Thursday, January 30, 2014

Double The Dole?

Britain's JSA, ESA (both £67 a week) and pension (about £102) all fall well below the £138 a week, or £596 a month, that the Eurocrats have set as the benchmarkDouble your dole, Eurocrats tell UK: Ministers told current handouts are 'manifestly inadequate'

Ministers have been told they are in violation of the European Social Charter – potentially opening the door for claimants to take the Government to court to get more money. Mail.
So! With our nation struggling at the moment to make having a job worthwhile rather than to allow some longterm shysters to sit on benefits unto the third generation - THIS from our beloved EU! 
A reminder: ONLY UKIP can be trusted to get us out of this horror!

The Christmas Story Always Matters!