Thursday, April 30, 2009


'Can Labour go any lower?' - [This is almost now a theme on this Blog.]
In the last Bootle Council Elections, it was quite clear that UKIP were going to take their target seat by a wide margin, right there in the Labour heartland. But one must never underestimate the power of dirty tricks and how many low lifes in that party will use them.

In the 24 hours leading up to the vote, the egregious local 'democrats' of Labour placed a leaflet into EVERY home which was filled with malicious smears about the excellent candidate and now UKIP Chairman, Paul Nuttall.

Labour won the seat and Mr Nuttall took 38% of the vote.

One more nail in that coffin which is British politics!

David Cameron.

David Cameron yesterday insisted a third of jobs in a Tory government would go to women - despite a backlash from party traditionalists.'
Just two points:

Look how atrocious the Labour cabinet ministers have been who have been brought in just because they are female - I cannot think of one who is worthy to run a whelk stall and

Secondly, I do hope that this is not some arbitrary figure that he has arrived at. Put simply, I do not care whether the cabinet contains eighty percent women or none, provided that a true meritocracy is in play and this is not some silly exercise in PC tokenism.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hmm. Odd concept

Leftwing anti semitism.

"Labour Party member Elaina Cohen, seeking to be selected as a Council candidate in Birmingham, claims she was told by a sitting Labour councillor that she was 'too white and Jewish.'
She has made an official complaint and says that the Labour councillor Mahmood Hussain told her he would not support her application for an inner-city ward because 'my Muslim members don't want you because you are Jewish.'
Anti Semitism on the Left in not new and is certainly not confined to Britain. Under the old Soviet Union it was rife. Stalin, having earlier agreed to the Nazi/Soviet Pact, then denounced the Jews as 'rootless cosmopolitans.' "


Swine flu.

Gordon Brown is stating that the nation is 'well prepared' for a pandemic of swine flu. Apparently, there are 3o million doses of Tamiflu and similar available.
Strange that. I thought the population was an unknowable number in excess of 60 million!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


One of the great, recent frauds in the evolutionist attempts to 'prove' ape person 'missing links' between ape and personkind has been the bones discovered by Louis Leakey in Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge.
They have been nicknamed 'Lucy' and all independent observers point out that she is an australopithecine. No 'respectable' evolutionist sees australopithecines as anything other than an 'evolutionary sideline'; an extinct ape.
The frauds and wild claims, adjusted evidence and interference with the remains are all well described in the scientific link below which I strongly commend to you.
[David Menton earned a Ph.D. in cell biology from Brown University.]


Harperson's INequality bill.

"Employers will be given legal powers to discriminate in favour of women and black job candidates under a controversial equality shake-up.
Harriet Harman unveiled plans for firms to choose them ahead of equally-qualified white male applicants without risking being sued."

It is almost beyond all belief! Have these people no grasp of the irony of their situation? What obsessions must you have to put manifestly unfair legislation into place?
When you think that the politicians have hit rock bottom - you find that they are always capable of manufacturing new lows.
PREDICTION: If enacted, this legislation will NOT be repealed by Cameron & co!

Source: Mail.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Gurkha scandal.

43,000 Gurkhas have died fighting for Britain.They are arguably at least, our best soldiers.
For years they have been victims of wage and pension discrimination and by that I mean real discrimination - not that variety calculatedly invented by the liberal left to give their acolytes something to whinge about.
When they have risked their lives for us - we tell them to clear off back to Nepal.

Our illustrious government has investigated and of the many soldiers who should be qualified to stay, they have come up with an appalling formula which means that only around a hundred will be welcomed.

When you consider this government's atrocious record on immigration - you can only marvel at their double standards.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A welcome.

Listening to the good stuff and pap which is presented in pretty much equal measures on Sunday morning radio, the presenter on Radio Humberside and his guest, a lady Reverend, combined to say what a wonderful thing it was that the body controlling religious broadcasting on the Beeb had brought a humanist onto their panel.

