Saturday, July 25, 2020

Precious Little Comfort For BLM In YouGov Poll.

71 Per Cent of Britons Oppose Protesters Pulling Down Statues, Just 13 Per Cent Support

A statue of Britain's Queen Victoria stands defaced in Woodhouse Moor Park in Leeds, northern England on June 10, 2020. (Photo by PAUL ELLIS / AFP) (Photo by PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images)PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images
YouGov has found Black Lives Matter stunts such as protesting despite lockdown, removing statues, and taking the knee command little public support.
In a wide-ranging survey commissioned by The Sun on Sunday, pollsters found that just 13 per cent of respondents supported “protesters physically damaging or pulling down statues of historical figures with links to slavery” — actions which arguably received the tacit support of police leaders in Bristol — compared to 71 per cent opposed.
Moreover, the survey found that “the removal of all statues of historical figures with links to slavery from British towns and cities” more generally, including by lawful means, was supported by only 27 per cent of respondents — far behind the 49 per cent opposed, including 71 per cent of Conservative supporters and 69 per cent of Leave voters.
Looking at the Conservative supporters and Leave supprters who have formed the core of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s support, YouGov also found that 47 per cent of respondents from both contingents opposed the Black Lives Matter protests more generally, compared to just 18 per cent and 22 per cent who supported them, respectively.
With regard to the specific timing of the protests — during the anti-coronavirus lockdown and not lawful, although the authorities have expended little or no effort to enforce the law against BLM activists — only 21 per cent of all respondents said they should have gone ahead, including a mere 6 per cent of Conservative supporters and 7 per cent of Leave supporters.
61 per cent of both Conservatives and Leavers said the protests “Should not have gone ahead at all”. Breitbart.
