Monday, June 04, 2012

Leftwing 'Christians' Are Usually 'Liberal Christians.'

Can you be Christian and leftwing? (At one time perhaps possible, but now, hardly. It Is A War.)
I suppose that if you are repentant and try to honour God and His Word - 'all things are possible'.
BUT there's the rub. Leftwing equates to 'liberal'. Liberal Christianity, by and large, rejects portions of The Word Of God - even in The New Testament.
Man's views are infinitely more important than God's views and the Holy Scriptures are too old to be trusted.
(Traditional Christianity is all so old fashioned, innit? - But fortunately, 'We are so ultra modern that God must surely approve!)
'Anyway, it doesn't really matter what you believe, does it?'
'Anyway, all roads lead to Rome - don't they?'
'Anyway, multifaith and praying with the lost to any deity of choice will really please God, won't it?'
'Anyway, science and stuff - isn't that right? I mean, innit?'
If you are 'liberal' then the chances are that you will be highly selective in your use of The Scriptures. The bits you do not like will quickly be edited out or clarity of meaning will be made subject to attempts to obscure that meaning.
It is more than likely you will 'abolish hell' or claim that 'as Jesus died to save all of Mankind - we shall all avoid hell, irrespective of repentance.'
As a liberal, you will 'water down' and try to prove that Jesus was 'a true socialist' which is about as useful as me using parables et al 'to prove His capitalist roots'.
You will preach - if preach you ever do - a social gospel.
You will of course, claim that 'compassion is the dominion of the left'. (Interesting, a year or two ago, when a published survey clearly showed that the centre right are significantly more charitable than their leftwing counterparts.)
You will inevitably misinterpret the story of The Woman Taken In Adultery and avoid the true nature of the trap Jesus encountered - which was most emphatically NOT testing his levels of compassion!
You will happily accept any proffered Bultmanism as grist to your faithless mill.
You will attempt to take 'turning the other cheek' and will try to apply it to society as a whole when it was intended for every believer.
You will accept any sin and claim that 'God is forgiving' and will turn him into the 'indulgent parent of spoiled brats'. (Er. That's us, BTW.)
You will claim that 'A God of Love would not condemn people to hell' and would blithely ignore the fact that they condemn themselves in rejecting His 'free gift' of salvation.
If God were going to forgive everybody anyway - what was the point of Calvary, we may well ask?
You will disbelieve and will encourage others to do the same. Your faith will not take any pressure because when an injustice occurs to a believer - you will remain silent and try to justify why Christians shouldn't wear crosses at work; you will agree that Christians should not be allowed to state that any sex outside a marriage between a man and a woman is wrong!
AND HERE is where you will really come unstuck. With your proud good works to the fore, you will expect to enter heaven via your own efforts and not through accepting the 'Grace of God' - whatever you may claim to the contrary.
You will remember the bit about 'Loving neighbours' but will not be even able to grasp 'How to love God above all else.'
You will choose to forget that God is primarily A GOD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS!
Your moral compass however, will be set to how YOU see life. A 'God's eye view' is not part of your thinking.
You however, tend to be: a quisling, a sellout merchant, a fifth columnist - but at least - you are tremendously sweet and nice about it as you do so!
Do pardon me but I must inform you that you are indeed 'a heretic'!
It is not going to be the case that every 'liberal christian' fits every category here - far from it - but what is described above covers the extreme end of this cult of non-belief .
To my Christian friends. Dealing with such as these who wantonly corrupt the Gospel is not easy. We must not hate them. We must - in spite of the massive, appalling and often unwitting damage they have done - LOVE THEM! It is NOT a mean-spirited act to inform them - and indeed warn them - of the Truth and the consequences of corrupting it.