Two years ago, I wrote that the definition of a liberal is: "One who welcomes his destroyer."
I commend this thought to you once again. These are the very people who would invite Satan onto a panel because '... his view has not been properly represented.'

Maybe they have!

Christian Council of Great Britain.

When you see the slogans about 'defending our Christian heritage', you may be attracted to the Christian Council of Great Britain.
Claims are being made on Radio Humberside and in many other places that this is a 'front organisation' for our old friends, the BNP.

Certainly, leading light, the Reverend Robert West, is a tory councillor who has defected to the BNP.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Abominable and idolatrous.

Whenever a Christian defends the Puritans for their theology, I am reminded of the horrors inflicted onto ordinary beings in their horrendous, pharisaical and bigoted theocracy.
What sexual perversions do you suppose were described as 'Abominable and idolatrous ... and to be avoided by Christians?'

Not quite. This was the puritan view of mince pies and Christmas puddings.

God please save us from religion!

The Christian versus the libertarian in me.

From a secular point of view, it is difficult to see how homosexuality can be criticised - and the libertarian part of me finds arguments against it rather unconvincing BUT when we take the Epistle to the Romans [inter al] into account, we find that God has a view that the practice of homosexuality is sinful.
It is not the view of mankind which should prevail but that found running as a theme throughout both testaments - God's view!

ROMANS: 7:7. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

Homosexuality and covetousness therefore share a common base. It is through the Law that we are able to recognise sin - even where this may not be immediately obvious to us.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dr Fleishmann/Prof. Agassiz.

“The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge.”

Dr A Fleishmann, - Zoologist, Erlangen University.

“The theory of the transmutation of species is a scientific mistake, untrue in its facts, unscientific in its method, and mischievous in its tendency.”

Prof. J Agassiz, - of Harvard in Methods of Study in Natural History

[It all reminds me of a 10 year old still trying to hang onto a belief in Santa and The Tooth Fairy. So, well done to the scientists above who are just two of the hundreds - if not now thousands - who have broken ranks.]

I despair: I truly despair!

'Heroin dealers will no longer face automatic jail sentences and could escape with community service order under reforms put forward by Government advisers yesterday.'

The argument should be whether these are capital offences or not!


They just do not get it!

For the whole of my life, Labour has been a party of economic bigots, misfits and clowns.
It never really changes.
When I was a schoolboy, even back then, I was able to see how high tax rates are a a major disincentive to business and investment. In those sad days, it was Super Tax from the Wilson government.
It was clear that the wealthy and entrepreneurs would simply invest abroad and that their money would seep - often illegally - out of our economy.
Later, it was to be that know-nothing Denis Healey with his promises about the rich, to tax them 'until the pips squeak!'
Now, when the going gets tough, Darling reverts to Old Labour type.

Labour enjoy punishing the rich of whom they disapprove and in some cases hate. Pragmatic it ain't! There has never been a time when it has been easier for the truly rich to remove their cash from this nation at the press of a button on a keyboard.
After yesterday's budget that is now inevitable.
The politics of envy is alive and well. As for me, if somebody has money - that is their problem. That has nothing to do with me but Labour's Robin Hood, cavalier, fiscal policies will hit me too, eventually.
Expect the 'brain drain' to start up again, too!
They will hurt us all and the bigger picture should be considered for once.
***A taxman once told me that it is a fact that the higher the taxation levels are - the less is taken in. Naturally, that does not apply to us poor saps on PAYE.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Calais Mayor on the side of British taxpayers?

Britain's ‘enormous’ state handouts to asylum seekers were furiously criticised yesterday – by the Mayor of Calais.
Natacha Bouchart said these payouts were the lure for thousands of foreigners using the French port as a staging point to cross the Channel illegally.
She said the UK government’s policy was ‘imposing’ migrants on the town, costing the local economy millions.


Dogma has replaced common sense - the results are ...

