Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Being a Christian can be dangerous.

'Islamist extremists shot dead five Christians at a laboratory in Pakistan after they refused to convert to Islam.
The Christians were gunned down at the Maryiam Labs facility in Quetta city, Baluchistan, by two men who fled on a motorbike. The dead men were named as Mushtaq Masih, Naveed John, Naymat Gill, Nadeem Akhtar and Suleman.
The five had reportedly received several threatening letters demanding they 'convert or die' before the attack on August 28. Seven other Christians were injured in the attack.
Local Christians suspect their attackers belonged to the same militant group which killed at least seven Christians in Gojra, Punjab, last month.'


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I wrote a book as a warning ...

With the tragic deaths of Fiona Pilkington and her disabled daughter in the news - driven to suicide by sickening, out of control yobs on their estate, we should feel truly ashamed as a society.
Place the blame fairly and squarely where it belongs, however - in the hands of the do-gooders who have removed punishment, fear, justice and common sense from our dealings with young scum.

Listen to them bleat now. "Something should have been done!" "What a terrible tragedy!" "Blame the police!" "Blame social services!"

The law is in utter disrepute.

NO, you sickening liberals, THE BUCK STOPS WITH YOU! Nothing could be done, that is the point. Police and courts have NO powers to deal adequately.

All people have to do is to listen to the complaints of other families on the same estate whose lives have also been turned into a misery to know the truth.

I wrote a novel in 2006 called The Unassuming Assassin which asks the vexed question whether or not vigilanteism can ever be justified when justice in society has failed.

It seems that the book has some relevance here.

AND NO! I emphatically do not want to see patrols of our streets by baseball bat-wielding, self-appointed Judge Roy Beans but ....

Polanski disgrace!

Senior officials of the EU, Poland and France are asking for the release of child molester, Roman Polanski who was arrested in Switzerland and is quite possibly facing extradition to the US.
33 years ago, the now 76 year old old Polanski fled the USA after having admitted to sleeping with a thirteen year old and was awaiting sentence at the time of his flight.

So. On what grounds are they asking for 'clemency', I wonder.
Here are some possibilities:

1] They like his films.
2] He has friends in high places.
3] He is famous and therefore should not have to face the consequences of his actions.
4] Because he has remained free for over 3 decades, it should be forgotten about.
5] The law really needs to be disrespected.
6] It really does not matter that he broke his bail.
7] Escaping cancelled out the crime in any case.
8] Possibly, some of them are even saying "There but for the grace of God go I."
9] The crime was of little or no consequence.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Two quotes from an often sinister man.

'God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us.'

'Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.'

Niccolo Machiavelli

Man of Straw.

So - The Man of Straw is to 'share a platform' when Nick Griffin goes onto TV.
This goes against Labour policy of 'Denying the oxygen of publicity to the BNP'.

The trouble with such posturing is that it defeats the objects of democracy in that if somebody's views are vile, you should be able to 'destroy them in public debate'.
When you run from debate - voters are entitled to believe that you have something to hide. [Refer to countless articles posted on here regarding Richard Dawkins who uses precisely the same blarney.]
The advantages of the former policy to Labour, is that it has also been used to silence UKIP, stifle debate on the EU and aid them in the suppression of all 'bad news' about the EU from much of the media.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

At last - a proper use for Belgium.

Speaking in favour of nuclear power, I was asked, "Yes, but where would you put all the nuclear waste?"

The person seemed strangely bemused by my prompt reply - "Belgium!"

Vision - Express!

'Meanwhile, in a Belgian field millions of gallons of milk are flooded from tankers on to the ground. The sight of this EU waste, repeated at countless locations across the Continent, will leave beleaguered British taxpayers fuming.'

FULL credit to The Sunday Express for daring to question why we remain members of the wretched European Union!


'Be as you wish to seem.'


A word we should perhaps all learn.

LATROGENIC: [adjective] -
" Pertaining to a medical disorder caused by the diagnosis, manner, or treatment of a physician."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

EU 'equal treatment' leads to rampant persecution.

