Wednesday, July 17, 2024

NO Daily Express, Punishing Crime Must Be In The Top Three.


10 common sense pledges


Britain needs strong borders to keep the public safe. Since 2018, 130,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel and the UK is now giving France £500 million to tackle the problem. The crossing are dangerous and have led to 240 deaths, including small children. Immediate action must be taken to stop the boats.


High care costs and an exodus of staff have left social care under even greater strain.

Labour and Conservative governments have promised to work cross-party to secure long term changes that will put the system on a stable footing. It is time for both parties to put their differences aside to make that happen, starting with plans to protect homeowners from being forced to sell up to pay for care.


The triple lock was put in place to end decades of miserly increases as low as 75p a week under Labour to the state pension. It is supposed to be a cast iron guarantee that payments will increase by the highest of 2.5 per cent, wages rises or inflation but has repeatedly been put under threat.

We will always fight attempts to water down the pledge and call for the government to keep retirees who rely on the state pension out of income tax.


Britain must get out of first gear after more than a decade of high taxes and low growth. Businesses need lower taxes and less red tape to help the country boost its national income. It is also time to deliver on promises to level-up the economy with more investment in infrastructure outside the south east to give the rest of the country a fighting chance.


Single-sex spaces must be maintained for dignity and safety, particularly toilets, changing rooms, rape crisis centres, domestic violence refuges and hospital wards. Children must be protected in schools with support to be happy in their own bodies and separate changing rooms and toilets for boys and girls while women’s sport at all levels must remain for female-born competitors to ensure fairness.

Action must also be taken to make the nation’s streets safer. Around seven in 10 women regularly feel unsafe while walking alone at night.


Britain voted to leave the European Union so it could build a bright future outside the bloc.

The government must make the most of its newfound freedom to strike new trade deals, control its borders and continue to take the leading role in the world shown when Russia invaded Ukraine.


Millions of people are on waiting lists for NHS treatment with covid backlogs still causing significant pressure on the system.

Radiotherapy is the unsung hero of cancer care and expanding its patchy provision will reduce deaths and speed up treatment. The Daily Express crusade calls for a boost in funding to help pay for 200 extra radiotherapy machines to end the postcode lottery of care.


High streets are the lifeblood of local communities but shops already struggling to compete with online retailers took a hammering during the pandemic. High parking charges and empty, boarded up stores put off shoppers. Ministers must come up with creative ways to restore pride in our high streets.


The Daily Express is proud to support our brave personnel willing to lay down their lives in the defence of Britain and freedom around the World. We believe the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force should be given the best equipment possible and with enough personnel to keep us safe.

Defence is the first duty of Government. The Daily Express will continue highlighting where corners are being cut on this vital area. It's clear our servicemen and women are among the very best in the World. But given the threat from Russia, China and Iran, it is abundantly clear there is not enough of them or key pieces of equipment which could make the difference on the battlefield.


Britain must play its part in reducing harmful pollutants but that must not come at the cost of the country's treasured beauty spots. A much-need massive upgrade to the UK's energy grid needs to take into account community concerns about the installation of pylons on the landscape. Residents must also be at the heart of the planning reforms needed to meet housing targets, particularly any attempt to concrete over the countryside.

Help Needed For Our Brothers and Sisters.

Will you help Christians who are suffering violence and oppression? So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...