"Bright children from poor homes are failing to get into university because of under-performing state schools and not class bias.
That is the finding of a major study, covering hundreds of thousands of children, by the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Pupils at struggling comprehensives are getting such low grades they are simply not equipped for degree-level studies, it revealed."

Forget the usual hype from the left - this is exactly what thinking people have known for decades and had predicted when the grammar schools were first placed on the sacrificial altar.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Atheist logic fails - again.

The base argument and starting point for perhaps the majority of atheists is "Bad things happen - ergo God cannot exist."
I have already examined this extremely flawed logic on this Blog but there is a secondary but equally debilitating flaw within.
The atheist speaks as an outsider and thus generally will not have taken the Christian explanation into account - that evil is a result of the Fall.
What the atheist has conveniently forgotten is that the same idea is a problem for Christians too. They search for - and find - a valid explanation within Christianity [See: "The Problem of Pain." CS Lewis] and its teachings.
But because the atheist has already rejected Christianity and is putting arguments for this in place after the event, he/she has not addressed the issue in their arrival at a state of unbelief.
The atheist then implies or states that the Christian is acting illogically when the Christian's approach has been perfectly consistent within his/her faith.
It is in fact the atheist who rejects first and in basing an argument on that rejection, has not given full consideration to what the Christian says because of the order of events and the argument. Based as it is on unproved and unprovable unbelief, no claim for a logical position can then legitimately be made.
Because God does exist, the Christian's logic is 100%.
Once again, the atheist has made the assumption that He does not.
All I can say is that without a personal experience of God, you find yourself relying on words and mere opinions.
The Eiffel Tower does exist [Blog: July 12th 2006]. Been there. Seen it. Climbed it. No point in an unbeliever using weak arguments trying to convince me that I am wrong and it is not really there!

Christians in the Anglican Church fighting back?

Apparently, the extremely liberal, The Very Rev’d Colin Slee, Dean of Southwark, has alleged that the Bishop of Rochester’s recently announced resignation is the first step in setting up an alternative church.

Mr Slee is a man paid to be a senior member of a church who has stated " We've all got to have the courage to say some of the Scripture is complete rubbish." [He was talking about his personal views on homosexuality not being quite congruent with those of God!]
Whether his assertion about Michael Nazir-Ali is true or not obviously, I cannot say but if this happens and undermines the influence of the likes of the overtitled Mr Slee, then so be it!
My thanks to Charles Raven.

Monday, April 20, 2009

50 Ways ....

About six years ago, I began a project which never really got off the ground. I intended to write a book on the topic of parenting called '50 Ways to raise a monster' - short chapters, each with accompanying cartoon.
The point is that over nearly three and a half decades, I have been able to observe appalling behaviour from children and young people - and times-a-many, you could see precisely what the parents had done wrong in raising them.

Parenting skills today are simply lamentable and are no better amongst the middle classes who seem to have lost their moral compass at the same time as having no grasp of the basic practicalities.

Maybe one day I should follow the idea through to conclusion.

A coconut by any other name ...

I have a LooneyTunesWatch coconut ready to be awarded - just as soon as I find the name of The Council digging up rosebushes because 'They might hurt children', I shall make the relevant changes to this posting.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


"ALASKA SEA ICE INCREASED in March to greater than 1979 levels".

Evidence News.

Catholic adoption agencies.

Five catholic adoption agencies have been bullied by this government into severing ties with the Roman Church - as they feel that the work they do is of more importance than the issue of being forced to permit homosexual couples to adopt children.
I fully understand their dilemma and will not criticise their decision, although I am aware that some will see this as a pure compromise on their part.
My bile is directed at the sick, anti-democratic politicians who have abolished freedom of thought and action in this country - all in the name of their sacred cow, political correctness
May woe be upon them!

So. What happens when ...?

It is a Labour mantra that if the UK were to quit the EU we would lose 3 million jobs.
This is not even a deceit - it is a pure lie; propaganda designed to terrify the electorate into doing what they are told and worse - believing in full Orwellian fashion, what they have been told.
Remarkably, even after seeing what a dozen years of Labour politics brings to the world of untruths, there are those dyed-in-the-wool supporters who continue to parrot this egregious nonsense.

