Monday, May 19, 2014


Who’s driving the agenda in schools? Stonewall or Jesus?
Write to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury this week unveiled new guidance on ‘challenging homophobic bullying’ in church schools. He also gave an interview to Pink News. According to the organisation, which describes itself as ‘Europe’s largest gay news services’, it is the first time that a Primate of the Anglican Church has given an interview to a ‘gay media publication’.
“As you know I have said, and got a fair amount of flak for it within parts of the Church, we have to accept, and quite rightly, that the same-sex marriage act is law, and that it’s right and proper, it’s the law of the land, and that’s great” Archbishop Welby told Pink News, according to their article here.

The guidance on ‘challenging homophobic bullying’, which is to be sent all Church of England schools, begins by quoting the Archbishop: “The Church is not changing its teaching on gay relationships but we must accept that there is a revolution in the area of sexuality.” The report goes on to recommend that schools should recognise a category of ‘homophobic bullying’ in their anti-bullying strategies.
It defines homophobic bullying as “bullying on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.” However, no attempt is made to explain whether ‘sexual orientation’ means same-sex attraction, same-sex activity or the embrace of a so-called sexual identity. Homophobic bullying could therefore include any opposition to same-sex sexual activity. For example, the report suggests ‘Pupils may also experience indirect homophobic abuse, not directed towards a particular person or group but used when remarks are made to pass some kind of negative judgement”.

The full report can be read here > Christian Concern.

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