Sadly, Sean O' Hare in the Mail has referred to UKIP as 'a rightwing, populist party'.
Is this a smear? Is it deliberate? Is it ignorance?
Compared to the LibLabCon - indeed, UKIP are 'rightwing' but in any objective sense - this is clearly not the case.
UKIP are the true centre of politics. I have long argued that they need to be 'right of centre' in order to cover the political ground which ought to be covered by a proper conservative party.
There are huge numbers out there of people who are 'right of centre' by nature and inclination but who despise, and would never vote, for tories.
Currently, UKIP covers a broad spectrum of political opinion.
'Populist', Sean? - Well at least you got that right! (And it is only leftists and the anti-democratic who object to the vox populi being heard.)
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