Thursday, February 16, 2023

Under Mussolini's Fascism From The 1920s Onwards ...

 ... to state 'Fascism is a disgrace' could get you locked up - and probably would.

How close are we to this state at a moment for:
Opposing abortion in public?
Opposing homosexual marriage?
Opposing the teaching of the joys of transgenderism in junior and secondary schools?
Opposing the Marxism of BLM?
So many more wokeisms?

Ne'er forget that fascism emerged from offshoots of socialism combined with nationalism. We must remember that Hitler, Goebbels and so many more - like Mussolini - tended to hate capitalism. 
Today, we see the anti-semites of our own Labour Party echoing portions of Hitlerian speeches - (but now, finally, deciding to keep their racist heads below the Corbynista parapets.)

A Church in Crisis.