Sunday, July 27, 2008


This poor Blog has been working so hard that I have decided that he/she must be awarded a holiday. Consequently, The Blog will be off to the summer sun for a few days and will not be posting again until the 8th of August or thereabouts.

Please, have fun trawling through archives if you cannot do without your daily dose of common sense!

The message I have tried to impart.

Sometimes the top journalists can hit the centre of the target with an ease which embarrasses us lesser mortals.
I have long pointed out the folly of 'picking the right side' in Balkan conflicts as you will always be wrong - and with an inevitability that chills.
[The mass takeover of what is called Kosovo, by means of aggressive immigration should be a lesson for us all.]

"But in any case, there’s something very fishy about the fashionable view of Yugoslavia, which makes out that the Serbs are bad, the Croats OK and the Bosnian Muslims the universal nice guys.
It simply isn’t true. There was disgusting behaviour on all sides.
There was a massacre at Ahmici, where the Croats slaughtered Muslims and the man mainly responsible (whom you’ve never heard of) got 25 years in jail.
There was a Bosnian Muslim camp at Celebici where Serbian prisoners were beaten, tortured and murdered.
Once again, there’s been all too little said about this because it upsets the black-and-white picture we’ve been given."

Photo: Radovan Karadzic

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Red Arrows.

Yet again the Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at an event with the same loony left logic applying.
This time it is the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed 'too British'. Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be 'offensive' to other countries taking part in the Games.
Give me strength!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Losers all.

So Gordon lost a seat in Glasgow to the SNP. One loser beaten by another set of losers.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, Cameron's losers are waiting in the wings to take up the reins of power and the only alternative is the Lib Dems who are a bigger set of losers than all the aforementioned!

If UKIP could just gain a foothold - but under the unfair First Past The Post system, that is going to be so difficult.
Success in the EU elections under PR next June would perhaps be a start.

Check out their website - it really is worth it.

Secondly, meet a real UKIP candidate. He is superb. A terrific contrast to the losers already portrayed!

[This is a personal website for the internal party election & therefore non-UKIP members should click on the 'main site' link at the bottom.]

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The nature of man.

The amount of Letters Pages I scrutinise in any given year runs into thousands and the letters I view may well run into five figures.
Letters from aggressive atheists tend to take three forms:

1] "Science has disproved the Bible" - a claim which is so simplistic I could weep.

2] "Look at all the wars caused by religion" - as if this non sequitur proves anything and

3] "It's all made up, innit? And that is right coz I say so!" - The upmarket version of this is: "Ah well, Man created God in his own image - what - why? - Well coz I say so!"

Points one and three have been well covered on this Blog, so today I shall major on the second point.

The major wars of the 20th Century with any concern to the West were World Wars One & Two, Vietnam, Korea, other communist insurrections and the Spanish Civil. Of all these, only the latter had any religious element at all and the beginnings of that war can only be understood in the context of the proven butchery of symbols of the Roman Catholic Church such as monks, priests and nuns by wilder elements of the extreme left on the republican side. Without that persecution it is extremely unlikely that Mola, Sanjurjo and Franco would have been able to get the nationalists fired up to start that conflict. The break up of the Indian sub continent was a case of its own.
Go into the 19th Century and the major wars were the Crimean, the two Boer Wars, The Franco-Prussian, The American Civil and of course, the Napoleonic wars.
You will struggle extremely hard to prove the point that "most wars are caused by religion" - you have to go back more than two centuries to make that point at all in any form or with any validity in the West - indeed most such commentators feel the need to go back a thousand years to the Crusades to make their points. More than a hint of desperation there! They could of course, have used The Thirty Years War in the 17th Century if their assertions had been based on any overview of history.
No. Wars begin from: greed, racism, the need to dominate, the need to impose political philosophies, aggressive and overweening idealism, the pursuit of power, silencing critics of domestic policies, imperialism, theft of the accumulated wealth of others, the egos of politicians and the nature of Man itself.
Wars can of course, have a religious base but are more likely to fall into the category of conflicts between co-existing groups - Ireland being a good case in point - where aggression is identifiably tribal in nature.
Photo: Pol Pot.

Green propaganda - read the book!

