Thursday, October 31, 2013

Records Tumble.

This Blog has had a record number of visitors in October.
If your friends and family might appreciate the site, please inform them of the wonders to behold at:

Dawkins Terrified Of Defending His Beliefs!

Richard Dawkins Explains Why He Doesn't Debate Young Earth Creationists. Christian News.
Evolutionary biologist and atheist author Richard Dawkins has revealed in an interview why he doesn't debate people who believe in the Young Earth creation theory, stating that simply engaging them on a platform allows them to get what they want.


The Beeb Does NOT Care!

BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra - which will bring radio coverage of the Ashes from Oz - is only available on digital!
For years now, TMS has been on Long Wave.
So. How precisely do you get TMS on modern car radios?

The Courtauld Commitment - MUCH Needed.

EU Democracy Deficit - Again!

The 15 smallest nations in the EU have a combined population of around a million less than has the UK.
They will get 168 MEPs and we shall have a mere 73.
(Incidentally, it seems that a certain Mr Clegg fully favours this situation and messrs Miliband and Cameron are prepared to accept the status quo!)


Psalm 128 - A Song Of Ascents.

1) Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
    who walk in obedience to him.

Roma And Government Deceits.

Britain has one of the largest Roma populations in Western Europe - with about 200,000 living here - says an authoritative report.
The study contradicts Government claims that ‘relatively few Roma citizens’ had set up home in this country. Most are thought to have arrived in the last ten years.
The 200,000 figure is four times the 49,000 estimated just four years ago in a report prepared for the Department of Children School and Families.
Read more:
Mistakes of this magnitude CANNOT be accidental!

Countryside Alliance Votes Are Switching To UKIP.

The Tories are losing out.

Overhead Projectors Rock!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nigel Farage In Dazzling Form on Euroscepticism. (He Is On Our Side!)


Pope Francis Suspends Germany's 'Bishop of Bling' Following Uproar, Protests
Pope Francis has suspended German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, nicknamed "the luxury bishop" and the "bishop of bling" by German newspapers, following uproar over revelations that he spent over $42 million on a luxury residence. Christian News.

'Vote UKIP - Get Labour!' Slogan.
If UKIP only took tory votes, this slogan would maybe contain a possible grain of truth - but the premise is profoundly flawed. Analysis of where UKIP votes have come from in by-elections does not bear this hypothesis out.
After all the other slogans (loonies, wasted vote, single issue, BNP in suits etc) were proved to be drivel - why trust this one?

Eritrean Persecutions Continue.

ERITREA – 185 Christians detained at prayer meeting
Eritrean security forces have arrested 185 Christians in a raid on a prayer meeting in a suburb … read more. Release Int.

Referendum Question - Good Grief!

'The Bill suggests as a referendum question: “Do you think that the United Kingdom should be a member of the European Union?” That question has now been reviewed by the Electoral Commission, the official watchdog on the conduct of elections and referendums.
“A few people did not know whether or not the UK is currently a member of the EU, and this presented a risk of misunderstanding,” the commission found.' Telegraph.
Ah. So, special arrangements will be made for voters so thick as not to able to name the leaders of the larger parties? Just as done in all other elections, huh?

Song Of Ascents: Psalm 128.

Seven Years Is Just NOT Enough!

Lesbian, Celia Brinkley, 45, has been sentenced, in St Albans Crown Court, to seven years in prison for stealing  three quarters of a million pounds from 80-year-old Anthony Hornett while she was his home carer. The money was frittered away.
She had a duty of care which she replaced with treachery, greed and breach of trust. Her 'girlfriend', who was also involved, got 27 months.
Even if these were 'real' sentences - they would just not do for crimes so vile and heinous.
The retributive element of sentencing must be restored.
(I make no criticism of the judge - who will undoubtedly have used the top end of the wretched guidelines.)

Huddersfield University Halls Ban Gideons.
PLEASE boycott this 'ethically neutral' institution. (Koran also banned? - I wonder!)

Liberal Policies On Crime Are Working Well!

148,000 criminals caught this year had at least FIFTEEN previous convictions. (And NOTHING much to fear, apparently!)

Power Bills.