1] We are in a year on year trade deficit with the EU and so they would be forced to reach an immediate accomodation with us if we were to withdraw.

2] Santer, Kinnock et al have admitted that if we were to leave, associate status would be guaranteed - so no jobs at all would be lost.

3] Trade would be unaffected and we would be in the same relative position with the EU as are a great many nations worldwide from Iceland to Mexico, Norway to Switzerland. [Admittedly, tiny Iceland's banking fiasco does make it less likely that they can survive as a an individual nation and are already considering surrendering their rights to autonomy.]
4] We are told that 'we would lose input into the decision-making processes'. Laughable! Currently, we have a derisory 8% of the MEPs and 80% of our laws come from Brussels.
5] Norway only adopts 18% of EU regulations and ignores 82%! - We are bigger and more powerful - we would only adopt anything which is specifically good for the UK.
6] World markets where our free trade is already considerably stronger than with the EU would expand. Trading restrictions would disappear. Commonwealth links, even now, are there to be re-established. The future is very bright for exports and trade and jobs but only OUTSIDE.
7] Monies saved could renew our whole social structure - membership is extremely costly at around £55 billion annually.
Freed from the massive constraints, controls, bureaucracy and imperialistic pap, we could become a truly great trading nation again.
The ancillary benefits, too many to discuss in this short piece, would be phenomenal.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Doughty sailor Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has revealed the 'absurd' rules he, Sir Ranulph Fiennes and war reporter John Simpson were subjected to on BBC2 adventure series Top Dogs.

BBC health and safety mandarins woud not trust them to be left alone to light a Primus stove - in case they had an accident!

A Looneytuneswatch coconut is hereby awarded to the BBC!
Source: Daily Mail.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easterbrook reveals the facts - no hype. Global cooling is coming!

"ALTERNATE WARMING and cooling has occurred about every 27 yrs since 1470 AD, well before atmospheric CO2 began to increase," wrote Geology Professor Don Easterbrook (2 Nov 2008), for Global Research. Easterbrook is Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University, Bellingham (USA) and has correlated historical records of climate cycles with data from the Greenland Ice Core, the Pacific and North Atlantic Oscillations and sunspots, and predicatively concludes the earth is entering a period of cooling that could last almost 30 years. Easterbrook's work was published by Global Research Jan 17 2009 just as winter took a turn for the worse in the Northern Hemisphere. Easterbrook concludes: "Global warming (i.e, the warming since 1977) is over. The minute increase of anthropogenic (man made) CO2 inthe atmosphere (0.008%) was not the cause of the warming - it was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years. The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling, perhaps much deeper than the global cooling from about 1945 to 1977. Just how much cooler the global climate will be during this cool cycle is uncertain. Recent solar changes suggest that it could be fairly severe, perhaps more like the 1880 to 1915 cool cycle than the more moderate 1945-1977 cool cycle. A more drastic cooling, similar to that during the Dalton and Maunder minimums, could plunge the Earth into another Little Ice Age, but only time will tell if that is likely."


My thanks to Creation Research.

Evolutionist 'scientists' never get carried away.

Hesperopithecus haroldcookii was the name given to the 'missing link' known as Nebraska Man.

Unlike the pure hoaxes/deceits which were Piltdown Man and the Haeckel Diagrams, Nebraska Man was not a fraud as such - but rather the proof of how evolutionist 'scientists' are so desperate, that they will literally do anything to justify their hypotheses and prove how wishful thinking rules.
Based on A SINGLE TOOTH, evolutionist 'scientists' came up with 'apeman' drawings like the one above and several museums designed 'apeman' statues for display to the public.
As normal, for decades after the tooth's true identity was revealed, 'Nebraska Man' remained taught on school syllabuses.
So, what was the truth? - Well ... er ... a bit embarrassing this - the tooth came from an extinct type of peccary - photo top right - Oink!
There are NO 'missing links' between man and bonobos [chimpanzees]. Cro Magnons and Neanderthals are human - Australopithicus is an extinct ape. Homo habilis is man. Zinjanthropus is ape. Java Man was a fraud.
AND the frauds surrounding 'Lucy' fom Olduvai Gorge are many.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

World poverty - our utter helplessness.

