Saturday, February 20, 2021

Racism: The Number One Problem In The Modern Western World?

But is it?

We have now had the idea above thrust down our throats for more than four decades but is it actually true?

The incredible Claims About The UK Destroyed By Statistician was first published on this Blog on the last day of July, 2020 and seems to undermine this entire idea - certainly in the UK, at least.

During my lifetime, I have seen the UK move from being a largely racist nation in the 60s, to a fairer minded populace in the 70s to a place which could be proud of what it had achieved by the 80s and one which, moving into the 90s had effectively completed the task.
Sadly, for reasons which had little to do with race, the anti-racists felt the need to keep on fighting imaginary dragons until the point where the balance became lopsided in so many areas and during that decade, the concept of hate crimes came to the fore. This destroyed the social balance.

As a teacher of RS/Citizenship I have discussed the question of racism with 11 - 16 year olds from a wide variety of: races, religions, classes and backgrounds. I gave them free reign to talk about the racist issues which they themselves had faced.
From 1992 to 2015, I simply listened to what they had to say. 'Institutional racism' could not even be detected from their many and varied experiences.

Their experiences of racism were rare indeed and, almost totally, were simply the actions of yobs and the same morons who make everybody else's lives a nightmare. Year after year, they were unable to provide any information to show anything else.

They were considerably more fair-minded than the leftist firebrand Jo Brand's lunacy which insists that 'only white people can be racist'.

The new, so-called anti-racists are the wokeists, the BLM, the wild left. Let us be in no doubt whatsoever - their agenda is to create: discontent, social unrest under a flag of 'diversity', doubt, division etc - ALL supported by the new Middle Class Socialists.

Tragically, so many of the gullible in our churches have fallen prey to these ideas. Christians have brains - it is a shame that those amongst them who are left-leaning seem unable to see woods for trees.

200,000 abortions annually deserves far more attention; victims of crime; loss of free speech in our universities - all of these are currently more important.

Learning From Joseph.