Sunday, July 03, 2022

Protect Our Songbirds.

Please give financial support to Songbird Survival - the only charity which truly cares for our songbirds. 

Others refuse culls of corvidae, now with greater numbers than any time in Historywhich results in many tens of millions of bird deaths annually. In areas where songbirds struggle - some advocate the restoration of predators which have not been seen on our shores for many hundreds of years.

Goshawks, as one example, have been reintroduced to the UK after extinction in Tudor times!

Pesticides have long been a problem - as have domestic cats which do not wear collars with a bell attached. The problems of pesticides are, however,  less than they have been over many generations.

Soft-hearted care of wildlife is a curse. Where man is involved and a major problem to wildlife - proper, tough management of situations need to be implemented.

I was brought up in the midst of shooting land. Gamekeepers culled predators - not for the benefit of songbirds, I hasten to add - but the nett effect was the same. Today, tree-huggers go into paroxysms of drippy anguish if you even want to talk about the huge benefits of targeted culls.

The Faith of The Detransitioners.

The faith of the detransitioners. Heather Tomlinson    14 January 2025. Chloe Cole (R) joins NCAA All-American swimmer Riley Gaines (L) on s...