If you had control of the World Bank, would you make loans to Zimbabwe?
Of course, you would not. You would recognise perfectly well that the money would be plundered, never repaid and would only shore up a totally corrupt regime with the side effect of precisely nothing reaching the increasing numbers of poor.
It is being nothing other than realistic to point out that exactly the same problems exist to a lesser, and sometimes equivalent, degree in most African nations today. Few are functioning democracies.
Systems are corrupt and encouraged to be so in order to ensure that army, police and so-called civil servants can extract monies from the populations by misuse of petty rules, madcap bureaucracy and naturally, intimidation. This helps to keep despots in power.
Systems discourage enterprise and continued poverty is then guaranteed, irrespective of any funds these governments have received from outside.

Solutions? - Sorry, other than possibly suggesting a return to benevolent colonialism - I have none.

What I do know however, is that the people who chant their mantras of "Take one year's weapons budget for the world and abolish Third World poverty for all time" are so detached from reality that it is arguable that they should not be allowed out into public places.


The early 20th century American social critic and humorist H. L. Mencken, known for his "definitions" of terms, defined a demagogue as "one who will preach doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots."

Quite a few about, then!

Peppered moths.

You were taught at school that peppered moths were 'proofs' of evolution.
They are not, never were, nor ever could be.
They prove that natural selection exists according to surroundings and nothing beyond that.
The darker moths - which existed prior to the Industrial Revolution - did better than their lighter coloured relatives on smoke-darkened backgrounds. This situation is currently reversed with the lighter, peppered moths now being dominant.
If these are a proof of evolutionary changes, one question MUST be answered before the evolutionary hypothesis can be accepted. - Where is the NEW genetic material?

The moths are still moths; the dark variety are still dark; the lighter ones are still light.
Evidence - nil, wishful thinking - 100%.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Even Bonaparte showed wisdom on occasions.

"Never ascribe to conspiracy that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

It is so difficult to know whether the napoleonic axiom fits the EU perfectly - or only in vice verca mode!

Church don't mean Christian, no how!

David Booker aged 44, a Christian from Southampton, has worked for the English Churches Housing Group for almost four years. In March he was suspended.

"On 26 March 09, whilst on shift with Fiona Vardy, you seriously breached ECHG’s (English churches House group) Code of conduct by promoting your religious views which contained discriminatory comments regarding a person’s sexual orientation.”

Apparently all Mr Booker did was to explain the Biblical teaching on homosexuality to a colleague WHO HAD ASKED HIM so to do!

I see that the words 'church and 'Christian' may no longer be seen as synonymous. Shame on this group! Shame too on what appears at first sight, to have been despicable behaviour from Ms Vardy!

Evil disproves God?

A brief synopsis: one atheist argument is that since God created everything, He is responsible for the creation of evil.
However, "evil" is a word that we use to describe certain things that happen to us (most of which are caused by other people).

In reality, it is not a physically created thing at all and, therefore, does not fall within the realm of something created by God. So, the argument is fundamentally flawed. Evil is allowed by God so that free will beings can choose between good (i.e., God) or evil (absence of God).

Without evil, it is not possible to choose between good and evil, and the universe would have no ultimate purpose.

Thanks, Ed!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Something smells.

EU quotas result in thousands of tonnes of dead fish being dumped back into the sea.
Fishing crews often continue catching large amounts of fish such as cod by accident after exceeding ridiculous EU quotas - and have no option but to dump them.

(Fish do not know the rules, you see.)
This can mean that HALF of all fish caught are dumped back into the sea - dead.

This is our environmentally-friendly EU, folks!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Teen abortions INCREASE!

