Thursday, July 11, 2024

I am a total realist who did not want to be a Christian. But I was sufficiently honest to investigate and was profoundly shocked to prove that this was the only absolute truth.

Christians are the realists.

It is truly strange how so many non Christians - and atheists in particular - have so little grasp of why people are Christians in the first place.
Undoubtedly, there is a belief that we are motivated by the prospect of an afterlife in some beautiful, nicey nicey heaven.
Certainly, they believe that we are wetting ourselves at the prospect of hellfire.
It cannot be denied that they think that they see brainwashing at the drop of every hat.
They seemingly think that we haven't properly considered all possibilities - when in fact it is they who have made decisions on minimal evidence.
They think that we all need 'a crutch on which to lean' - which is only true for some - or on occasion for most.

They see us as illogical, irrational, self-deceiving people who want to be 'bossed about' by some deity because we haven't enough guts to live without.
It is so hard to break it to them that for the most part, we have sought out TRUTH - and found it! And for those of us who lean on the promises of God we have a genuine REALITY & CERTAINTY which their blinkered minds cannot even begin to grasp.
The Living Christ is NOT an opinion.

Quite So.

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