Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weather or Not.

WEATHER OR NOT - GOD IS IN CONTROL! With the UK battered by incessant storms, our USA office today reporting they are freezing in the Deep South and Australia either droughting or drowning, the following prayer from 1662 serves well as a reminder that God’s action is part of the climate scenario whether mankind admit it or not, and there is nothing new about extreme weather. “O MOST powerful and glorious Lord God, at Whose command the winds blow, and lift up the waves of the sea, and Who stillest the rage thereof; we thy creatures, but miserable sinners, do in this our great distress cry unto Thee for help: Save, Lord, or else we perish. We confess, when we have been safe, and seen all things quiet about us, we have forgot Thee our God, and refused to hearken to the still voice of Thy Word, and to obey Thy commandments: But now we see, how terrible Thou art in all Thy works of wonder; the great God to be feared above all: And therefore we adore Thy Divine Majesty, acknowledging Thy power, and imploring Thy goodness. Help, Lord, and save us for Thy mercy's sake in Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.” From THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER(1662).
Why did they pray this in the 1600’s? In the UK in Jan 1606, 2,000 people drowned due to flooding around the Severn Estuary. In 1607 the ‘Great Winter’ came and ships were stranded by ice several miles out in the North Sea. In 1612 there was drought from January to May (London/South). The extended dry weather was widespread over England with the Lake District drought not breaking until early August. No wonder they prayed about the weather, long before any human industrialisation had pushed up CO2 emissions etc. They knew they didn’t cause the weather but they acknowledged that God did. So much for USA officials who are talking about manmade Global Warming being a Weapon of Mass Destruction, as they mock God.  Creation Research.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...