IMPORTANT! 'The EU Equal Treatment Directive will lead to Oppression and Censorship. Information and Action Pack Available: Please Write to Your MP, MEP and Equality Minister!
Click here for Information and Action Pack on the European Union "Equal Treatment" Directive

The proposed EU Equal Treatment Directive has the potential to be used as an instrument of cultural genocide. Its provisions are likely to restrict Christian freedoms to the extent that, in certain cases, we would be silenced and prevented from providing goods or services to the public without violating our consciences, particularly if required to promote other religions or the practice of homosexuality.'


It is past time that Christians stopped being politically naive. It is simply impossible for us to lend even the slightest support to Brussels, the EU and their minions.
By similar logic AND because each of our main parties and the Greens all support the EU to the very hilt [tory politicians duplicitously pretending otherwise to stop vote-leaking to UKIP] they must lose ALL Christian votes!
At the same time, this unholy quartet supports political correctness which virtually always works against Christians.

We have already seen that the naivety of voting for The Christian Party in the EU Elections was the principal cause of the election of Nick Griffin and the failure of a Christian in the North West to be elected in his place.
It possibly caused the election of Griffin's mate in Yorks & N. Lincs and support to UKIP would have seen another Christian elected.


[See postings for the 5th and 8th of June 2009 for more details on the cost of Christian naivety at the ballot box.]

Many thanks, CCFON for your information.

Friday, September 25, 2009


"To Achieve World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
Brock Chisholm - Director of the World Health Organization.

" A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."

Ian Williams Goddard.
Thanks for the info, Jane.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nice one, Will! Come on you reds!

Will Nicholls won the Young British Wildlife Photographer Under 18 award for his image of a red squirrel taken in Kielder Forest, NorthumberlandRead more:


'Huge amount of samples of human tissue will be offered for use in controversial human/animal hybrid embryo research without the consent of the patients who donated them, ethics campaigners have warned.'

Elvis would NOT have approved of the 2nd referendum!


Thanks, Jo!


It is a fallacy that a country which is short of key workers and craftsmen needs a never-ending stream of university graduates, many of whom have taken Mickey Mouse subjects.
They come out of university with a degree in doughnut management or some equivalent piffle and then expect degree standard employment when their qualifications have little or no currency in the workplace.

Even graduates today in traditional, academic subjects are attaining entry levels from a much lower base than 30 years ago.
Governments do not want to reduce the numbers going to university as it helps disguise the true unemployment figures, whilst rhetoric about 'preparing for the UK's employment demands of the future' is nothing but hot air.
Of course, we cannot afford to fund these massive amounts of students! We must return to the times when universities were genuine centres of excellence rather than largely being repositories for the grossly under talented.
I once taught a lad for 2 GCSEs who proved incapable of passing those - or indeed any others. It did not stop a university offering him a degree course within 3 years(which was completed). He was certainly not the 'late developer' we hear so much about.

Nobody with 'A' level grades of less than our currently dumbed down 'B' grades should ever have any financial support.
Those of above this level should be given bursaries that they can actually live on.

Genuine competition for financial support or pay the full costs should be the norm.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


"I've got to be candid. Since we stopped counting people coming in and out of the country, it's much more difficult to be accurate."

Liam Byrne, UK Minister of State for Borders & Immigration, 2007.

Psalm 34:8.

'Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.'

Archbishop: ironic definition.

Archbishop - A Christian ecclesiastic of a rank superior to that attained by Christ.

Kissinger quote.

“Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation!”

Henry Kissinger.

[The trouble is - which group does he fit into?]

Clegg? - No thanks!

I heard Nick Clegg on local radio two days ago. He claims a Lib-Dem government would be an improvement! Just how, I wonder? They are an integral part of the Lib-Lab (cosy) CONsensus.
His party is soft on crime; soft as the proverbial on the EU; soft on illegals; soft on border controls.
He has done an about turn over a referendum on the EU; an about turn on support for students and will not support a referendum on the iniquitous Lisbon Treaty! He speaks for civil liberties, apparently, yet adores Brussels. His green policies are hot air and the only thing he has got right is raising the tax threshold to £10k - which was probably nicked from UKIP, anyway!

Please kill a magpie or 70 for the environment where you live!

'New research recently published in the Journal of Applied Ecology showed that where there were no magpies present, the reproductive output of song thrushes was much greater. This was well illustrated by two maps, one showing the distribution of magpies in Britain, the second showing the breeding success of song thrushes, and they demonstrated perfectly that where magpies were absent song thrushes thrived.'
YES! And how many countless other species of songbird too?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy.

