do with the 'warmist' claptrap!

Tories To Ensure That We'll Soon Have NO Teachers!

Long summer holidays and short working days for teachers would be scrapped under proposals drawn up by David Cameron's former Number Ten Policy Chief, Paul Kirby.

Double The Dole?

Britain's JSA, ESA (both £67 a week) and pension (about £102) all fall well below the £138 a week, or £596 a month, that the Eurocrats have set as the benchmarkDouble your dole, Eurocrats tell UK: Ministers told current handouts are 'manifestly inadequate'

Ministers have been told they are in violation of the European Social Charter – potentially opening the door for claimants to take the Government to court to get more money. Mail.
So! With our nation struggling at the moment to make having a job worthwhile rather than to allow some longterm shysters to sit on benefits unto the third generation - THIS from our beloved EU! 
A reminder: ONLY UKIP can be trusted to get us out of this horror!

Labour NEVER Learns.

Carthy - Raw Folk.

Martin Carthy

Martin Carthy, one of folk's most celebrated figures, will receive a Lifetime Achievement award at the 2014 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards.
The 72-year-old singer from Hatfield, Hertfordshire, will be honoured at a ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall on February 19. The celebrated Celtic band Clannad will also receive a lifetime award.
Carthy is a master of the ballad of substance, songs that tell stories, whether they are traditional, his own or from contemporary writers. His rich body of work stands alongside a host of productive and often inspiring collaborations, in bands (such as Steeleye Span and Brass Monkey), duos and trios and with his wife Norma Waterson and their daughter Eliza Carthy. Telegraph.

You Are A Target.

Pursued By Lawyer.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sow And Reap.

Not A Joke Nor A Riddle!

What did God say to Joseph Smith?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing!

Shofar Sho Good.

Prescott Does Not Improve With Age!

Lord Prescott warned on rights  
 Britain's ban on votes for any convicted prisoners is being contested by the European Court of Human Rights.
Lord Prescott is one of Britain’s representatives on the Parliamentary Assembly of the 47-nation Council of Europe that runs the Strasbourg court.
He said giving some prisoners a say in society was part of rehabilitating them and that Britain could not “opt out of” obeying the Human Rights Convention. Express.


By Greg Laurie, Christian Post Contributor
January 13, 2014|8:59 am

Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.
- Hebrews 4:7

An attorney was trying to deliver an important paper to a man who was determined to avoid him. The man reasoned that the attorney had some type of subpoena, so he went out of his way to dodge him. Fourteen years passed, and the man finally found himself in the hospital, dying of cancer. Through a strange series of events, the attorney was admitted to the hospital and was assigned to the same room as the dying man.
The man turned to the attorney and said, "Well, you never got me. I've escaped you all this time, and now it doesn't matter. You can even serve your subpoena. I don't care."
The lawyer replied, "Subpoena? I was trying to give you a document that proved you had inherited forty-five million dollars!"
Many people go out of their way to avoid Christians and the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. All the while, their hearts grow harder, and they risk becoming calloused to the point of no return. We don't know when that point will come in their lives. Maybe you even know someone who seems to have already reached it.
We can take heart when we look at the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. It was so radical and unexpected that when it happened, first-century Christians thought he was attempting to infiltrate their ranks and persecute the church even further. They didn't believe that God could save someone as wicked and hostile toward the church as Saul. They couldn't wrap their minds around a change of that magnitude. But we know that Saul became Paul the apostle.
If you know someone who seems so far gone and permanently hardened toward the gospel, keep praying. You never know. That person just might be the next Paul.

Solomon - The Real Story!

Lies - Benghazi Report.

By Susan Stamper Brown, CP Guest Contributor
January 20, 2014|10:26 am

Now that the truth has finally surfaced by way of the January 15, 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report, we see that al-Qaeda affiliated networks were indeed responsible for the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The finding stands in stark contrast to the yarns fed to us by President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the administration at large, suggesting a video, not al Qaeda, inspired those attacks.

The Obama administration should be held accountable, as Senate Intelligence Committee member Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said in a January 15 press release, because "high-ranking administration officials, including the President himself, repeatedly cast doubt on the nature of the attack, at times attributing it to the reaction to an anti-Islamic video and to a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence."
So close to the 2012 elections, it is no surprise that Obama and Hillary would steer clear of any mention of the "approximately ten Islamist militias and AQ [al Qaeda} training camps within Benghazi" mentioned in the Senate report because it didn't fit into Democrat talking points. CNS News reports after the Benghazi attacks, Obama offered some variation of either al Qaeda was decimated or it was on the path to defeat at least 32 times. No wonder then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton caught what former Rep. Allen West called the "Benghazi Flu," which caused her to faint prior to her scheduled testimony.


Opposing Free Speech On Abortion


Boris Says 'Don't Drive The Rich Away.'

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

If You Are Skint - HS2 Can't Happen!

'Skint' Britain can't afford HS2, says Nigel Farage

BRITAIN is "skint" and cannot afford the estimated £50billion cost of the proposed HS2 national high-speed rail link, Ukip leader Nigel Farage claimed today.

The Times Does Not Understand Politics.

As the Times has stated that UKIP are not needed because 'we already have a right of centre party - the Conservatives' - they show that they just do not have a clue!
By and large, the tories are now a left of centre party. Admittedly it does have some vestiges of the centre right but under Cameron - these are ruthlessly silenced!

Armenian Christians.

Syria: Armenian Christians Forced to Convert to Islam or Die

By Raymond Ibrahim
Arabic language websites reported earlier this week that the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—which, throughout the course of the war against the Assad government has committed any number of atrocities, from decapitating "infidels" to burning churches—has successfully "forced" two Armenian Christian families to convert to Islam. Christian Post.

Our Most Bloated Quango.

Psalm 134.

Our Quangocracy.

The Two Commandments.

The Truth About God's Love

By Joyce Meyer
The most important thing we can do as Christians is love God and love people. But before we can love anyone, we have to receive God's love. Because you can't give away something you don't have.
Christian Post.

Not Endorsed By This Blog But Contains MUCH Truth About UKIP.

Yet Another Silly, Nasty-minded, Leftist Comedian.

So - It's Not Just UKIP Targeted By Tory Dirty Tricks Brigade!

Dirty Tricks: A secret Conservative Party report has exposed a campaign designed to oust Anne Mcintosh from her safe seat before the next electionSecret Tory report exposes dirty tricks campaign to oust female MP from her safe seat ahead of general election

A leaked report has revealed that local officials broke the party's rules before staging a 'flawed' vote to deselect Thirsk and Malton MP Anne McIntosh. Mail.

Who Determines Your Steps?

Bus Advert - Boris 'Wrong!'

BREAKING NEWS: Victory in ‘gay bus advert’ case  

Andrea Williams
CEO of the Christian Legal

Paul Diamond
Standing Counsel to the
Christian Legal Centre
The Master of the Rolls (the second most senior judge in England and Wales) has ruled that Mayor of London Boris Johnson should be investigated for his part in banning a Christian charity’s bus advert.

This is a good decision with a number of other positive aspects:
  • it recognises the need to ensure that politicians don’t make controversial decisions for their own political gain;
  • it recognises that ‘ex–gays’ are protected from discrimination;
  • it means that Transport for London (TfL) should give a level playing field to both sides of the debate (which means, in practice, that both advertisements should run or none); 
  • Lord Justice Briggs (one of the other judges) specifically spoke of the need to respect sincerely held religious views on homosexual conduct.

“In the interests of justice…”  

In April 2012 Christian charity Core Issues Trust was set to run adverts on London buses which read: “Not gay! Ex-gay, post-gay and proud. Get over it!” These adverts were in response to those run by Stonewall, a homosexual campaign group, which read: “Some people are gay. Get over it!”