The trouble, as a new book by Cambridge physics professor David MacKay points out, is that much of what we are told amounts to little more than 'greenwash' - a series of pointless gestures and incantations designed to make us feel better about ourselves, to make companies more money and to justify hikes in taxation on 'non-green' activities.

The problem, says Prof MacKay in his book Sustainable Energy - Without The Hot Air, is that the green lobby is being totally unrealistic about what is really needed to achieve the cutbacks in carbon dioxide emission it says is necessary.

No great surprises in the book, then!

Councillors or the lowest of the low - you decide!

The leaders at Portsmouth City council were asked to donate £500 to a fun day event to raise money for the charity Help The Heroes, which looks after wounded soldiers back in this country.
But they initially turned down the grant because it argued their support may upset ethnic minorities who could have been traumatised by armed conflicts
A rejection letter said the event "could cause offence to ethnic minority groups living in the community who may also have experience of injury/violence due to the war".

They eventually capitulated!

I do hope voters remember this when the next election comes around.
I know Christians are entitled to righteous anger - but not anger which is ultimately selfish.
Are we permitted Christian hatred, I wonder? Because I truly HATE political correctness!

A heartwarming story of a guy who is simply misunderstood.

Drugs lord Gareth Curtis apparently ran a drugs empire from his prison cell.
The jailed gang leader plied his odious trade from his prison cell by using his illegal mobile phone 45,000 times in six months - but was recently cleared of arranging a gangland murder!
Gareth Curtis, from Stretford, made or received an average of more than 246 calls or texts a day.

How can anybody possibly claim that prisons are no longer places of punishment?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At last!

Petrol price slashed 5p in supermarket war.

Britain's biggest supermarket is to slash petrol prices by up to 5p a litre.
Two tribes go to war: Asda and Morrisons have started a price war after cutting fuel costs by 4p a litre.

Jonathan Prynn, Evening Standard.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Holocaust denial.

Although the numbers declared as having died in the holocaust are almost certainly exaggerated, those who deny the historical facts behind the systematic slaughter of so many people should feel ashamed of themselves.

When Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps, he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.
He did this because he said in words to this effect: 'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some b*stard will get up and say that this never happened."

[All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' --Edmund Burke ]

This month, the UK removed The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offended' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred.

This is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.

Source ECHR?

"A householder who took photographs of hooded teenagers as evidence of their anti-social behaviour says he was told he was breaking the law after they called the police.
David Green, 64, and his neighbours had been plagued by the youths from a nearby comprehensive school for months, and was advised by their headmaster to identify them so action could be taken.
One of Mr Green's pictures shows two hooded teenagers, one making an obscene gesture towards the camera
But when Mr Green left his London flat to take photographs of the gang, who were aged around 17, he said one threatened to kill him while another called the police on his mobile.
And he claimed that a Police Community Support Officer sent to the scene promptly issued a warning that taking pictures of youths without permission was illegal, and could lead to a charge of assault."

The stench of the European Court of Human Rights hangs in the air all around this story.


Monday, July 21, 2008


What an unmitigated disaster this 'Prime Minister-waiting-in-the-wings' truly is.
Mr Ed Balls cannot even get SATS tests marked.

Another 'crackdown'? - Piffle!

"Hardcore heroin and crack cocaine users could be jailed if they refuse to get treatment while receiving unemployment benefit.
Jobless addicts who try to dodge the rules by hiding their habit will instead be deemed welfare cheats obtaining state handouts by deception.
They could be ordered to repay any cash received and in the worst cases charged with fraud, which carries a prison term.
Ministers are also considering switching anyone who is out of work because of drug use from sickness benefit to a new treatment allowance - in an attempt to shame them into finding a job."

Wow! Real action where needed! - It is all so exciting but for two minor factors which the government has failed to mention:

1] If brought in - it will NOT be enforced! [Remember the ASBO panacea?]

2] The European Human Rights legislation will be brought into play at any point where this attempt shows the faintest danger of registering a success.


1,000 laws that will let the state into your home.

" There are more than 1,000 laws which give officials the right to enter private property
The march of the Big Brother state under Labour was highlighted last night as it was revealed that there are now 1,043 laws that give the authorities the power to enter a home or business.
Nearly half have been introduced since Labour came to power 11 years ago. They include the right to:

• Invade your home to see if your pot plants have pests or do not have a 'plant passport' (Plant Health England Order 2005).

• Survey your home and garden to see if your hedge is too high (Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003).

• Check that accommodation given to asylum seekers is not being lived in by non-asylum seekers (Immigration and Asylum Act 1999).

• Raid a house to check if unlicensed gambling is taking place (Gambling Act 2005 Inspection Regulations 2007).

• Seize fridges without the correct energy rating (Energy Information Household Refrigerators and Freezers Regulations 2004).

The rise in clipboard-wielding state inspectors flies in the face of repeated pledges by Ministers to curb the power of bureaucrats.
The full extent of the state's 'powers of entry' is revealed in documents slipped out quietly by the Government last week."

Simon Walters. Mail on Sunday.

Loss of hope.

Although I tend to heavily criticise those members of today's youth who do not make the best of themselves at school - and certainly there are many more now in this group than ever before - readers might be surprised to see me take their side.

In days gone by, such youngsters were able to give themselves a second chance in the workplace and many grabbed it with both hands.

They moved into apprenticeships, trades or labouring. They formed the main body of our semi-skilled workforce. They earned money and formed an essential part of society.

No longer! The EU has overseen the systematic dismantling of our industries, fishing and agriculture in its bid to turn us into a 'service economy' - incidentally a plan known with certainty to have been within the knowledge of Harold Wilson as long ago as the late 1940s. This has meant that a great many opportunities have been denied to them.

Tragically, so many more options have been removed with the onset of uncontrolled immigration.

So many of these school-hating youngsters who would have had a second chance; the possibility of redeeming themselves, are now without any real hope.

Even if they spend time at college - the chances are high that they will be edged out of jobs by a freshly arrived immigrant.

No car; no house; no career; no holidays abroad; no dreams; no future prospects.

Little wonder that so many are resentful, bitter and turn to anti-social behaviour.
Their situation does not excuse them, and clearly, they should be heavily punished if they step out of line but their hopelessness does provide a fertile soil in which their already damaged attitudes can flower and prosper into something more sinister.

Rowan Williams or Rowan Atkinson?

"This prelate whimpered last week that Christianity was 'offensive' to Muslims.

- Offensive? I know we have been urged to stop being horrid to this inept, terrifyingly well meaning man - and it really is nothing personal - but he does rather ask for it.

A few months ago he mused on the possibilities of allowing a little light Sharia Law in this country.

This is, I suppose, a point of view.

I just can't work out why the leader of a Christian church should hold it.

The same goes for the Lord Chief Injustice, Lord Phillips, whose entire career and substantial salary are based on centuries of Christian-based law.

If it is anyone's job to suggest Muslim law should get a toehold in Britain, it isn't his.

In my experience, Muslims aren't in the least bit 'offended' by Christianity.

I've argued with them about it, in places as different as Peshawar, on the North-West Frontier, and Whitechapel, in the East End of London.

And I had the impression they were relieved to find someone from the West who didn't fawn all over them.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

The political incorrectness of Andy Roony.

Andy Rooney said on '60 Minutes' in the USA a few weeks back:

I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like
the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America.

Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens... Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.

Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.

I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, which is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts!

I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.

I have the right 'NOT' to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off.

When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability.

I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English!

My father and grandfather didn't die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come over and disrespect ours.

I think the police should have every right to shoot your sorry #$$ if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the above lines.

I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business.

We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations.

I don't hate the rich . I don't pity the poor.

I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and television. That doesn't stop you from watching them.

I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your name on the building.

It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, and say 'NO!'

I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!

I am sick of 'Political Correctness.' I know a lot of black people, and not a
single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be 'African-Americans'?
Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe I am proud to be from America and nowhere else And if you don't like my point of view, tough...


.....I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having 'In God We Trust' on our money and having 'God' in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Why don't we just tell the 14% to Shut Up and BE QUIET !!!

Will his beliefs receive respect?

"A policeman is taking his force to an employment tribunal, claiming that he has been harassed because of his Christian beliefs.

Constable Graham Cogman says he has been persecuted since he objected to wearing ribbons to mark a gay event."

Did he object to working alongside homosexual colleagues? - No!

He was not prepared however, to endorse that which the Bible says is wrong by wearing a 'celebratory ribbon'. No sellout by Graham Cogman!


Ecclesiastes 5:10.

"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income." Ecclesiastes 5:10.

Do remember that the Scriptures have never said that " is the root of all evil." This statement is actually preceded by the words "The love of ..."

The Bible makes it abundantly clear that money may be a blessing but the avaricious pursuit of wealth replaces God - and He permits no barriers between Himself and those who would follow Him. Read the story of The Rich Young Ruler in Mark 10.

It is vitally important to remember that in that story, it is not wealth per se, but the barrier which wealth has become. Anything more important than God in our lives will become an identical barrier.

Rights and responsibilities.

The underclass and the poorest in our society may overlap but are most emphatically, not the same thing.
Indeed, the underclass will, in general, not be anywhere near as poor as honest people at the bottom end of the benefits system.
Distinctions must be made.

The underclass works against society; parasites professionally and is enmeshed in petty - and not so petty - crime. This group must be targeted. We are in a war which threatens our entire social base.
Nobody can be a pacifist in this conflict. Society must return to the excellent victorian concept of the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor.
I wish to see society help the former.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


As a teacher, I hear the word 'sorry' used on countless occasions by pupils who know that this is the 'magic' word.
When I was a JP, it was the solicitors making unending claims of the deepest sorrow on behalf of the most unrepentant scallies imaginable.

Sadly, repentance can be neither viewed nor measured from the outside and unless tangible evidence of that which is claimed is produced - it should carry no weight in the legal system.


Proverbs 12:1 states "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. "

Now apply this thinking to our society!

Friday, July 18, 2008

55 areas of sovereignty removed.

Long after the death penalty was abolished for murder, it was retained for high treason.

Lucky for Gordon and Tony that it was eventually abolished, eh?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shared Pool.

This photo is of the wonderful shared pool at our house in Torrevieja - a 35 minute easy drive from Alicante Airport.

We have a number of free dates for bookings this summer and we can help you with finding the cheapest flights and carhire. Those not tied to school holidays get the very best bargains!

The house is a superbly equipped maisonette - first floor - with balcony and solarium.

It has two double bedrooms, a double sofa bed in the lounge and one bathroom.

There is English Sky TV with sports channels.
Even in the highest season it only costs £375 per week [+ 60 euros to agents for laundry.]
Big discounts for fortnightly bookings and longer.

The best value combined with the really nicest weather is September.

Interested? - E Mail:

What - only 95%?

The trouble with online polls is that voters are self-selecting.
Such soundings can still however, have some merit, because they better reflect the views of those who really care - the apathetic simply don't bother to vote.
This poll cannot be totally trusted but the result is more than a little interesting - when 95% indicate that they want to quit the EU!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You were warned what they were up to!

So. ID cards were just the thin end of a very large
- as predicted. And of course, it is all in the name of 'preventing terror'.

"In an Orwellian move, the Home Office is proposing to detail every phone call, e-mail, text message, internet search and online purchase in the fight against terrorism and other serious crime.
But the privacy watchdog, Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, warned that the public’s traditional freedoms were under grave threat from creeping state surveillance."



Andrew Pennington, an MP's assistant, was slaughtered by Robert Ashman with a samurai sword in the year 2000.

At his trial, the judge suggested that it was unlikely that Ashman would ever be released as he was so deranged.

Happily, as the trick cyclists have been so successful in 'curing' him, Mr Ashman is now free.

What is the betting that he will not be moving in next door to these very same psychiatrists?

Photo: Robert Ashman.

Other people's money.

Let us say that you are involved in a project which is chaired by somebody quite wealthy.
This person works his socks off for the project until the stresses and strains lead to a severe heart attack.
This person not only lends large amounts to help the project to progress but also gives freely.
Others, on the fringes of the project but who sometimes contribute small amounts, mount a campaign against the benefactor demanding that he pays in vast sums of their choosing to make the project run even more successfully. They forget that the project was failing before the arrival of the wealthy man and denigrate the current success level as 'unacceptable'.
Some argue that these interested parties who, if truth be told, do not have a clue about the inner workings of the project actually caused the heart attack.