Benjamin Disraeli.

The 'Jungle'.

The 'Jungle' refugee camp in France, complete with violent rioters, contains many from Afghastlystan - and all headed for the UK.
Marvellous. And we have troops out there, dying and trying to do something positive for their wretched nation.

I am angry; very angry.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Many a true word ...

What's the difference between the government and organised crime?

One is organised.

Want some fun: real fun?

Then visit the link: [Sound required.]

How to arrive at a mad solution.

That pubs were once forced to close in late afternoons was appalling and quite unreasonable.
That late night closing times were effectively abolished was insanity.
Why can simple common sense never be achieved?

To add to this mix is the report that criminal proceedings against the inebriated who loudly and often violently infest our streets every Friday and Saturday night are seldom applied!
The solution of mainstream politicians of every hue is to look on indulgently, give a beatific smile and threaten to tax the moderate drinkers until they hurt!

PLEASE TARGET THE GUILTY NOT THE INNOCENT! That is the mark of a just society!


Desecration in Manchester: insult to injury.

I am informed that the burial ground at St John's Church, Longsight Manchester is being uprooted and Christian bodies removed from graves in order to make way for - a mosque.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Abortion damages future pregnancies.

'Having an abortion increases the risk of giving birth prematurely or to children with a low birth-weight in subsequent pregnancies, according to a study published yesterday.The study, conducted in Canada and funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research, found that women who had an abortion in the first or second trimester had a 35% increased risk of a low birth weight baby and a 36% raised risk of a pre-term baby in later pregnancies.Having more than one termination further increased these risks (72% increased risk of low birth-weight baby and 93% increased risk of premature birth).'

Read it all at:

The old rule.

The 'old rule' was of course, that any country which dared to insert the word 'democratic' into its title - wasn't!
Today, anything from The European Union which mentions 'human rights' or similar, will actually conceal a large amount of the opposite!

Today, Christians across 'the evil empire' have much to fear from removals of liberties by Brussels under the guise of 'protecting human rights'.

This time it is 'The (so-called)Equal Treatment Directive!'

Check the link. It is of vital importance.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kirklees earns a coconut!

Kirklees Council has been advertising for a "worklessness co-ordinator". In the immortal words of Charlie Brown "GOOD GRIEF!"

A God's eye view is the only perspective.

Many who claim to be Christian still take a Man's eye view of life, humanity and everything.
If God is both omniscient and omnipotent, then it can only be HIS way that truly matters. He gave us immense amounts of liberty coupled with freewill within this - so let's accept that that is the way it is.

On a cruder level, the old joke 'What do you call a 20 stone nutter with a machine gun? - SIR! ' encapsulates the fact that we must bow before power - if only for self preservation.
With The Almighty, that point remains true BUT He is still 'Our Father' and loves us. We must endeavour to love and please Him above all things.

And yes - I know it ain't easy - but only from experience!

Painting: Salvador Dali.

Barroso is right!

Mr Barroso, President of the EU Commision has said that 'Europe needs to reinvent itself.'
I couldn't agree more. Let's start by dismantling the European Union and instituting the Common Market which so many of us voted for!

Now enter our competition. All you have to do is to use your skills of judgement & observation to peruse the photo and determine whether Senhor Barroso is:

A] Smarmy.
B] Shifty
C] Smug
D] Arrogant.
E] Dead.
F] Constipated.

(Hint. To win, a combination of 3 answers must be given.)

Having made your choice, ring any obscenely overpriced, premium phoneline and mumble.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali - you know, the one who is actually a Christian - has been at it again, criticising the upper echelons of The Anglican Church for their damaging attitudes which have helped contribute to family, and therefore, social breakdown.
Although Standpoint magazine perhaps overstates the case, I would wager that the Archbishop of Canterbury was not over pleased. Tough!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Europe of Freedom & Democracy Group.

The Europe of Freedom & Democracy Group - led largely by UKIP although with MEPs from 7 other nations - is in the process of sending a leaflet to every household in Ireland. It reveals the full truth about the Lisbon Treaty as it affects Ireland.
I am delighted to say, the content is causing apoplectic responses from the anti-democrats of the EU and their quislings in The Irish Parliament.

Wanna see for yourself? It is well worth 2 minutes of your time!


