This week, the Church in Wales’ governing body voted to allow same-sex couples to have their civil partnership or marriage formally blessed in a church building.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2021
NO Christian Church Can Bless Sin!
Blogger: the Church must welcome homosexuals; it must pray for them; must teach them; must love them the same as anyone else.
It must never bow to an anti-God agenda, however.
Sin is sin. We are all sinners in one way or another.
If I have stolen - I must repent or there will be no forgiveness. Worse still would be to say "God has this wrong; I do not believe stealing is sin; why should I repent?)
Falling to a sexual temptation is one thing (God welcomes back the sinner who repents with open arms.) Embracing that sin, however, and refusing to repent will lead directly to hell.
The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.
Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...
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