Thursday, March 08, 2018

Lead Us Not Into Sexual Temptation.

As a traveling evangelist I'm on the road a lot. With all the headlines of Christian influencers, Hollywood actors and political leaders falling morally, I'm reminded again and again of the importance of relentlessly guarding my sexual purity. Over the years I've developed a brief list of five do's and don'ts that help me do just that.
Perhaps this list will help you as well.
Do: Have trusted friends hold you accountable and ask tough questions.
Zane Black, Doug Holliday and Dave Gibson are three ministry leaders who hold me accountable and have carte blanche to ask me any question at any time (and they often do!). These questions can range from my thought life to road habits to marriage strength to time spent with God to whatever. They ask me tough questions and I ask them. We are sworn to secrecy and honesty.

We Must Always Question Statistics.

Is the global population of Christians really increasing? By  Oscar Amaechina , Op-ed Contributor  Wednesday, January 22, 2025 iStock/agafap...