Sunday, March 30, 2014

Child Poverty?

British children are going to school hungry 'every day' because their families are too poor to feed them, says leading Catholic Bishop.
The Rt Revd Malcolm McMahon says scores of children living in poverty are going into school hungry every day and falling behind in lessons because of it
'Veneer of prosperity' in cities like Liverpool masks the true scale of the problem, says Rt Revd Malcolm McMahon. Mail on Sunday.
Silly, silly man. Two slices of bread and marmalade may not be the healthiest start to the day but, carefully shopped, would cost a maximum of £1-04 per week. (70p longlife loaf, 27p full jar of marmalade (will use less than half), approximately 7p in basic spread. Can be done even cheaper using 50pence basic loaves. Arguably, just £0-84p! Do it the cheaper way and a piece of seasonal  fruit could be added on several days and still remain within the top figure.)
So who actually are these families? Can they afford alcohol? Can they afford tobacco? Can they afford illegal drugs? Does child benefit not run to considerably more than £1-04 per week?
The overwhelming majority of this kind of poverty is, in fact, child abuse by dreadful parenting. I have friends who have worked directly amongst such families who have been able to give me chapter and verse.

Back Into The EU? - A Plan, Yes, But What A Disastrous One!

  Latest analysis suggests Britain would have  had to hand over the same amount of money this year to the EU as Labour claim they needed to ...