I have stated before that I really cannot grasp how so many soft-in-the-middle types and 'do gooders' can, in contrast, lend unequivocal support to abortion.
We are now told that the heartbeat in the foetus can be detected at under 10 days!
At the other end of the scale, late abortions - which run into thousands annually here - result in the murder [there is no other word] of TOTALLY viable children.
Our society watches unplanned pregnancies spiral and believes that morality in the education of our children is an unreasonable imposition.
But is it really our society - or is it an unrepresentative group of liberals and politicians?
They say you get the government you deserve - maybe we are all to blame for not giving these people the elbow.
What was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah which made their societies worse than ours, I wonder.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nice one, Pete.

It seems quite a long time since I reproduced the wisdom of Peter Hitchens on this Blog. That must be rectified. He puts it far better than I ever could!

" It is easy to see why a cynical Tory leadership might have secretly wanted to destroy Britain's excellent grammar schools.
Once selection by ability was abolished and replaced by comprehensives based on catchment areas, the best state schools would be in the wealthiest parts of town, and the Conservative-voting middle classes need no longer fear competition for scarce places from the bright children of poor homes. And so it has turned out, more or less.
But it is much harder to work out why Labour - supposedly the party of the working class - should have tried so hard and for so long to deprive the poor of good schools.

If you can understand why this happened, then you can begin to grasp what has gone so wrong with British politics since the Second World War.
For the crisis in British state education is the direct result of the takeover of the Labour Party - once a working-class, Christian and socially conservative party - by dogmatic, well-off, middle-class cultural revolutionaries."

Христос Воскресе! Ваистину Воскресе!Χριστός Ανέστη! Αληθώς Ανέστη!

He is RISEN! - He is risen, indeed!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Psychology - a pseudo science?

Let us listen to the words of psychopathic, double sex killer Colin Pitchfork when discussing counsellors, psychologists et al:

" A waste of time ... those people are quite happy if you tell them what they want to hear ... I cannot believe how easy it is to spin yarns to these people."

Not too many of us are surprised to learn this!

Two different types of extremist - which is worse?

Vincent Nicholls.

Well done to Vincent Nicholls, the new Archbishop of Westminster and leader of Britain's Roman Catholics, for pointing out to the appalling Tony Blair that Catholicism is not a 'pick-and-mix' belief system.
All we need is for Anglican leaders to come to the same realisation at the same time as the liberal christians in other churches are ousted from all positions of authority and leadership.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Water damage.

Abergele Council in N. Wales takes the safety of its citizens most seriously. In a bold attempt to stop the flow of serious and increasingly often, fatal injuries, caused by droplets of water from freshly irrigated hanging baskets, they have implemented a ban.

A Loonytuneswatch coconut is hereby awarded to these doughty guardians of public safety and protectors of the 'nanny state'.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Back to what bears resemblance to normality.

Well - I am home, jet-lagged and ready for the fray to continue tomorrow.
My mind has been broadened by travel and I fully appreciate the wonders of an internet which has allowed almost continuous postings whilst away.

As from tomorrow, the odd times for postings should disappear.
Maybe today is the day to recommend this site to a number of friends!

Bye there y'all!
PS. Let joy be unconfined! This is my posting number 2,000!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


"I used to study a number religions - but cheerfulness kept breaking through."
Leonard Cohen.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

America versus the UK.

After a couple of weeks of intense immersion in all things to do with the USA, I feel that I must declare that, on the surface at least, there appears to be less wrong with America than there is with the UK.
That surprises me somewhat. It strikes me that if I were a 20 year old neutral attempting to decide which nation to choose as a home - at first sight, the UK would lose hands down.
I know that healthcare issues can destroy people's finances here but that has to be balanced off against the fact that, for one vital area, the poorest of Americans apparently have much better cancer survival rates here than does the average NHS user back home!
Once you delve below that surface however, it may well be far more complex than I could possibly see in a snapshot tour but there are just so many things here in abundance which we no longer have: decency, duty, politeness, care, cleanliness and service to name but five - such matters certainly influence your thinking.
What truly amazes though is that so many of the things which have helped to drag down our society began HERE. It is all most puzzling.
Do Americans come up with stupid ideas and then prove to have a greater immunity to their effects than we do? - It seems a possible explanation.