What is the point in just blaming the power companies alone for the sky high bills we are all facing? - Yes - of course, they are robbing us. Any glance at their profits reveals that!
However: EU policies; shutting serviceable power stations; Westminster shortsightedness; VAT; failure to invest in nuclear power; 'windmill energy being HUGELY subsidised by governments; 'Green' supplements to bills etc, etc. Do these things not have an even greater bearing?
AND - if we all use 10% less power - do we not believe that bills will have to go up to restore profit levels?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ascents: Psalm 127.

Unless the Lord builds the house,
    the builders labour in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
    the guards stand watch in vain.


From: Mr V Platt, Hereford Court, Harrogate - Yorkshire Post.
The nutty pseudo-ecologists are now telling us that paying five pence for a plastic bag will help the environment. No, it won’t! It’s just another tax. If you wish to go down that road you have to make people think or they will just continue to throw them away. Charge £1 per bag, refundable on return to store.
I am going to make the dustmen very happy. Instead of, as now, putting my rubbish in a plastic bag, tying it tightly and depositing into the bin, I will instead throw my peelings, egg shells, uneaten scraps, rotting fruit and vegetables, tea bags, vacuum cleaner contents, broken glass or china, empty cans, bottles, used razor blades, coffee slops and anything else that I have not thought of into the bin.
The even nuttier food and agriculture organisation for the United Nations (FAO) has proposed to reduce pollution of the planet by humans eating only insects such as beetles, grasshoppers and ants instead of beef and pork!
In a 200 page report distributed in Rome in 2013, the FAO said that eating insects was beneficial to the environment as opposed to cattle that eat too much grass (no, I am not making it up). The document praises insects because they feed on “organic side streams” (manure, pig slurry and compost). The programme is called edible insects and also considered are the use of spiders and scorpions as food, although they are not insects. Proposals such as these give us a glimpse of how pseudo-ecologists would like the world.

Nice One, John!

SCHOOL MINISTRY blessing as 300 6th and 5th form High School Students in the UK got to hear the evidence of Creation and Creator. Question time was great with the first student challenging me with “You biasedly presented only evidence favouring creation”. So I then asked him to share the evidence I had omitted that showed evolution! The 5 mins of silence that followed as he looked blankly to his fellows for help was almost embarrassing, but a great point for Jesus.


It is an honour not an insult to be called 'populist'.
Those who mock by using the term with a snarl are inevitably, those who believe in 'we know best' politicans having control over us - and our opinions counting for nothing!

France: Like Here, No Conscience Permitted.

France's highest court has ruled that mayors who oppose same sex 'marriage' cannot refuse to marry homosexual couples on the basis of a conscientious objection. Christian Concern.

Anglicans Who Wish To Remain Christians.

GAFCON (the Global Anglican Future Conference) has taken place in Nairobi, Kenya, last week.

OrthodoxyThe conference is a gathering of Anglican leaders from throughout the world who are committed to Biblical orthodoxy in the Anglican Church.
Radio 4 conducted an interview on Sunday with GAFCON chairman Archbishop Eliud Wabukala about the conference. Christian Concern.


Egypt - Again!

Crimes Against Egypt's Christians Were Expected Yet Authorities Did Nothing, Says Human Rights Advocate in Wake of Warraq Church Massacre By MidEast Christian News

President of the Supporters of Human Rights Association, Dr. Omar El-Sabakhi, insisted the Warraq church massacre was expected and security forces once again failed to take any action. Christian News.

Tom Leonard On The REAL Lou Reed.

Ann Clwyd's Health Care Review.

I applaud the efforts of  Labour MP Ann Clwyd to report on the state of Healthcare in the NHS.
I was particularly upset to see the bit ''I'm a graduate. I don't do sick." from one nurse reported.
Bad as that is - this was always going to happen with the abolition of the difference between SRNs and ENGs and the insistence on degrees for all.
What looked like an improvement just meant that basic tasks were always going to be considered beneath them by many. Unpleasant and disagreeable as this is, it is human nature and should have been taken into account.

Justin Welby Is Getting Annoying.

