Friday, December 28, 2012

Listening To 'Experts'.

From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.
WHEN several years ago much of the conversation revolved around the imminent threat of climate change we were told that its warming would result in Britain having hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters.
Indeed, the Mediterranean type of climate could result in vastly different food crops being grown in contrast to our usual produce.
But, this hasn’t occurred, has it? Quite the opposite has been experienced. When this anomaly is raised, however, we are slapped down and told this is “weather” and not “climate”, and made to feel very ignorant for being so silly for not understanding.
The ignorance seems to continue, for the very heavy rainfall of the last year, which has inevitably resulted in appalling flooding, well, that must be weather also, mustn’t it? No? This is global warming through climate change. When does weather morph into climate change and vice-versa?
Expert opinion alters so frequently, not just on climate change but on many other subjects also, that its value must be apparently taken with a pinch of salt. The description of a person as an expert has been seriously devalued.  (Yorkshire Post.)
