Friday, August 02, 2019

Sometimes, I Despair of The Electorate.

Tory defeat by Lib Dems in by-election. Boris now has a majority of just one at Westminster.
The one disturbing thing I have discovered in politics, more often than any other, is how great a proportion of people who vote Liberal Democrat do not actually realise what they are voting for. If they did - many would run a mile!
There is a frequent perception that the Lib Dems are somehow 'the middle ground between Tories and Labour'.
The folly of the local party in selecting an apparently 'tainted candidate' - knows no bounds BUT why did the party allow this?

Look What The Green-Leaning Politicos Have Done To Our Country!

  Annabel Denham . Ed Miliband is hammering the final  nail in Britain’s coffin – then boasting  about it. The country that birthed the indu...