England has 'ill-treated' the Scots for 800 years according to the A of C.
Why say that?
Why fail to mention Scottish monarchs over both nations?
Why fail to mention Scotttish bad behaviour on countless occasions?
Has he heard of the West Lothian question?
Why is an Archbishop pouring paraffin onto flames rather than oil onto troubled water?
What good can be achieved?
Why the leftist breastbeating - are we getting into silly apologies territory?
This reminds me of the Bosnian issue of Serbs - wrong, Bosnians - pure and blameless!
I had heard good things about this man before his enthronement - and have witnessed precious little in the way of good things since!
PS. This Blog has always been pro-Scot but hopefully never in such a patronising fashion.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Anti-EU Groups To Progress?
  • How big will the anti-EU voice be in the next parliament?
  • French Prime Minister Francois Hollande said they could lead to "regression and paralysis," while his Italian counterpart, Enrico Letta, said the result might be a "nightmarish legislature" in Brussels.
They made their comments as analysts predict that anti-EU and far-right parties are set to make record gains in the May 2014 vote.
ED: Apparently, voters 'have not warmed' to mass immigration! SURPRISE!

Find out more about Forsaken >
In recognising the need to reach out to post-abortive women, men & their families, an organisation called "Forsaken" was launched in October 2010 to help those who are suffering from the after effects of the procedure.

The Forsaken team is aiming to take their presentations to more churches between August 2013 and August 2014, having already shared their testimony in Cardiff with two more engagements coming up in Bishops Lydeard, and the Mothers Union. Christian Concern.

Magistrates' Association Gets It Right.

Magistrates reject proposals to end Bible oaths in court. motion to end the traditional practice of swearing on the Bible in court has been rejected by the Magistrates’ Association during its annual meeting in Cardiff this week.

Ian Abrahams, a magistrate from the Association, tabled a motion to end Biblical oaths and replace references to “Almighty God” with a promise to “very sincerely tell the truth”.
But the Magistrates' Association, which represents over 17,000 of the 23,000 magistrates in England and Wales, defeated the motion by a show of hands.  Christian Concern

Cameron Talking Twaddle!

UK prime minister David Cameron has praised the European Commission's commitment to slashing red-tape on businesses saying there had been a "sea change in thinking" by Brussels.

My Desire.

Conversing With God When 'Dead' For Nine Minutes?


Ascents: Psalm 126.

The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.

Unite Union - Pure Leftism.^editors_choice

A Hard Verse To Understand.

Food Bank Abuses.

More surprising perhaps is that this article is in the leftist Huffington Post.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Putting The Clocks Back.


McSmith On 'The UKIP Effect.'

Psalm 125.

A song of ascents.

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
    which cannot be shaken but endures forever.

DC The Future?

Branson. Another Europhile 'Shooting From The Lip.'

An EU vote? ridiculous. Sir Richard Branson says a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union is “ridiculous” and that leaving the economic bloc would badly damage UK businesses.
Hmm. Fancy him not knowing that leaving the EU does not mean leaving the EEA.

Heffer - Good Assessment Of Grammar Schools.^editors_choice

Personally, I am fed up with education being made into a political football - which it has been from the first attempts to abolish the wonderful grammar schools onwards.
Will Cameron lose face and adopt even more UKIP policies?

18% Support New Green Levies.

Apparently, 'the green agenda' will add £270 to fuel bills by 2020. Mr Cameron, meanwhile, is tut tutting about the situation.
To me, this all smells just a little bit:
1) Can we actually trust Cameron?
2) Are his calls feasible?
3) What will our masters in Brussels have to say?
4) When has he ever shown care for ordinary people with their rising cost of living before?
5) In any case, he can probably say whatever he wants - as he is unlikely to be re-elected in 2015.

Just A Coupla Coincidences, Huh?

