Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Pastor Lorenzo's Appeal.

 Pastor Lorenzo’s appeal unsuccessful – your support is needed more than ever

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I recently wrote to you about Pastor Lorenzo, who is currently serving a seven-year sentence in a maximum-security prison in Cuba, where he has been beaten, assaulted, and held in solitary confinement.
Shortly after I emailed you, we learned that Pastor Lorenzo’s appeal had been unsuccessful. 
The injustice didn’t stop there: only the prosecution was allowed to give evidence at the appeal hearing. 
His wife, Maridilegnis Carballo told us: ‘We can’t wait for another reaction from this judging system, this is a farce.’
Our work campaigning for freedom for Pastor Lorenzo, and many others like him, is needed more urgently than ever. Whatever you can give really will make a difference.
Thank you for your partnership as we tackle injustice together. 
Grace and peace,
Scot Bower
