Tuesday, October 29, 2013


From: Mr V Platt, Hereford Court, Harrogate - Yorkshire Post.
The nutty pseudo-ecologists are now telling us that paying five pence for a plastic bag will help the environment. No, it won’t! It’s just another tax. If you wish to go down that road you have to make people think or they will just continue to throw them away. Charge £1 per bag, refundable on return to store.
I am going to make the dustmen very happy. Instead of, as now, putting my rubbish in a plastic bag, tying it tightly and depositing into the bin, I will instead throw my peelings, egg shells, uneaten scraps, rotting fruit and vegetables, tea bags, vacuum cleaner contents, broken glass or china, empty cans, bottles, used razor blades, coffee slops and anything else that I have not thought of into the bin.
The even nuttier food and agriculture organisation for the United Nations (FAO) has proposed to reduce pollution of the planet by humans eating only insects such as beetles, grasshoppers and ants instead of beef and pork!
In a 200 page report distributed in Rome in 2013, the FAO said that eating insects was beneficial to the environment as opposed to cattle that eat too much grass (no, I am not making it up). The document praises insects because they feed on “organic side streams” (manure, pig slurry and compost). The programme is called edible insects and also considered are the use of spiders and scorpions as food, although they are not insects. Proposals such as these give us a glimpse of how pseudo-ecologists would like the world.