Welcome to the crazy world of the message boards which surround Scunthorpe United Football Club.
Welcome to the illogical outpourings of the radical left. All of this, of course, is a snapshot of today's society and the inner workings of the leftwing mind.
Ungrateful, demanding, unreasonable, unable to give credit where due.
The left has ALWAYS wanted to spend other people's money!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Littlejohn is beyond excellence today:


Young smokers.

'Votes for 16 year olds!' squawk the madcaps in the Lib Dems and it is a view echoed throughout the Labour party.
They are desperate to get their hands on 'new voters' before their political faculties have developed - shame on these people.
BUT watch for the hypocrisy! - These youngsters are alleged to have sufficient nous to select a government - but the smoking age is [admittedly, rightly] raised to 18. It is largely the same people who have wanted this.

Big feminist has encounter with REAL life.

Over years, the liberal left has systematically destroyed the employment and promotional prospects of many women.
Maternity rules have hammered countless small and medium-sized firms and a great many have fought back in the only way open to them!

[Of course, this has not been the case in the public sector where that 'bottomless pit' known as the Treasury has always come up trumps.]

It is interesting that, against this backcloth, well known feminist Rosie Boycott has had to admit the devastating effects on business when she finds herself having to try to survive.

With idealists, it was ever thus. They always know what is best from the lofty heights of their ivory towers but are simply unable to grasp what happens to real people at ground level.

This is a fascinating link:

Also see posting 'Not sexist' from the 16th April.


Mel: "Western progressives have come to believe that the nation state is responsible for all the ills of the world, from prejudice to nationalism and war.

The only legitimate institutions are therefore trans-national ones which purport to represent the brotherhood of man."

They are wrong: she is right.

A great letter.

EU to blame over post offices closures.

Sir, You rightly report a ‘sense of betrayal’ at the decision to close 49 post offices in the West Midlands, including Seisdon and Codsall Wood.
The closure of these post offices is of course shocking and unnecessary. The question is, however, why Royal Mail was transformed in less than a decade from a reasonably sufficient and profitable organisation which was part of our national life to a loss-making business struggling for survival?
The cause of this strange transformation was actually a series of EU Directives which have the specific aim of undermining national postal services and introducing an EU-wide postal service. The EU dislikes national organisations because they are part of the fabric of national member-states which the EU wants to make less and less relevant.

Further, private companies can now demand that Royal Mail handles their post on their behalf at up to nine pence a packet cheaper than 2nd class charges. To make matters worse, the government has taken other business, such as payment of pensions into bank accounts, and issuing TV licences, away from post offices.
In other words, Royal Mail and the post offices were set up to fail. West Midland MP’s and councillors who so loudly lament the loss of local offices have access to this information. If they are doing their job properly they know, or should know, about these Directives.
Why are they so silent about the central role of the EU in the dismemberment of Royal Mail and in post office closures? Presumably they do not want the public to know too much about the antisocial and profoundly undemocratic nature of the European Union.

Mike Lynch, Suckling Green Lane, Codsall, Wolverhampton.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Good for me. Good for you too?

Even if a loony believes it himself, you would have to be totally bonkers as a politician to say so. High petrol prices are a 'good thing'.
Welcome to the mixed up world of the labour minister who could have been the next Viscount Stansgate if Dad hadn't ditched the title.

Funny-but-in-a-different-sort-of-way to Dad, Hilary Benn the Leeds MP has shown that - he is utterly detached from the normal world the rest of us are forced to inhabit.
I think that Mr Benn Junior has fully earned his Loonytuneswatch coconut. Don't you?

6 separate deaths by stabbing in one day!

Out come the wringers of hands; the utterers of "How can this be happening?"; the do-gooders; the super-sensitive; those who have no concept of justice and of course, the liberal left!