According to the theory of evolution, living things came into existence by means of coincidences, and developed further as a consequence of coincidental effects. Approximately 3.8 billion years ago, when no living organisms existed on earth, the first simple single-celled organisms (prokaryotes) emerged. Over time, more complex cells (eukaryotes) and multicellular organisms came into being. In other words, according to Darwinism, the forces of nature built simple inanimate elements into highly complex and flawless designs.
In evaluating this claim, one should first consider whether such forces in fact exist in nature. More explicitly, are there really natural mechanisms which can accomplish evolution according to the Darwinian scenario?
The neo-Darwinist model, which we shall take as the mainstream theory of evolution today, argues that life has evolved through two natural mechanisms: natural selection and mutation. The theory basically asserts that natural selection and mutation are two complementary mechanisms. The origin of evolutionary modifications lies in random mutations that take place in the genetic structures of living things. The traits brought about by mutations are selected by the mechanism of natural selection, and by this means living things evolve. However, when we look further into this theory, we find that there is no such evolutionary mechanism. Neither natural selection nor mutations can cause different species to evolve into one another, and the claim that they can is completely unfounded. Darwinism Refuted.
Natural selection exists but is not a forward-looking mechanism.
Mutations are almost 100% destructive.
Not much on which to build your hypothesis!

A Google Failing?

A Rather Unpleasant American Organisation.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

United Far Right?

Europe's far-right parties are set to contest next year's European elections on a common manifesto, according to French National Front leader Marine Le Pen.

Troubling. This Blog opposes the hard right. It posts less about them as currently - the left is a much greater threat.

Tom Chivers - Telegraph.

"But the world, as I said earlier today, is generally getting better." Tom Chivers (Telegraph Blog)

Russell Brand.

Not being funny - as usual I suppose - but
the hairy man is right about one thing. He says that 'all the main political parties are the same.'

Ascents: Psalm 124.

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.
Clearly, this refers to the salvation bought for us at Calvary.


Latest by-election results 
North Walsham East (Norfolk): LD 1044, UKIP 565, Lab 442, Con 359, G 80, Ind 61
Warnham and Rusper (West Sussex): Con 868, UKIP 335, G 119, LD 103, Lab 65
Waterloo (Havant): Con 693, LD 446, UKIP 296, Lab 129 
Winstanley (Wigan): Lab 746, UKIP 421, CA 326, Con 180, G 55, Ind 27, LD 19.

UKIP Leaders Support Lead Candidate Jonathan Arnott in The North-East Region.

NE conference signals new growth

Tickets are now on sale for the UKIP North East Conference at The Park Hotel, Tynemouth on Saturday, November 16. A full line-up of speakers will include Party Leader Nigel Farage, MEPs Paul Nuttall, Stuart Agnew and Roger Helmer, along with Party Director Lisa Duffy and North East regional MEP candidates for next year's elections. For more details and for tickets, click here.

10 Things About Pastors. (It Doesn't Say Vicars.)

1. They truly sense God's call in their lives. It's not just another job for them; it is, as one pastor told me, "an inescapable reality."2. They love their churches and the members. The metaphor of "shepherd" is truly appropriate for these pastors. They care deeply for those they serve.
3. They work hard. The typical workweek of these pastors is about 60 hours, a number I hope to verify in a future poll.
4. Many are hurting from conflict and hurtful church members. Noted one pastor, "I hate that I find myself running from her, but every time I see her she blasts me!"
5. Most would like more practical training. This quote was a common theme: "I feel prepared to study the Bible and theology; but I am still ill-prepared to deal with leadership issues, money, and strategies."
6. Many are struggling financially. They are struggling with their own personal finances; and they are struggling to understand church finances.
7. They are challenged greatly by the pace of change in culture. Some of the older pastors (50 and up) particularly lament how different the world and serving the church is today than just a decade ago.
8. They are stressed for time. Sixty hours a week, noted above, is not sufficient time to meet all the demands upon them.
9. Many have struggling families. This comment came on another post as I was preparing this post: "I have pastored my church for 13 years now, and I am looking for a secular job. My kids have abandoned the church as they became adults as I have fought a small group of power peddlers the entire time. I am tired of seeing my family treated as hired help and employees not to mention myself. I will never leave the ministry. I know more than ever God has called me to the ministry. I will always serve Him in whatever capacity I am in. I love preaching and will continue to do so as the opportunity arises. But I just can't deal with this situation any longer."
10. Some pastors are experiencing true depression. See my post on this topic on July 18, 2011. Note the comments as well.

