Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
10,000 Live Who Would Have Died.
Since it began in 2007, the 40 Days for Life
campaign has now received reports of 10,000 babies who are
alive today because their mums rejected abortion and chose life! The campaign
brings Christians together for a 40-day period of prayer each year to see an end
to abortion. You can find your nearest campaign and find out how you could be
involved on the 40 Days for Life website. Each one has its own page with details and contact
information. Christian
Monday, March 30, 2015
Sharia Dangers.
Baroness highlights Sharia dangers. |
Pro-Life In Lima!
Largest ever Latin American pro-life march. |
French Mayor Right - Then Wrong!
Britain's 'cushy benefits system' to blame for immigrant crisis in Calais, says French mayor - who demands the UK scraps border controls to allow 2,000 migrants across the Channel.
It Will Harm Christians - These Things Always Do!
Theresa May 'gets tough' on extremists. |
Jonathan In The Journal.
tyrannical king once asked a wise man, ‘What shall I do for the betterment of
our people?’
wise man replied, ‘The best thing you could do for your people is to remain in
bed until noon so that for this brief period you shall not afflict mankind’.
the European Union juggernaut rolls on, sometimes it feels like all I can do as
a member of the European Parliament is to try to stem the tide of new
legislation which damages Britain’s interests and business.
week, though, was slightly different. We were able to score a few minor
victories which might actually help local people.
the Budgetary Control committee, one of our group’s amendments (to stop EU
subsidies for political parties).
was my vote as Ukip that made the difference and we won by 14 to 13. As ever
with the European Union, nothing is so simple. Not so long ago, MEPs voted to
stop our taxes subsidising Spanish bullfights – but the subsidies still
this won’t stop millions of pounds of our taxes funding political parties but
we’ve won the first battle in a much larger fight.
in the day, I had the privilege of voting on the proposed EU-USA trade deal
known as TTIP. It wasn’t on my committee, but I was able to take the place of a
colleague who couldn’t attend.
all for free trade, but this proposed agreement has certain quite nasty
features: the possibility for our public services (especially the NHS) to be
opened up to private companies, and that it would allow private companies to sue
national governments. They’re backing down about public services, but not about
letting multinationals sue the government. The vote was surprisingly close: we
lost that one by 17-22.
Wednesday, in the Parliament I raised an issue which is affecting small
businesses in the North East. EU rules which came in on January 1 now require
businesses which trade with Europe to pay their VAT in the customer’s country.
If you trade with Europe now, VAT is chargeable for 27 different countries – at
rates of 25% in Sweden and 27% in Hungary.
like some constituents who’ve written to me, that you run a small business which
is below the VAT threshold.
always charged nothing in VAT, but overnight from January 1 the price – not only
of the goods but postage too – goes up by 27%. Suddenly you’re uncompetitive and
can’t afford to trade with Europe any more. I’ve asked questions to the
Commission on this and raised the issue but got nowhere in the past.
Wednesday I asked arch-europhile Brussel (Belgium), one of the most influential
federalists in the place, about this – and he admitted that we should look again
at the regulations and exempt SMEs.
devil though was in the detail: he conceded this only for digital and online
services, which will do nothing to help, say, my constituent who sells vintage
LPs in Europe.
was an encouraging week, reminding me that – just once in a blue moon – it may
actually be possible to curb the worst excesses of the European Union.
reminds me that in Brussels and Strasbourg, I can make a difference. Whenever
anyone repeats the old lie that ‘Ukip MEPs do no work’, it’s just not true: I
have more speeches than any other British MEP of any Party, and the second-most
Parliamentary questions of any British MEP.
voting record in a Parliament in another country is higher than any of our North
East MPs in Westminster.
for every minor battle that we might be able to win, we lose another ten. Being
a turkey voting for Christmas in the European Parliament is a thankless task at
final, sobering thought. If we can win just one vote 14-13 in Committee, what
are the chances of David Cameron managing to ‘reform’ the EU? He’d need Treaty
change, and for that he would need to ‘win’ 28-0 – on far more fundamental
issues - to get his proposals through.
far, he hasn’t managed to remove one stroke of a pen from any EU legislation
despite having had five years in office.
of EU reform is a smokescreen: it’s been mentioned for 40 years but never once
- Jonathan Arnott is Ukip Euro MP for the North East
Gibraltar Score.
Being half Gibraltarian, I was delighted to see that the lads had scored their first ever goal in a senior international.
EU Funding Scandal.
The extraordinary splurge on green lobby groups included splashing out an eye-watering £2.2m on campaigners who are pushing European politicians to take legal action against Britain over its energy policy.
Anger was mounting today over the revelations, which have been branded a colossal waste of money at a time when taxpayers across Britain and Europe continue to feel the pinch.
The money was doled out via the European Commission's Life programme, which has splashed £2.5bn of public money on eco projects since it was set up in 1992.
The shocking figures were unveiled by the Sun on Sunday and showed that campaign group Friends of the Earth Europe also got £557,000. Express.
Anger was mounting today over the revelations, which have been branded a colossal waste of money at a time when taxpayers across Britain and Europe continue to feel the pinch.
