Friday, December 30, 2011

It Isn't All Clarke's Fault But ...

'A quarter of criminals break their community sentences, a study has shown, fuelling criticism of Kenneth Clarke's soft justice policies.
Researchers found that 43,521 criminals, in the year to July 2011, were hauled back to court and sentenced again, the Sun reported.
In addition, 19,471 carried out further crimes during their sentences.'
Fifty people a day  suffer a violent or sexual attack by a convict spared jail in the ‘soft’ justice system.
Victims include young children assaulted by paedophiles,  figures released by the Government show.
They reveal that every year more than 18,000 convicts given a community punishment commit a sexual or violent crime within 12 months of being sentenced.
Had they been sent to jail, the offences – which could range from rape to common assault – need never have taken place.
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