Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Finally, I Can Agree With The CofE Over Something.

Church of England recognises human dignity of disabled children.

Susie Leafe  08 July 2024 

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

The General Synod of the Church of England made their first request to the new government and unusually it was something that everyone in the chamber could support. In a multi-faceted motion that was inspired by the experience of Christine, a church member from Wigan, Synod voted to call on "His Majesty's Government and healthcare providers to ensure that mothers whose unborn child may be disabled in any way are given comprehensive and unbiased information about the condition and support available to them".

Rev Pete Spiers, who is himself affected by the drug thalidomide, proposed the motion, which began by affirming that "every person is unique and precious and made in the image of God"; challenged the "common assumption that bringing a disabled child into the world is a tragedy to be avoided"; and called for greater "support for parents and families of children born with disabilities" from both public authorities and church bodies. CT.
