Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Just Spotted This 'Old' News.

 The former pope, who stood down in a controversial move in 2013, claimed that people who oppose homosexual unions in today’s world are “excommunicated from society”. He said that it was “the same thing with abortion and creating human life in the laboratory”, adding that it was natural for those who oppose it to be concerned about the “spiritual power of the Antichrist”. The comments were taken from an authorised biography of the ex-head of the Vatican, called ‘Benedict XVI – A Life’.

However, the remarks have sparked fury among Vatican observers, who say this is the latest in a long line of passages used as an attempt to curb Pope Francis’ liberal agenda.
Lynda Telford, author of ‘Women of the Vatican – Female Power in a Male World’, told Express.co.uk how she “pitied Francis deeply” after Benedict’s words came to light this week.
She said: “Benedict’s doing his absolute best to sabotage all the reforms that Francis is trying to bring in. Express.

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