Monday, April 06, 2009

"Warming" helping rare birds.

I note that we are now being told that 'global warming' has an up side - more rare birds will be breeding in the UK.
Good to know that our totally out of control magpie population will soon be able to have more varied snacks than thrushes, linnets, finches et al.

Save 100 songbirds this year - kill ONE magpie!

Thou REALLY shalt not ...

Okay. So not every act of adultery leads to six tragic deaths as did the horrendous situation described in this link below. But adultery is an evil and must never be downgraded in our social thinking.
It hurts; it causes deep pain; it offends; it breaks vows - often made before God; it is socially debilitating; it makes divorce rates soar and consequently has a knock on effect into housing problems; it damages children - and thereby increases the numbers failing in education, taking drugs and committing crimes.
And in this horrendous incident - is the father really any worse than the wife without whose actions this tragedy could not have happened?
It frequently leaves children without a male role model.
All of this, yet if we criticise it as Christians, we are labelled 'judgmental'!
I am fed up of films, from the 'Carry ons' onwards, and TV programmes listed as comedies which make this evil out to be 'Just a bit of fun' or 'Naughty but nice'.
Note how the euphemisms kick in - it is not called by its proper name but is 'an affair' which has overtones of romance, mystery and intrigue.
NO! - It is sordid; it is sinful; it is wrong.

I must admit that there are cases where one spouse is driven out of a marriage by the unreasonableness of the other. That is a very good reason why the concept of 'fault' should be brought back as a point at issue where divorces occur. Unjust settlements on guilty parties would plummet.


Scarier than the scariest horror film.

If you have not not read the article below already, you should. It is from the EU Observer, the "trusted source of EU related news and information", which interviewed a former EU commissioner who is more important than Obama and Brown. The EU Observer printed what Mr. Davignon told them: "a meeting in June in Europe of the Bilderberg Group - an informal club of leading politicians, businessmen and thinkers chaired by Mr Davignon - could also 'improve understanding' on future action, in the same way it helped create the euro in the 1990s, he said." Did you know this unelected "Bilderberg" group helped create the Euro? In this article the former EU commissioner and Bilderberg chairman, who "worked under EU 'founding father' Paul-Henri Spaak", lets us know when the "full effect" of the global depression will occur among other things. ,

Thanks Jane for the information!

Are the conspiracy theorists onto something?

First Obama and now, in the last few days Brown, are both making noises about a New World Order.
Is this not the precise phrase which all the conspiracy theorists are happy to use against their perceived enemies: those who are allegedly involved in a worldwide super plot?

Maybe we shall all have to take a closer look at some of their claims, after all.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Good luck!

Good luck to the Mighty Iron in the Johnstones Paint Trophy this afternoon!
I only wish I could have been at Wembley cheering them on!
Update: Ah, woe is me!
[ If the message boards are correct Luton should have ended the game with 9 men and their first goal disallowed for a blatant handball!]
Woe, woe and thrice woe!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Mark 2 - a sometimes misunderstood passage.

The story of the paralysed man lowered through the roof and who is then healed by Jesus is oft referred to over the healing itself and for the faith of the friends who brought him.
This, although perfectly true, is to miss the point entirely.
Jesus publicly FORGIVES THE MAN his sins.
All around knew that ONLY God could do this.
This was a clear and unequivocal statement to disciples, onlookers and religious bigots alike as to who Jesus actually was.
To refer to Him as Son of God is not really enough - God the Son is more apposite. The healing confirmed this claim as much as it could - but it took the resurrection to bring an absolute proof which all may test this very Easter.
It was Easter 1973 when I tested Jesus out and found my LIVING Saviour.