When capital crimes shot up by 126% in the first year after the abolition of capital punishment they did not get it.
When the homicide rate soared five fold, they made excuses and tried to lie with statistics.
When the death penalty arrived in N. York and the murder rate plummeted, they could not comprehend and pointed out that USA homicide rates were much higher than ours - likewise in Texas. [See previous postings].
When released 'lifers' kill at a rate of one a fortnight in the UK, they thought that this could be safely ignored and worried themselves sick instead that an 'innocent' person could possibly be executed once every decade or so.
When abolitionist governments refused to restore the rope, they were prepared to cynically ignore the democratic will of the electorate because it was in accord with their beliefs. Even today, 43 years on, a significant majority of voters are in favour of the death penalty.
When The EU/ECHR/Council of Europe took away our right to execute they applauded as if our rights to self-determination had no meaning.
When we pointed out that criminals had nothing to fear, they said that 'the fear of being caught' was all that deterred criminals.
When we pointed out that 'justice' was not an outmoded concept, they claimed that the death penalty was 'barbaric'.
When we pointed out that evil must be fought, they denied its existence and twisted the Scriptures to accuse us of being 'judgemental'.
When we pointed out their failures, they insisted that the sytem is too harsh [???] and restated their disastrous beliefs that "inside every criminal is a worthy citizen trying to get out."
When we wept for our wrecked society, they still claimed that justice equates to revenge. They failed to see that retribution is cold, measured, impersonal and objective whilst vengeance is subjective.
They have been proved monumentally wrong and take one of two courses - in many cases both.
Firstly, they close their eyes to the scale of the problem. Secondly, they wickedly pretend that there are no alternatives to their views.
As the murder rate rises - watch them squirm and note how few will admit that they have been totally wrong. Never let facts get in the way of a good, liberal prejudice.
This is merely an arcane argument, of course, unless that is, we take into account the extra 15,000+ dead since this nation 'lost its bottle'.

Genesis 9:6 (New International Version)

"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God ,has God made man."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Full list of benefits for the UK of EU membership.


Unfortunately, like populism, the word elitism is largely used as a negative today and bears all the customary, leftwing hallmarks of jealousy and envy. [See posting for March 19th 2007 or put 'populism' into the search engine.]
Obviously, if some small group based on birth, nepotism, favour or membership of secret groupings gains grossly unfair, social advantages then this is manifestly wrong.
But elitist is not a word which may be reasonably used as an insult if it refers to somebody who has risen due to a positive use of their intelligence and talents.
The picture may be distorted somewhat where totally talent-free celebrities are concerned who are the product of cunning manufacture by record producers et al.
Similarly, the Bosman Ruling in football is the prime culprit behind the astronomical salaries found in football which are given to players who are truly fourth rate.
That a great many League 2 [ie. Division 4] players earn salaries into six figures means that the supporter has to pay. Strangely, these self same supporters - as attested to on countless message boards - seldom attack low graded players for earning £200k but will protest loudly and long if a working company director earns a £100k in a firm which creates jobs and wealth. Such is the leftwing mindset.
Talent, ability, dedication, risk and hardworking attitudes deserve big rewards.
I cannot resent them their success.
But as we listen to the liberal elite you could be forgiven for thinking that the vast majority of large earners - beyond those already mentioned - are wastrels and parasites who bleed the country dry as they enrich themselves on sinecures at public expense; who contribute little to society. [All a tad marxist, wouldn't you say?]
What is really appalling is the suggestion that grammar schools feed elitism.
No. That is a fine example of meritocracy at work in a way which comprehensives have signally failed to emulate.

Dannatt snubbed - and we all know why!

Tragically, the present government's lack of care for its soldiery, as well as its incompetence and failure to fund the Armed Forces properly has led to the resignation of General Richard Dannatt.
This departure is made worse as he is a practising evangelical Christian.
Being precisely the kind of man this government despises in every way, he was turned down as Chief of The Defence Staff - a calculated snub.


Saturday, July 12, 2008


Posted without comment other than to award Ian Blair and the delightful Denise a LoonyTunesWatch coconut - each!