The money was doled out via the European Commission's Life programme, which has splashed £2.5bn of public money on eco projects since it was set up in 1992.
The shocking figures were unveiled by the Sun on Sunday and showed that campaign group Friends of the Earth Europe also got £557,000. Express.
Newspaper Letter.
All major parties have had recent scandals - but as these are
by individuals - they are not actually relevant to the electoral process at
Only ONE thing matters and that is the policies on offer. As
voters, it behoves us to examine what is the reality with great care. Take the
manifestos and scrutinise them - we must not fall into the trap of always voting
the same way; voting for change for its own sake; relying on soundbites or
personalities; having opinions without a base.
My personal view is that UKIP would edge out the others - but
you can only truly know by doing some serious research for yourself. After all,
we are voting for who will govern us. Pretty important, n'est-ce
Humanisat Association Trouble-Causing As Usual.
Not All Is Perfect In Labour Paradise.
Grayling Doing The Usual Tory Pretending 'To Toughen Up The Justice System' Scam.
I shall use my experience in the so-called justice system to tell Mr G how to do this easily and effectively. Upon a third separate conviction over a five year period for any wanton lawbreaking -defendants should be declared to be either 'career or professional criminals'. When this happens, all sentencing in criminal courts should move up a notch on the sentencing guidelines. This would continue until the felon has had five years clear of being a public nuisance. Higher senteces for those who deserve them most.
IVF Success - Sounds Great But ...
... how many embryos may be destroyed in the process?
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Suspected Murder of Inmate at Doncaster Prison.
So when the guilty party is sentenced - what will you do to him? - Send
him where, exactly?
EU Gravy Train.
FRESH fury over the EU gravy train erupted today as new figures showed
the European Commission splashed out £235 million on external consultants in
just five years. Express.
Ron Reagan - One Second After Death This Won't All Seem Quite So Funny.
Atheist Son of Former US President Says He's 'Not Afraid of Burning in Hell' Is Wrong on So Many Levels
Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan, has proudly
stated in an ad that he's "not afraid of burning in hell." Reagan did the 30
second ad for the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). The same ad for radio
was running a year ago on "The Randi Rhodes Show." [1] The television ad is
currently running on CNN and has been aired on "The Daily Show." ABC, NBC, CBS,
and Fox have all declined to run it, but it has aired in local metropolitan
markets. Christian
Tax - Similar In The UK.
The Retina & Evolution.
DOWNED AGAIN as Erez Ribak and colleagues from Technion (Israel Institute of
Technology) have produced detailed 3D scans of cells named Muller cells that are
found in the retina, the light sensitive layer of the eye, and measured what
happened to different wavelengths of light shone through them (see report in BBC
News 7 March 2015). Muller cells are long cylindrical cells that span the
thickness of the retina from front to back. Several years ago Ribak and
colleagues suggested that these cells could act like fibre-optic cables
conveying light from the front of the retina to the back layer, where the
photo-sensitive cells are located. As such they could explain why the retina in
vertebrates, including humans, seems to be arranged the wrong way around – “a
centuries old puzzle” according to Ribak.
| |
The light-guiding function was not initially accepted by other
scientists, but now the Technion team have shown the Muller cells are just the
right size and shape to “funnel crucial red and green light into cone cells,
leaving blue to spill over and be sensed by rod cells - which are responsible
for our night vision”. According to Ribak “This kind of clinched it”. There is
still some scepticism about how the vertebrate retina ended up with the
photo-receptor cells at the back. According to the BBC, “Mark Hankins, a
professor of visual neuroscience at the University of Oxford, admires Dr Ribak’s
work but is not convinced that the light funnelling phenomenon is the ‘driving
force’ behind the reverse-wired vertebrate eye”. Hankins pointed out that the
photoreceptor cells need to be close to a layer of pigmented cells at the back
of the eye that clear away debris and worn out cell components and help supply
light sensitive molecules. He also pointed out that the squid and octopus eye
has the photoreceptors at the front, but it still has Muller cells. Hankins
commented: “So Muller cells do plenty of important things other than perhaps
functioning as light guides”. However, he did concede Ribak’s work showed how
the different parts of the retina worked together to give good vision in both
daylight and dim light.
Link: BBC
| |
ED. COM. Mark Hankins is correct – the light funnelling function of
Muller cells was not a “driving force” to build the vertebrate retina. The
vertebrate retina works because Muller cells already had this property.
Furthermore, Muller cells do not work on their own. The retina works because all
the retinal cells are in the right places. Hankins is also right about Muller
cells having other functions, but that is just evidence of more clever design.
In his book “The Greatest Show on Earth” Dawkins wrote that the retina was “the
design of a complete idiot”. (Richard Dawkins, The Greatest Show on
Earth, Bantam Press, 2009, pp353-354) We hope Richard Dawkins reads this BBC
report and if so, we hope he has enough insight to see he owes God an apology
for calling Him an idiot for the way the retina is constructed. Dawkins cannot
even hide behind the fact his book was published in 2009 and the research
described above was only reported this year. The light transmitting properties
of Muller cells was first reported in 2007. (See our report “Eyes Badly
Designed” Evidence News, 29 August 2007 here) Furthermore, we have known
for many years about the other features described by Mark Hankins. Creation
Corporal Punishment The Only Reasonable Outcome.