Core Issues had their adverts approved for display by the advertising authorities. But when the Guardian newspaper reported that these adverts would run, Boris Johnson appears to have ordered that they not be displayed.

This happened just as Mr Johnson was campaigning for re-election as Mayor of London and was courting the ‘gay vote’. Tellingly, he was due to appear at a hustings organised by Stonewall the day after he banned the Core Issues adverts.

Through a Freedom of Information Request, an email was uncovered which read: “Boris has just instructed TfL to pull the adverts”. This email hadn’t been disclosed to the High Court Judge.

In his judgment, Master of the Rolls Lord Dyson said that “in the interests of justice” there should be further investigation into the Mayor’s involvement. He wants to know whether “(i) the decision was instructed by the Mayor and (ii) it was made for an improper purpose”.

“No place for toleration” 

Lord Justice Briggs also recognised how Stonewall’s adverts, which TfL did allow, could come across to Christians as “at least disrespectful of their sincerely held beliefs, and to some as suggesting that there is no place for the toleration of their beliefs in modern society”.

This is another positive from the judgment and begins to address the effects of only allowing one side of the debate about human sexuality. Christian Concern.

God's Word Is Vital To Us.

Nasty O2!

2 has raised its charges by as much as 25% for existing customers. The company announced that call charges will rise from 35p to 40p a minute, the cost of a text will rise from 12p to 15p and a picture message will rise from 35p to 40p. All this comes just days after Ofcom announced guidance which was meant to outlaw nasty mid-contract surprises.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hell, Atheism & Logic.

January 9, 2014|10:19 am
"I could never believe in a God who sends people to hell." This common objection, while sincere, is nevertheless untrue and illogical. How can you say it is "untrue" Dan if someone really means it? This is how. Just walk through the reasoning with me if you will.
First of all, think about what the person is saying. He is saying that if the biblical teaching about heaven and hell is correct, then he would never believe in a God who allows people to spend eternity in a place of suffering. This rationale is both illogical and irrational. His objection is based on a premise that the biblical teaching about hell is correct, which is a premise he already rejects.
It's like saying, "I could never believe in a God who sends people to a place which I am convinced doesn't exist." Huh? How do you know you could never believe such a thing when you do not yet even believe in hell, yet alone believe in Christ?
An unbeliever is someone who does not believe in Jesus as Savior. And I have yet to meet an unbeliever who is convinced that hell as described in the Bible is real. So an unbeliever's lack of faith has to do with a lack of faith in Jesus, rather than a lack of faith in hell. He is first an unbeliever in Jesus, and only later an unbeliever in hell.
We can all agree that the following statement is true: "The biblical description regarding hell and those who go there is either true or false." So the objection is that the person would never believe in God if the biblical description is true. I disagree, and I think you will too in a couple minutes. Here is why.
The biblical teaching, as well as the personal experience of Christians, is that a believer is given a new heart and begins to love God because of what Christ has done to save his soul. Millions of Christians believe in God while also believing the difficult doctrine that God sends people to hell. It is not only possible to hold these two positions, but many Christians accept both of them simultaneously. CP.

Abortion Rejected After Initial Failure.

Trust In The Lord.

More Problems In Mali?

16 January 2014
Christians in a city in northern Mali, already forced to hold services in a school classroom because their church was looted and not ready to host meetings, had a bomb scare on Sunday (Jan. 14).Military personnel patrolling the area in Gao on Sunday morning discovered explosives near the school. French army personnel were able to safely defuse the devices and authorities are now investigating, but the incident left church members shocked.
The pastor of the church, whose identity is being withheld to protect his security, told World Watch Monitor there is "insecurity in all aspects of life" at the moment, but that his congregation was refusing to panic."I cannot say for sure that the bomb was intended to hurt us Christians," he said. "I only know that the location of the bomb was right next to our place of worship and also a route frequently used by the military."
It is just over a year now since French troops ousted the Tuareg-led Islamist group, which had taken over northern Mali and declared independence, aiming to impose Islamic law on cities such as Gao.On January 11 last year, French troops moved to regain control of the region after the Islamist militants had attempted to progress further south.For nearly a year, the armed Islamist groups had ruled the region, banning the practice of other religions and desecrating and looting churches and other places of worship.

