Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Exposing the lie that DEI is compassionate.

Exposing the lie that DEI is compassionate.

According to Forbes, DEI is now DEIA. That's right, just like LGBT started out as LGBQ, DEI, which stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, has been expanded, and is now DEIA. The add-on "A" stands for "Accessibility." Sounds compassionate, right? Don't be fooled. DEI proponents are no more concerned about those who are truly disabled then they are concerned about the plight of black Americans. DEI/DEIA is and has always been about furthering the Democrats' perverse transgender and abortion agenda — period.

For anyone not paying attention, DEI is the offspring of affirmative action, which is a Democrat made-up initiative that is being rammed down the throats of America. Just like affirmative action, DEI can give federal bureaucrats access and control to decide the winners and losers, and its primary target places are education and employment.

These days, DEI is everywhere. It is estimated that two-thirds of colleges and universities require students to take DEI courses, to ensure that before students graduate they look at the world through the lens of identity politics instead of a merit system. And countless employers, and particularly corporations, have rolled DEI into their human resources hiring practices so that homosexuals and transgenders are a protected group and granted preferential treatment. All one needs to do is look at the cast of characters the Biden administration has hired to see that this is true. And you can add to the list, a recent White House controversial pick for associate communications director who has posted sexually provocative photos of himself in women dresses. 

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In addition to normalizing homosexuality and transgenderism, the other aim of DEI is to further the secular left's abortion agenda. This is where the letter "E" or "Equity" in DEI comes into play. Using semantic tricks, abortion advocates argue that women should have "equitable" access to the full range of reproductive health care services; their code phrase for abortion on demand.  And if truth be told, more often than not, black women are the lead target group of DEI abortion propaganda, though done (deviously so) in the name of compassion. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. According to the latest Pew Research data, black females, more than any other ethnic group, had the highest percentage of abortions, at 42%, in 2021. This is by no means a coincidence.

To get these radical agendas through, DEI/DEIA has used black people to do so — but, of course, only those on board with the secularists’ agenda. After all, if the secular left truly believed in celebrating black people, then Dr. Ben Carson and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas would be at the top of the honoree list. Both of these men went from being raised in dirt poor poverty to achieving the highest accolades in our nation. Yet, instead of the secular left celebrating these impressive men, they despise them. That's because neither Dr. Carson nor Justice Thomas align with the secular left’s ideology. They are Christians.

DEI does not reward or elevate conservatives. More specifically, DEI is meant to hire and promote only those who are ideologically opposed to Christianity. And for clarity’s sake, the secular left knows exactly how to root out those who do hold conservative views. Evidence of this is the recent revelation that the FBI revoked an agent’s top secret security clearance — along with other employees — following a litmus test of questions that were sent to colleagues asking if the employee vocalized support for Trump or objected to the COVID-19 vaccine.

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So how do those with disabilities fit into the equation of DEIA? Answer: the same way as black people. They are both token groups that have been interchangeably used by the secular left to push through the progressive agenda.

In order to comprehend how this is done, it is important to first understand that the definition used for disability is pretty much open-ended, and beyond what the average person thinks. The homosexual activist group, GLAAD helped make this happen. 

Soon after the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, an HIV/AIDS-infected woman sued her dentist claiming that under ADA she qualified as disabled and was discriminated against.  She accused her dentist of discrimination for telling her he would only treat her cavity in a hospital where he would be better protected from accidentally being infected by her blood, rather than in his personal office. GLAAD represented her lawsuit before the Supreme Court, and astonishingly, she won and the definition of what qualifies as disabled was changed instantly. 

Also, just as black people are the targets of the liberal left's abortion agenda, so too are the disabled. Just look at the case of Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, Inc, where the abortion industry (the same proponents behind DEIA) challenged Indiana’s 2016 law that sought to ban abortions performed solely on the basis of a baby's gender, race, ethnicity, or disabilities. If ever there is a case that highlights just how much abortion and eugenics go hand-in-hand, this one surely provides the evidence.

The bottom line is this: DEIA needs to be gutted. It goes without saying that our society must be one that always shows compassion and cares for the vulnerable and weak, not only in the workplace but everywhere. This can and should be done without DEIA having to continue to exist; especially since DEI’s true aim is to oppose Christian American values and block those who hold them.

Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author, and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. Along with serving his local church in North Carolina, John travels nationally to speak, preach and confront school boards, for which his notoriety has spread coast to coast with 300 million + views on videos of his now famous challenges to woke school board officials. From the battles on the NC State football field to the current-day culture wars, John is a fearless defender of Biblical justice. IKNOWGOD.US.

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