Tuesday, June 05, 2012

'The Queen Is Not Sovereign' - Rodney Hits The Mark, As Ever.

From: Rodney Atkinson, Meadowfield Road, Stocksfield, Northumberland.

ALTHOUGH as a Monarchist I will celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, we have not been able for many decades to call Her Majesty our sovereign monarch.
European Treaties signed under Her Majesty’s Crown Prerogative powers (which Her Majesty granted to Government Ministers to sign on Her behalf) made our nation subordinate to a superior power, the European Union.
Her Majesty’s Ministers know every day how powerless they are to make laws as the elected representatives of the British people. Instead of election manifestos, British political parties have wish lists and must “argue for” or “fight for” policies in Brussels and our parliament can do no more than rubber stamp thousands of regulations and laws as they are forced on the British people.
As such, the Queen is no longer a sovereign but a suzerain, that is the Head of a subordinated state, not a sovereign (self-governing) state. (Yorkshire Post)
