Friday, July 12, 2024


 A story of redemption.

My name is ‘Mebrhit’* and I accepted Jesus as my Saviour in 2001, but due to persecution from my family my sister and I stopped attending any Christian gathering. However, in August 2003 I rededicated my life to Christ, and then, while waiting for admission to nursing school in 2008, I was arrested at a  Bible study group. Initially I was taken to the police station and after  one week transferred to Adi Abeyto prison in Asmara, the capital.

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The next day, because we refused to renounce our faith, I and other girls were transferred to another, notorious prison, where I joined Twen (see January’s Voice magazine for Twen’s story) and other women.

There I could not tolerate the hardship. Once I was taken to be beaten but was spared when I passed out.

Then we were transferred to Me’etr prison in northern Eritrea where I continued to suffer from negative thoughts and sleeplessness. I was not eating and lost weight. Nevertheless, I was getting good care from Twen and the others who were feeding me and praying for me.

However, after five years I began to question why I was still there and signed in order to get released.

After I went home my depression continued for more than a year but during all these times Christians were praying for me, and Twen even had someone on the outside come to visit me and invite me to a home worship group. There I started to pray and
ask for forgiveness and while praying a song came into my heart and I started to sing it. For the first time the heaviness lifted and I experienced God’s love once again.

I currently minister to refugees outside Eritrea. I am involved in street ministry and have seen many girls come to know the Lord. I preach and teach and care pastorally for those who are struggling in life.

Although painful my faith journey has helped me to understand those who struggle in life. I am grateful for the Lord has given me precious sisters and brothers who tirelessly prayed and cared for me. Release.

*Name changed to protect identity

Quite So.

The choice: civilisation or barbarism . Now we understand how the Holocaust could have happened. Melanie Phillips Oct 6   We are living thro...