Evolution - The Circular Reasoning.

I Feel Sorry For The Tories!

No, honestly - I do. Well, in one respect, perhaps. They are always portrayed as a party of 'toffs' which is grossly overstated and consequently unfair. But never mind - as long as it means that disillusioned Labour voters transfer to UKIP instead - then as Bill used to say, "All's well that ends well."


Hooray - Butter Is Back!

Appetite for butter gradually melted over the past few decades, as it became associated with heart disease, high cholesterol and making people fat. But popularity for the natural spread has soaredIs margarine brown bread? Butter is back with sales soaring as 'healthy' alternatives melt away

Appetite for butter gradually melted over the past few decades, as it became associated with heart disease, high cholesterol and making people fat. Mail.

That's How It Is!

Apparently, Lord Rennard May Know Where 'The Bodies Are Buried.'

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pressure On The Critically and Chronically Ill?

I feel pressure to end my life, says motor neurone sufferer
Listen to Michael on BBC Radio
5 Live (55 secs) >
A motor neurone disease (MND) sufferer has told BBC radio that introducing assisted suicide would place sick people under increased pressure to end their lives prematurely.

Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast, Michael said that he would not contemplate assisted suicide if his condition worsened, but that he felt under pressure to do so from people asking him "several times a week" whether he would consider it.

He said: "It makes one feel like I should be contemplating it for sake of the health service or my family watching what I'm going through."
Christian Concern.

Cuomo Is The Extremist!

Get out of New York!

That's the message Empire State Governor Andrew Cuomo is sending to pro-life, pro-gun, pro-traditional marriage conservatives.
The Albany Times-Union first highlighted remarks the governor made during an interview with Susan Arbetter on "The Capitol Pressroom." He was talking about a division within the state's Republican Party and compared it to what's happening in Washington, D.C.
"It's a mirror of what's going on in Washington," he said. "The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It's more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans."
And then he told "extreme" Republicans where to go.
"Who are they?" the governor asked. "Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are and they're the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are."

Great Way To Save Money - Let Criminals Go Unprosecuted!

Nigel Rips The Heart Out Of The Media Smears.

Freedom Of Speech Is Gone - Democracy Is Following Close Behind.

Set back: Cameron now has no hope of passing the legislation for a vote on EU membership before the next Queen's Speech after 245 peers voted to halt itLaw to guarantee EU referendum 'is a dead parrot': Labour and Lib Dem peers block Bill

As 245 peers voted to halt the Bill for a 2017 referendum on EU membership, Eurosceptic MP Bill Cash cited Monty Python's dead parrot sketch to mock the Cameron-backed vote. Mail.

How It Is.

Sickness Benefits.
I remain troubled that people who deserve the benefits may be being pushed out. The problem is that as you target the shysters - you also catch the innocent in your net!

Today Is The Lord's Day!

Labour Not Fit To Be Out On Their Own!!!

Speaking in the House of Commons on the need to curb "parasitic packaging" Jim Dowd, the Labour MP Lewisham West and Penge, said he had never heard of the condiment, Hendersons Relish, which has been made in Sheffield for more than 100 years. The man is a disgrace to the nation!

The Eye.

 ... OR ... the eye would not function and would have no use during the process thus making it an evolutionary embarrassment. The alternative is that evolution has 'planned millions of years ahead.' Think about it!

Miliband Shows That Labour NEVER Learns.

At the same time as making wild claims that a Labour government would rid us of our horrendous deficit (largely caused by the last Labour administration) by 2020 - the man is advocating raising taxation!
That Labour has still to grasp that it is low tax economies which succeed on world markets is of profound concern. They believe that low taxation is a moral issue - pragmatism is irrelevant to them. When will they learn that high taxation drives out investment?

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...