33 years ago, the now 76 year old old Polanski fled the USA after having admitted to sleeping with a thirteen year old and was awaiting sentence at the time of his flight.
So. On what grounds are they asking for 'clemency', I wonder.
Here are some possibilities:
1] They like his films.
2] He has friends in high places.
3] He is famous and therefore should not have to face the consequences of his actions.
4] Because he has remained free for over 3 decades, it should be forgotten about.
5] The law really needs to be disrespected.
6] It really does not matter that he broke his bail.
7] Escaping cancelled out the crime in any case.
8] Possibly, some of them are even saying "There but for the grace of God go I."
9] The crime was of little or no consequence.
LINK: http://euobserver.com/9/28728/?rk=1