Thursday, September 30, 2021

History Repeats.

You would not have imagined that Edward the Eighth could have chosen a worse wife than the bossy Wallis Simpson. What damage to the monarchy.

And yet, that seems to have been surpassed by the linking of one of the heirs to the throne with someone else whose tendencies, to me at least, appear hugely destructive.
From the outside it is hard to tell for sure but it certainly appears that both men became totally subservient to the whims and desires of their womenfolk. 

I do not like marriages where the man is boss but I find marriages where the woman is in charge - (perhaps unreasonable imbalance on my part) to be a full half notch worse.



Be Kind, Gentle and Forgiving To Those Who Do You Wrong.

Just Simple, Plain Common Sense.

 The fact that we exist, or anything at all exists, demands that something be self-existent.

This means that it possesses the very power of being within itself - that it was not created and is timeless.
Logic requires this. There is no other alternative, however little we may understand it - or disapprove of the fact. Everything consists of either matter or energy.

It has either always been around OR it was created by an already self-existent, eternal God: the Intelligence behind the order of the universe.

Spontaneous generation from nothingness is impossible!


An Intro To Christian Theology.

Skin But No Feathers, Huh?

DINO SKIN FOUND BUT NO FEATHERS, according to University of New England News 10 September 2021, also reported in Science Alert and SciTech Daily 13 September 2021, and Cretaceous Research, published online 13 August 2021 doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104994. Palaeontologists Phil Bell of University of New England (UNE) Australia, and Christophe Hendrickx of Unidad Ejecutora Lillo in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina have studied fossilised skin from a large theropod dinosaur named Carnotaurus sastrei, which included six pieces from the shoulder, chest, tail and neck The skin was covered in scales of various sizes and shapes. Christophe Hendrickx described them as “large and randomly distributed conical studs surrounded by a network of small elongated, diamond-shaped or subcircular scales”. The cone shaped scales varied from 2 to 6.5cm in diameter. Researchers suggest the knobbly skin scales would have been useful for thermoregulation, as they gave the skin a large surface area for losing heat and preventing overheating. According to UNE News the skin “was entirely scaly, with no evidence of feathers”.

Links: Science AlertSciTech DailyUNE

ED. COM. These findings fit with all known specimens of actual fossilised dinosaur skin. They are covered in scales which vary in size, shape and thickness, but are typical of scales found in living reptiles. The suggestion that thick raised scales were used for thermoregulation is a good one, as living reptiles use scales this way. Reptiles are “cold blooded”, so thick knobby scales can be used to absorb heat when the animal needs to raise its body temperature and lose heat when they get too hot. Therefore, the scales are an example of good design, well integrated into the whole body function.

Once again, evolutionists are disappointed there are no feathers. (See our previous report Featherless Dinosaur Surprise here.) We predict that no dino feathers will be found, since all feathers are found in the fossil record, are either isolated specimens, unattached to anything, or they are attached to a fossil bird. There are some feathered creaturesin the fossil record (e.g. Archaeopteryx, Microraptor) that are different to living birds, but these were not dinosaurs. They are nowextinct and a reminder there was once a greater variety of birds than exists now – a sign that the world is going downhill and losing complexity, not evolving upwards.

“DINO FIGHT CLUBS” reported in Live Science and Science (AAAS) News 10 September 2021 and Paleobiology 6 September 2021, doi: 10.1017/pab.2021.29. Scientists at Royal Tyrell Museum and University of Alberta, Canada, have studied 528 skull bones of theropod dinosaurs and found 122 had bite scars from other dinosaurs. Overall, about 60% of the adult tyrannosaurids (T. rex, etc.) had bite marks. None of the younger dinosaurs had bite marks. Researchers estimated the relative sizes of the biters and the bitten by comparing the spacing between the teeth of the skull and size of the bite marks on them and concluded the aggressors and victims were of similar size. Caleb Brown, a curator at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, explained to Live Science: “Taken together, we can piece together how these animals were fighting. They were likely posturing and sizing each other up, then trying to grab each other’s heads between their jaws”. The researchers suggested the dinosaurs started biting one another when they reached sexual maturity, and this behaviour was part of competition for mates, territory or status. The smaller theropod dinosaurs did not have these bite marks. According to Science News, “None of these had bite marks, suggesting that—like the birds that descended from them—these animals may have stopped fighting violently over females, and instead started to woo them with shiny feathers”. The original report in in Paleobiology is entitled: “Intraspecific facial bite marks in tyrannosaurids provide insight into sexual maturity and evolution of bird-like intersexual display”.