Just who are the fascists?

Many are opposed to Nick Griffin appearing on Question Time.
I certainly want to neither see nor hear him, thanks!

I have no desire to listen to a ranting, rightwing extremist with what clearly appears to be a racist agenda. I bite my lip however, and point out that he has been democratically elected and must not therefore be prevented from exercising free speech - not if we are indeed a democracy.

If Griffin were ever to be banned, then I would loudly call for a ban on the greater numbers of fascists from the liberal elite. You know the ones - the people who resent democracy; who impose their unwanted hobbyhorses onto Joe Public; who sell out our country to foreign nations; who deliberately dismantle our borders; who kowtow to the criminal classes; who make us vulnerable to invasion; who do not believe in integration but prefer to impose pernicious multiculturalism onto the populace - and so on and so on!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

That clip again.

So does Professor Dawkins answer the question posed on the video clip? An expert of his stature would surely have been able to come up with a convincing response.

Judge for yourself. If you have never seen this before - it is a real treat!

LINK: [Scroll down to video clip.]


If you do something you know to be wrong in a social sense, you may have some limited sense of consequences.
The trouble in our world today is that there are billions headed for a lost eternity because of their wrongdoing towards God (we call this sin) and they do not register the danger they face.

Tragically, they seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are sinners at all and cannot therefore grasp the concept, nor of their desperate need for salvation. It is a little bit like ignoring the neighbour who has told you that your house is on fire!

Their, 'I am as good as anybody else, probably better than most and certainly a better person than many Christians I've met' is totally irrelevant.
God's rule is that sin equates to that 'lost eternity'. That sin need not be a catastrophe. The price; the punishment for it has already been taken for us by God the Son, Jesus, dying on a cross for us. But we have to be repentant and give our lives to Jesus in order to access it.
Sadly, in our world today - you attempt to give folks the warning and they will not listen so there is a need to try to get the message across more subtlely than has ever been the need in the past.


So the tributes pour in for Keith Floyd. Fair enough. But what about the real issue. Did he know his Lord and Saviour?

UPDATE: 1st October. Sad to relate, the answer to the above appears to have been revealed. The gent had a humanist funeral.

Not since the 30s ....

.... has our defence budget, in real terms, been pitched at such disastrous levels. And even more cuts are now proposed by the larger parties!
Our Armed Services have been successively gutted by governments, both Labour and Conservative, as they have tried to cover up their inept attempts to keep any sort of check on public spending.
To fully protect the realm is the first duty of government - something which Bob Ainsworth and his tory counterparts seem to have forgotten.
Even without Iraq and Afghastlystan, our forces are at dangerously low levels.
At the UKIP Conference, Cdr. Muxworthy (UK Defence Association – UKDA) outlined clearly and unanswerably why there must be an immediate increase in defence spending of 40%. As a senior military man [Navy], his overview was fascinating. UKIP were already committed to this, rather proving that we know what we are talking about!

Although protection by NATO is still necessary, one only need look at the appalling attitudes of our EU partners in the Falklands conflict to know that any EU-based force would be utterly untrustworthy.
Let us never forget that the Belgians refused us parts for weapons systems they had sold us and the French even aided Argentina's Exocet programme used against our ships!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't get too excited!

The strong likelihood of an Irish 'Yes' vote in the SECOND referendum on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland is noted to have receded slightly - in spite of the incredible amounts of resources poured in by their government and Brussels.
This affront to democracy - forcing another vote and attempting to buy a win after the people have clearly spoken - is still likely to bear poisoned fruit but the good news is that Derek Ganley, the Irish millionaire is going to pour money into the 'No' campaign. It will probably only be a fraction of what the anti-democrats manage to fund.

Ganley is no knight in shining armour, however. His reckless intervention in the EU elections could easily have damaged UKIP - but that would not have bothered him too much as, quite remarkably, he still supports the EU!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Obama - the truth is seeping through!

Hospital broadcasting shame.

Shame on you, Hospital Broadcasting Sheffield, as you have taken the road of political correctness and have axed Christian broadcasting.

For your appalling attitude, you are hereby awarded a LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

Marxism is doomed to fail.

I think that everybody 'has a feeling in their water' a 'gut reaction' which tells the sensible that, communism of virtually any type or hue, is doomed to fail.

