Friday, May 23, 2014

7 Ways.

By Dan Delzell, Special to CP
May 15, 2014|7:15 am

No matter what you currently think about God, He really does have a strong desire to bless you. And here are 7 ways He blesses His children everyday:

1) God wants to help you see things from heaven's perspective.
As human beings, we tend to view things from earth's perspective rather than heaven's perspective. After all, this is where we live right now. It's all we know. But God isn't limited by anything because nothing is impossible for Him. So when pressure in your life feels like it is crushing the hope right out of you, look up. Remember the One who left heaven to rescue you. And ask the Lord to breathe a fresh breath of spiritual insight and a wholesome vision into your being. It can make all the difference in the world.
2) God wants to give you joy in serving others.
No one wants to serve others if their heart is filled with selfish desires. And by nature, that tends to be the direction our heart gravitates. But God changes that focus when He comes into our life. He not only makes it delightful for us to worship and serve Him, but it also becomes a joy to serve others. Go figure. That is opposite of the way many people live, but it is so much more fulfilling.
3) God wants to give you peace in every situation.
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While God doesn't promise His children an easy life on earth, He does promise to be our source of peace in every situation. In other words, Jesus never once said that Christians must carry the cross of anxiety, fear or worry. Those things are not part of God's plan for His family, even when He allows His children to go through suffering and persecution.
4) God wants to give you encouragement right now.
God never discourages His children, ever. And God never wants His children to be burdened under the weight of discouragement. God wants to lift your spirits right now. He can fill you with hope and He can drive away the dreadful feelings of doom and discouragement. Just knowing how much God wants that for you can be a huge step in the direction of genuine encouragement.
5) God wants to fill you with an appreciation of His love for you.
If you don't know deep in your heart how much God loves you, life can be pretty dismal. But when you embrace the truth that God sent His only Son to save you from your sin, things take on a whole new perspective. Understanding that God is for you and not against you is a huge deal. And as your heart is filled with an appreciation of God's goodness to you, the result is a steady flow of peace and joy within your soul.
6) God wants to teach you how to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
Until we learn how to take our thoughts captive, we get dragged around by every little thing that distracts us or tempts us. It is only when we learn how to control our thoughts that we start to experience the peace God wants to give us moment by moment. And while there will still be some setbacks in the crucial area of "thought management," life is much more pleasant when our thoughts are in line with God's goodness and God's will for our lives.
7) God wants to bring you safely home to heaven one day.
God wants you in heaven so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross so you could be saved. Your life on earth will have many challenges, but heaven on the other hand will be perfect. Allow this glorious truth to fill your soul: God wants to spend eternity with you. Those who trust Jesus for salvation are those who know the ultimate blessing of God.
So would you like to have God bless your life today and forever? If so, you can come to the Father through the Son right now and start to receive these 7 blessings immediately. Go for it. You will be glad you did.
