Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Farage To Launch New Party?

If he is to lead it then:
1) He must learn not to alienate his own supporters.
2) He should learn to only listen to the sane voices around him.
3) He must not 'shoot from the lip'. There has to be consideration to the repercussions of all that he says.
4) He must not earn the party bad publicity.

This man has the potential to be a huge political talent - but can he learn from past mistakes? - If he can, then he has more to offer than any other politico.

Me? - Do I think that Nigel has learned the key lessons from past blunders? - I really do not know but I do wish him well, though. 
I find him personable, easy to talk to and - if he has learned vital lessons - still a possible great hope for the future.

A Farage party in which lessons have not been learned is doomed before it begins.