But why so? - Primarily, any attempt to 'deify Man' or to replace the Creator has not started too well when the sinful nature of Man is replaced with a silly belief in 'the inherent goodness of Man'. You start by flying in the face of reality and attempting to darwinise Man as somebody tending to evolve into 'something better, nobler and of a higher order' is simply laughable.
In practical terms you just cannot pay a surgeon the same as a roadsweeper. If you do, you have disincentivised your society.
BUT if you do pay a different level then your society has removed the non-elitist, 'we are all in this together' base which was your starting point. What you now have is a society with different levels - perhaps we should call them classes!
(All this assumes of course, that greed and selfishness had been entirely absent from day one anyway.)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Christians in UKIP.

One of the really uplifting things which struck me very forcefully at the recent UKIP Conference, was just how many Christians, and especially evangelicals, could be found in the party. Whichever direction I turned, I bumped into believers.
There were a number of stalls, a fringe meeting and considerable amounts of interest in 'The Unassuming Assassin' (Available through Amazon.) - when it was explained that the rather lurid tale had a theme wherein the claims of the Gospel were fully investigated - against a rather unusual backcloth, admittedly.
I know that there are Christians in all parties - I have a very strong feeling that UKIP may just have many more than most.
I lost count of the numbers of delegates I chatted with who felt that politics is such a rotten business and UKIP is simply the only place to be. Perfect? - Hardly! But a repository for people of conscience who are appalled by that kind of liberalism found elsewhere which is radically anti-Gospel.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fury over Fury.

Last night John McDermott the English, heavyweight boxing champion roundly beat the new, up-and-coming, heavyweight hope, Tyson Fury.
As a consequence of this, referee Terry O' Connor awarded the fight to the loser by a margin of SIX rounds!

Approximately once a year, I see a truly awful decision in boxing.

This one was so bad that a full investigation should be held as to the 'why' and whether or not anything sinister is uncovered, he must never again referee a professional fight. - Yes. THAT bad!

The TV commentators and the victim were stunned!

Photo: Tyson Fury.


'Britain has a new drug problem: two million of us are addicted to tranquillisers, while countless thousands abuse over-the-counter painkillers.
The most common addicts are women aged 18-36 ...
... Although all drugs can cause side effects, two types of legal drug are habit-forming:
· Benzodiazepines (tranquillisers)
· Opiate-based painkillers (such as morphine and codeine)
Both can have serious, even fatal, consequences for users.
Experts say that addiction to prescription drugs is a real problem and one that GPs need to be made more aware of.'

The Kennedy Clan: what a crew!

It really does take some believing that this appalling bunch of misfits should have risen to be considered the 'First Family' of the United States.
Let us begin with the patriarch himself, Joe Kennedy. He was a bootlegger; a man who indulged in dubious investment practices prior to The Wall St Crash; an IRA sympathiser; anti-British and as ambassador, tried to prevent the USA lending support to England's wartime struggle.
The sour matriarch, Rose Kennedy prevented any family attendance at her daughter's wedding to William Cavendish The Marquess of Hartington. Why? - He was a protestant!
She was so petty-minded that she even refused attendance to herself and the siblings at her daughter's funeral after her tragic death in a plane crash in 1944.
All the three brothers, JFK, Robert and Edward were serial womanisers. The former nearly brought the world to nuclear war with the inept handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
An amoral close relative of JFK was convicted of murder. [Some even made claims that JFK and Robert were involved in the death of Marilyn Monroe - probably not true but they were certainly capable of just about anything.]
The eldest brother died this month - a reputation forever tarnished by sickening liberalism, licence and appalling behaviour which almost certainly caused the tragic death of Mary-Jo Kopechne at Chappaquidick Creek, whilst on yet another adulterous adventure.

If the Americans had elected a Head of State as a constitutional monarch, it could so easily have been a Kennedy.

The Windsors may leave a lot to be desired but let us thank heavens above that they are an hereditary line and we could never end up with anything quite so North Korean!

Photo: The Kennedy Clan at home on the evening following John F. Kennedy's election as President. Seated Front Row (L-R) Eunice Shriver, Rose, Joseph, Jackie and Ted. Back Row (L-R) Ethel, Stephen and Jean Smith, John, Bobby Pat Lawfors, Sargent Shriver, Joan and Peter Lawford.