Links: Live ScienceScience

ED. COM. The belief that dinosaurs stopped fighting and started evolving feathers to find matesis pure fantasy, and has to be among the silliest explanations we have ever heard for how and why dinosaurs evolved into birds. Nevertheless, the bite marks on the dinosaur skulls are real, and may have been the result of dinosaurs fighting one another, which is simply a reminder of how violent the world was when these dinosaurs were buried and fossilised. When God created the world everything was very good, which means animals did not fight or harm one another. However, after the world was corrupted by human sin everything degenerated, and by Noah’s day, the world was filled with violence by people and animals. This corruption grieved God so much that he sent the worldwide flood to destroy that world (Genesis 6:11-13) and the resulting flood-formed sediment buried many dinosaurs bearing the signs of the violence God hates. That flood judgement was only a temporary solution to the problem. The real solution is that God sent Jesus to pay the penalty for the sin that brought corruption into the world. All those who put their faith in him can look forward to a new world where there is no violence, and nothing will harm or destroy (Isaiah 65:25).

Creation Research.


Here we go! Brexit Britain starts talks on £9TRILLION trade pact today.

NEGOTIATIONS for Britain to join a £9trillion global trade bloc officially get under way today.

00:01, Tue, Sep 28, 2021 

UK 'pleased with progress on CPTPP' says Lord Grimstone

Britain will hold its first round of negotiations with the 11 members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The UK officially submitted an application to join the group earlier this year, with members agreeing to proceed with accession talks.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Colin Urquhart Obituary.

Pastor Colin Urquhart Has Died.

Colin Urquhart Obituary – Death: “Today we learned of two great men of God promoted to Glory. Dr. David Yongi Cho and Pastor Colin Urquhart. Both men have made a huge impact, as pastors and authors. Dr David founder of Yoido Full Gospel Church, in Korea and Pastor Colin of Kingdom Faith Church in UK. We pray for their families at this time and for the legacy of faith they have left behind.”

Pastor Colin Urquhart, who has been seriously battling with cancer last week, has passed away. Pastor Colin died unexpectedly on Monday, September 13.

Colin Urquhart was one of the most influential figures in evangelical Christianity in the last 50 years.

Prayer Corner.

Please continue to pray for healing for: Seth, Tony, Julie, Mark, Jan, Pam, Paul, Carol, Jacob, Carol, Peter, Peter, Val, James, Joe, Lindsey, and Clive.

Please pray for a return to faith for: Richard, Barbie, Chris, Jan and Clive.

Please pray for those who are distant from Jesus and either just 'don't get it' nor do they want to understand.

We must pray constantly and specifically for those around us - and beyond - who need to encounter The Saviour.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021



The Shield of Faith.


Another Attack On Evangelicals.

The Church Is Moribund: Either Accept The Bible Or Quit. There Is NO Third Option!


Inside the shocking survey showing majority of US Christians don't believe Holy Spirit Is real (podcast)

Upsplash/John Price

Christian Post reporter Leonardo Blair breaks down the story behind a stunning new survey showing the majority of U.S. Christians don't believe the Holy Spirit is real.


Blair explains the data as well as some of the other shocking findings, including the notion that just 6% of Americans have a biblical worldview.

How is this possible — and what has led to these dynamics? Listen to this episode of “The Christian Post Podcast” below:

Read the article based on this interview here, listen to more Christian podcasts today on the Edifi app — and be sure to subscribe to the “Christian Post Podcast” on your favorite platforms:

What A Relief ...

 ... the internet is working again.

Christ-Centred Schools


The case for Christ-centred schools

21 September 2021

Christian parents are waking up to significant issues with 
schools and curriculum, and all the statistics show that our 
children are becoming increasingly distanced from the truth
 of the gospel. Now, many parents are looking for 
alternatives, which is causing some church leaders and groups of parents to look to start their own schools.

Sadly, schools which encourage children into Christian

 beliefs are becoming increasingly hard to find. Even

 many so-called ‘Christian’ schools, or schools with a

 ‘Christian ethos’ have often adopted ideologies that 

run contrary to Scripture.

“Education is always for the glorification of a 

kingdom,” says Steve Beegoo. “The question is: 

which kingdom is the school 


In this Gospel Issues seminar from September 2021, 

Steve, our Head of Education, took us through

 whether there really is a case for Christ-centred,

 Christian schools? Steve has been working with 

11 different groups, from Aberdeen to Devon, that

 want to start up new Christian schools. But is there

 really a case for taking this radical step? Is it 

reasonable to expect our children to be salt and

 light in the world with the schools they are currently 

in? Should we carry on as we are and hope for the 

best, or is there another way?

We were joined by our chief executive Andrea 

Williams and Head of Public Policy for a live 

Q&A straight after.

Cash, COVID, and cover-up, part 4: The virus that didn't bark.

Blaze News

September 27, 2021

Trending story

Click here for part 1 of this series: Cash, COVID, and cover-up, part 1: The questions we should have asked of Fauci about the origins of COVID-19Click here fo ... Read more



Established In His Love.


Obituary - Yonggi Cho.




David Yonggi Cho was a South Korean Christian minister. With his mother-in-law Choi Ja-shil, he was a cofounder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church, the world's largest congregation, with a claimed membership of 830,000. Wikipedia
BornFebruary 14, 1936, Ulsan, South Korea
SpouseKim Sung Hae (m. 1965–2021)


Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe talks about Iranian imprisonment ordeal and her faith. Staff writer 13 Mar, 2025  Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe (secon...