A college student has been filmed biting the head off a live hamster. The video, seen by, shows the apparently drunk man pull the animal from a backpack as he is jeered on by a crowd of scantily-clad teenagers. Grinning, he takes a bite, spits part of the animal on the ground, and hurls the rest over a fence. The crowd erupts with screaming laughter as the man in a pink wolf t-shirt beams wildly into the phone cameras and girls around him. Animal rights group PETA has launched a manhunt to track down the man, who is believed to be a fraternity member at Florida State University.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
UKIP Making A Difference (Albeit A Small One) In Brussels.
We won a vote 14-13 in Budget Control Committee this morning against EU funding of political parties. Proves UKIP can make a difference.
Nice One, Nigel.
Nigel Farage vows to make St George's Day a bank holiday!
WORKERS in England and Wales would get an extra bank holiday to celebrate their national saints’ days, under Nigel Farage vows to make St George's Day a bank holiday.
WORKERS in England and Wales would get an extra bank holiday to celebrate their national saints’ days, under Nigel Farage vows to make St George's Day a bank holiday.
Indiana Protects Rights Of Christians.
On Thursday, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed into law a controversial religious freedom bill that critics claim is discriminatory and broader than similar laws in other states.Gay rights groups worry the Religious Freedom Restoration Act will be used by businesses that do not want to provide services for gay weddings. Gay marriage became legal in Indiana last year following an appeals court ruling.
The appalling situation in Belfast and across the UK where Christians are forced into supporting 'homosexual marriage' in their businesses could not occur in Indiana. "Controversial?" - Pah!
The appalling situation in Belfast and across the UK where Christians are forced into supporting 'homosexual marriage' in their businesses could not occur in Indiana. "Controversial?" - Pah!
Not Only Is The Church Infiltrated With Fifth Columnists But Evangelical Groups Too!
Anger Is Not 'A Gift From God.'
Boko Haram - Good News For Once!
Boko Haram's headquarters DESTROYED: Nigerian military mounts massive operation reclaiming terrorist group's 'capital city' The official Twitter account for the Nigerian military(pictured) today announced the .destruction of Boko Haram's headquarters in the terror organisation's de facto capital city Gwoza. Mail.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Debates Farce!
Nigel Farage calls latest 'Debate' proposals "An utter farce."
The Leader of UKIP has slammed the latest announcement
by the broadcasters to host only one seven-way leaders'
debate and turn previously announced plans for three
debates into a 'Challengers' Debate', a question time style
event and long form interviews.
by the broadcasters to host only one seven-way leaders'
debate and turn previously announced plans for three
debates into a 'Challengers' Debate', a question time style
event and long form interviews.

"This announcement is so far from the original proposals of proper
General Election Leaders' debates that were promised to the public. The
broadcasters should be ashamed. They've kowtowed to manipulation from Downing
Street and are now offering a shoddy selection of alternatives that are no
different from typical election coverage already taking
"Essentially there are no longer what anyone could sensibly call Leaders'
Debates. It's an utter farce.
Beware Hard Right Alliances!
Meps from Greece’s neo-nazi Golden Dawn and Udo Voigt from the German neo-Nazi
NPD were among the participants at the pro-Kremlin International Conservative
Forum in Saint Petersburg.
Let Us Learn From The Bulgarian Motorway System?
North East infrastructure must not be upgraded on the cheap, the whole of the A1 must be dualled
A government road scheme has been described by an MEP as “trying to
upgrade North East transport on the cheap’”.
The proposed ‘expressways’ scheme would remove roundabouts and traffic
lights from some of the country’s A-roads, creating motorway-style slip roads
and junctions to ease traffic flow.
On the list of projects is turning the A1 north of Newcastle into such an
expressway. Restrictions are likely to be placed on the new class of road,
including new traffic rules and a ban on bicycles.
But UKIP Euro-MP Jonathan Arnott believes that the plan is fundamentally
flawed, because there is still no commitment to make the whole length of the A1
dual carriageway.
“The whole of the A1 must be dualled, with no exceptions. If they were
planning to do that, then I would be all for this new proposed ‘expressway’
which would help to cut journey times still further. But my worry is that once
again, the government is trying to upgrade North East transport on the
The Chancellor’s ‘Northern economic powerhouse’ looks pretty shaky when
London has 25 times the public spending per capita on transport that we get here
in the North East.
“My simple message to the politicians in Westminster is this: Stop
expecting us to be grateful when we’re given the crumbs under the table after
London has had its share.”
UKIP has been campaigning for the dualling for the A1 and A69 for years,
since Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall’s announcement at the 2013 North East
Mr Arnott has previously branded the single-carriageway A1 as ‘a
disgrace’ given that it is the main road between London and Edinburgh, saying
that development of business requires proper transport links.
The new expressways will be an entirely new road classification, intended
as a halfway house between an A-road and a motorway. Similar transport schemes
exist already in Italy, Holland, Bulgaria and the Czech
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