Getting Away With Murder.

A 13 year old boy in Norway has murdered a three year old child.
He CANNOT be prosecuted.
Tell this to the next liberal leftie who tells you that we should raise the age of criminal responsibility in the UK - and listen to how the garbage flows.
To Norway: a LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

Cut EU Red Tape? - What? - Attempt To Attack Acquis Commaunitaire?

Cut EU red tape to save billions, business chiefs tell Cameron.The Government-appointed panel are set to tell the prime minister to push through changes at a European level which could save business billions of pounds.
Yeah - right!

Gotta Get Real.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Kinnock Won't Support EU Referendum.

Why would Lord Kinnock, on an £83,000 EU pension, flatly reject the idea of a referendum?

God Looks At The Inside. God Is Looking at Your Heart  By Dan Delzell
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7). Christian News.

Pope Sells Out?

Premium Rate Phone Calls - Just Say 'NO!'

Donuts A British Invention - Proof!

Documents have been found showing Baroness Dimsdale, the wife of Baron Thomas Dimsdale (inset), a society doctor in Hertford, England, recorded her own 'dow-nut' recipe in 1800.

Immigrants in Spain.

I recently arrived in Spain, reflecting on the state of the Spanish economy.
Had to have a new aircon unit put into the house.
The two fitters - lovely guys - were not exactly EU residents: one was Russian and one Argentinian. Fine young men.
Let us juxtapose two facts: One - the above, and one - 25% unemployment in Spain.
(ME? I bring money INTO Spain. ME, they need and I am taking neither job nor house. There are few jobs and a glut of houses.)


Vince Cable Unfit For Purpose?

The Royal Mail was valued at between £7 billion and £10 billion - but sold for £3.3 billion.
NICE ONE Mr Cable!

The Premier League.

It is beyond absurdity that teams can be fielded with barely an Englishman to be seen.
Limits must be imposed!

Oooh - Cynical!

Ascents: Psalm 123.

I lift up my eyes to you,
    to you who sit enthroned in heaven.

Coffee! Yeah!

Dr Carlo La Vecchia's team has shown in a study that coffee - known to work against diabetes - also works against liver cancer - reducing it by 50%.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Richie Benaud - Get Well SOON!

The greatest living cricket commentator is in hospital after a car crash. He has chest and shoulder injuries. Pray for him, please.

By-Election Last Thursday.

Stifford Clays (Thurrock): Lab 646, Con 570, UKIP 504, LD 35.
(Anybody think that a taxi will hold all the Lib Dem MEPs after the EU elections in May?)

Heffer Puts Major In His Place!

Christians Butchered In Cairo.

Four people died, including two girls, when gunmen opened fire on a wedding at a church in Cairo yesterday.
Gunmen on motorbikes fired indiscriminately into crowds leaving the wedding at St Mary’s Church in the Al-Warraq neighbourhood in the north of the capital. A man, the groom’s mother and two girls aged eight and 12 died; 18 others were wounded, according to the Ministry of Health.
One church leader at the scene said the church had had no police guard since June. Interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi said in a statement today that such attacks will ‘not succeed in sowing divisions between the nation’s Muslims and Christians’.
A Release contact in Cairo expressed his sadness over the attack. ‘Things have been quiet for a while, and now this.’  Release Int.

Stuart Hall.

Stuart Hall (pictured in June) has been charged with the historic rapes of two girlsFurther rape charges against the infamous broadcaster.

Muammar Gaddafi.

What a surprise! It has now emerged that Muammar Gaddafi had bad habits - such as having many girls kidnapped for purposes of rape.
What a loss to the world this man was!

Ascents. Psalm 122.

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
    “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

E. European Criminals.

Why is it that there is a need to have Romanian officers specially attached to Scotland Yard? Is the crime wave caused by these recent immigrants that serious?
And YES, I know perfectly well that these are an out of control minority. What concerns me is that there is, from January going to be another 'out of control' minority arriving who, coupled with the majority of better-behaved are still going to stretch this nation's resources beyond breaking point.
Help us all - VOTE UKIP! Sensible immigration control is the only answer and we cannot achieve that whilst still in the EU.
