Sunday, July 07, 2024

Irrespective of The Disaster of A Labour Government, Now in Power, The Tories Needed To Be Thoroughly Thrashed In This Election.

For decades, the Tories have failed to introduce any centre-right policies. They have effectively rubber-stamped all the horrors put in place by previous Labour administrations. How many have been reversed? - CORRECT!

Add to this their countless broken promises on: crime, Brexit and taxation - all topped off with torpor and incompetence.

Let us never forgive what they have done with migration.

They have singularly failed to fettle the biased BBC.

Promised prisons were not built.

Shoplifting has been effectively legalised.

Lack of deterrent sentencing is the biggest single factor behind knife crime.

We are still under the thumb of countless wretched civil servants.

They have not controlled the billions of pounds being poured into appalling Quangos - why has there not been a root and branch examination of monies wasted in so many of these toxic bodies? A number of these do a splendid job but a majority just soak up tax payers' money in huge, wasteful chunks.

Why are our Armed Forces at their weakest since Napoleonic times?

Why have they decided to mark trillions of pounds for attempting 'to change the climate?' Since the Clean Air Acts of 1956, we have developed superbly clean air around the UK - YES - using fossil fuels and with 70 times the number of vehicles on our roads that there was in 1952! 

Why no development of nuclear power like France?

Why no action on Blair's appalling Supreme Court? The old system was simply dreadful - and now we have leftist judges giving us something considerably worse!

Why no links made between huge migration and the nation's lack of housing?

Why no action taken against universities which do not allow a freedom of opinion within their hallowed walls?

Why no reform of The House of Lords?

Why no reform of the NHS? - The answer has been simply FEAR. All the leftists have had to do is to parrot "The Tories want to privatise the NHS" and they have run for their boltholes to wallow in their cowardice.

Why all the pandering to the Godless who want to perform abominations on children?

There is so much more. They truly needed to lose. They turn their noses up against 'populism' - which properly translated means - like Labour, they scorn the opinions of ordinary people. Almost all of our politicians claim a sort of moral superiority over the wishes of voters.

We must now bite the bullet and take the huge kicking we shall all face from having the out and out left, rather than the liberal left, in charge for five appalling years. I may not live to see its end.
Nigel Farage must let them know with certainty that he will 'steal' their votes again in 2029. That should concentrate Tory minds wonderfully. Then, he will assuredly make the offer to the remnant Tories that this Blogger has been stating since the end of 2023.

Nigel to offer them a deal to get almost all The Reform UK votes back:
1) No seats for former Tory leftists.
2) Winnable seats aplenty for Reform-Tory members.
3) No leftist agendas whatsoever.
4) Unity without any 'wets' and 'one nation Tories'.

After Labour's dismal showing, The new Reform-Tory Party could well win in 2029 with Labour being the ones to face oblivion

1 Corinthians 6. Believers Must KNOW and Implement What The Lord Teaches Us.

    9  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolater...