Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Simple Lunacy Of Jeremy.

Was last Wednesday the day Jeremy Corbyn definitively assured the British public that they could never allow him to be PM? His refusal to concede that Russia was behind the attempted murder of a former spy and his daughter in Salisbury,and that Britain was somehow to blame for having cut the Foreign Office budget, wrecks his already depleted credibility. It has divided his party and shadow cabinet, and exposed his ignorance and enslavement to the doctrinaire Marxism – indeed, Stalinism – of his associates,notably his comms director Seumas Milne, an occasional apologist for Vladimir Putin who believes Stalin should be given a better press.
All the more remarkable, Mr Corbyn and his Morning Star-toting... Telegraph.

Look What The Green-Leaning Politicos Have Done To Our Country!

  Annabel Denham . Ed Miliband is hammering the final  nail in Britain’s coffin – then boasting  about it. The country that birthed the indu...