Tuesday, January 16, 2018

More Sinned Against Than Sinning - But Still Unlikely To Survive.

Thoroughly reliable sources are informing me that the story of Henry Bolton's 'wrongdoing' is yet another 'stitch-up job' by the wonderful British Press. (At this point, I am not at liberty to furnish precise details but please accept from me that his 'crimes' are simply trivial in comparison to the publicity afforded to them.)
How can I be surprised, though, after the way they treated Messrs Farage and Nuttall in the past?
In fairness, Nigel regularly handed over things on a plate which they could use against him - even though the exaggeration factor was huge.
Paul actually did nothing wrong - but to be fair, in any case, he had been promoted a job too far, IMHO. 
Shame that he had not remained as Ukip Chairman - a job in which he had excelled.
It is of enormous interest to me that the mouthpieces of the establishment chose not to 'do a number' on a certain lupine, leadership candidate several years ago. Clearly, they had spotted that his election as leader would have been even more damaging to the party.
It is true that Ukip kept shooting itself regularly in the foot - but do let us recall that, for the most part, their sins were of a venial nature but when magnified by the egregious Fourth Estate - the party was made to appear wholly unworthy.
May I congratulate the British media on the success of their nefarious hatchet job - so efficiently conducted over so many years!
Why has 'fake news' only recently been recognised as such, I wonder?

All that having been said - Henry's judgement still seems rather lacking. Would I vote for him to go? - Then, whither next?
It matters not. I am not a member.
I am certain that the only person capable of doing the job ain't going to - and no, I do not mean Nigel! Who needs poisoned chalices?
