Friday, July 19, 2024

What Is The Matter With This Person?

Kim Kardashian tells convicted triple murderer he deserves a 'second chance': Reality star meets with prisoner serving life sentence for killing innocent elderly couple and their son in revenge firebomb attack.

Blogger: she has no right to offer social approval. Is she trying to proffer forgiveness?
Society executes justice it is NOTHING to do with her!
IF, one of this man's victims was a friend or family member - she can, only then - offer Christian forgiveness to him and it would, in fact, be wrong to deny him this.
There are many times in Law and Justice where Man punishes but God is prepared to forgive where repentance is in evidence.
These two may well not overlap. God forgives sin but He does not forgive CRIME! God has an expectation of just punishment from the authorities on Earth.
Even if you were to become a Christian in prison, you should have zero expectation of escaping any righteously imposed punishment.

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Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually. 1Chronicles16:11 OCTOBER HAS BEEN A MONTH OF BLESSING THROUGH HARDSHIP  as Anne M...