Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ending The Wind Turbine Scam?

Yorkshire Post.
From: David F Chambers, Sladeburn Drive, Northallerton.
IT all arose in the first place from failure to demolish claims of a catastrophic global rise in temperature.
Then came the tempting thought that wind is a free, non-polluting and inexhaustible source of electricity.
Governments seized gratefully on this prospect, no doubt after briefly acknowledging some incidental expenses. The great advantage was that it was not obviously associated with a “carbon footprint”.
The reality, that wind power was impossibly expensive and was in any case useless, being only intermittent, took some years to emerge.
By this stage “face” was involved, so many wind turbines still exist.
Fair enough, but in this 
country we plan to build thousands more!
No wonder the turbine makers are calling on our government to make up its mind and start doling out the subsidies – there’s money to be made and not much time left before someone starts pointing out that the emperor has no clothes.
Let’s demolish the wind turbine idea and move quickly on to the next farce, known as carbon capture and storage, where again the Government is holding back on funding.
Let us once again apply the stoppers. Every penny saved will be needed to reduce the frequency of power cuts.

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