Thursday, November 30, 2017

Another Tory Failure.

The Government rolls over at the slightest challenge

Published Nov, 2017
The announcement that Britain has withdrawn its candidate from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a disturbing aspect of our Government's competence.

Peter Jewell, the UKIP Justice spokesman responded "Sir Christopher Greenwood QC has an exceptional legal brain. Britain has been a member of the International Court since 1946 and is the only permanent of the security Council to have their candidate challenged. The new incumbent will be Dalver Bhandari from India.
"The leaders of this country have become weak and ineffective, we role over at the slightest challenge. As with the ICJ, so with the European Union.
"Mrs May now runs to Mr Barnier in Brussels. For heavens sake say what we will do and go, however Mr Barnier if you want to trade with Britain come to London and put your case, otherwise German, French and Spanish and Italian Cars will not be sold in Britain and for example French Farmers may panic if they cannot sell their wine and other Agricultural products here as well."

A Church in Crisis.