"Their arrival in the capital is said to have led to a huge rise in thieving and prompted the creation of a specialist police squad to tackle their sinister activities.
Yet in a move which has caused disbelief amongst rank and file officers, Scotland Yard has asked staff to 'celebrate' the contribution of Roma gipsies to 'London's culture and diversity.'
In a notice posted on the force's intranet website, Denise Milani, director of the Met's 'Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate', urges officers to observe the first ever 'Gipsy Roma Traveller History Month.'
Ignoring the huge drain on resources caused by Romanian pickpockets who target commuters and tourists in the West End, Miss Milani - a protege of Metropolitan Police chief Sir Ian Blair - says Roma gipsies are welcome in the capital.



Extremist Christian sect beheads a Muslim? - Welcome to the weird and whimsical, wonderful world of 'Bonekickers' the BBC drama designed to make the unchurched believe - well - anything.
And of course the scene is shown in graphic and sickening detail so that there can be no doubts about the subliminal message.

Chances of getting away with portraying this idea with religions reversed? - Approximately zero!

Funny how they have taken current reality and cleverly reversed it.

Ah well. That's dramatic licence for you!
After all. It's only a story.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Remember Lillian Ladele? [Check back to the 23/5/08 Blog]

Industrial tribunal. SHE WON! Common sense prevailed!

Awful - going on appalling.

Consider the cabinet.. Balls, Harperson, Smith, Blears, Straw, Miliband and to cap it all - Brown himself.
Think of all those sacked from Blair's cabinet - and the sickening reasons why.
I shall not go through all of the rest, it is just too depressing.

Consider the incompetence levels.
These people are so lacking in talent and charisma that you would settle for them just having a modicum of ability and something approaching a personality.

Sadly, that is not to be!
In my daily life, I could take 20 or so people of my own acquaintance and my selection would outdo, nay, completely outshine this hapless rabble.
The trouble is that the tories would only have to be abominably poor to be an improvement.
Tragically, that is what I fully expect them to be!

Mrs Bishop née Nugent.

Interesting. Emily Bishop in Coronation Street [which I no longer watch, incidentally] is one of the very few people on TV in the last 40 years whom we are told is Christian and yet she is NOT portrayed as a wild-eyed loony or raving hypocrite. How odd!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

York, The Press. Accuracy.

Sir, Isn’t it amazing what pours from the pens of our EU advocates whenever their pet cow is criticised (Readers’ Letters, July 2).
Messrs Kelly and Coun Christian Vassie are fairly typical, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
It is suggested if we do not agree with EU policies, we can vote against them at our next election. Last time, it was tacitly agreed within our main parties that the EU was not an issue and should not be part of the election. As a Lib Dem politico, Coun Vassie is well aware of this.
Indeed, all our political masters run a mile at the mention of a vote on any EU issues. Denied a vote on our membership of this club, how can our voices be heard?
Coun Vassie points out all governments prefer the EU route to pass tricky legislation as it would never get by on national terms. Isn’t that the point of most of the opposition to the EU and all it stands for?
Nor is the EU the continental peacemaker it is made out to be by its supporters.
In fact, the EU is a vehicle by which politicians in the member countries hope to achieve advantages for their own states, but unfortunately what suits some members badly hurts others.
Charles Rushton

How do we know what is right and wrong?

Romans 7:7 "What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, “YOU SHALL NOT COVET.” So said Paul.

Hmm. In purely naturalistic or libertarian terms, making a case against the practice of homosexuality in a free and democratic society is nigh on impossible.

It is only because we know of God's disapproval that the true Church has had to take a stand - in like manner to what has been learned from this quote from Romans.

It is clearly right that Anglicans should oppose the spread of homosexuality in Church leadership and the group who do this within that body should be supported.
Homosexual 'marriage' mocks God. Organisations in the Christian Church which celebrate their homosexuality are repugnant on every level.
What would be wrong however, would be for Christians to persecute people just for being homosexual.
Is its practice worse than that of any other sin? - In scriptural terms, emphatically not.
How should Christians deal with homosexuals? - They should love them; pray for them, support them; and encourage celibacy in the manner adopted by the former Archbishop of York.

The wisdom of a Teddy.

'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.

But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American... There can be no divided allegiance here.

Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all.

We have room for one flag, the American flag... We have room for one language here and that is the English language... and we have room for one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Phew! Think how much our politicians could have - but did not - learn from him!
