Thursday, July 31, 2014

SUDAN – Christians Killed in Aerial Bombings.

SUDAN – Christians killed in aerial bombings

At least ten Christians are reported to have died in repeated aerial bombardments of civilian targets read moreRelease Int.

Mandela The Zealot.

British Journalist: Stop Comparing Mandela to Jesus.

A British journalist has denounced a recent British Broadcasting Corporation interview wherein recently deceased human rights activist Nelson Mandela was compared to Jesus Christ. Christian News (Africa.) Jesus had at least one reformed zealot in the Twelve - that did not put the man on the same level as Jesus!

The Best Love.

Douglas Carswell: A Tory Nearly As Good As Dan The Man.

Kelsey Grammar - A Perfect Response Which Would Shame Many Christians.

The actor testified against 57-year-old Freddie Glenn who raped and killed his sister Karen in 1975 after kidnapping her job outside a Red Lobster where she worked in Colorado Springs
The actor testified against 57-year-old Freddie Glenn who raped and killed his sister Karen in 1975 after kidnapping her job outside a Red Lobster where she worked in Colorado Springs. 'I accept that you live with remorse, but I live with tragedy every day,' the Cheers star said via satellite at a Colorado parole hearing. 'I accept your apology. I forgive you. However, I cannot give your release my endorsement.' Mail.

Cameron: Did You Ever Think That Tories Grasped Fundamental Economics?

'I'd love to raise 40p tax threshold... but I won't.' says Cameron.

Even Gandhi Had Some Winners!

'The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.' Mahatma Gandhi.

Paul And Silas In Prison.

Jonathan Arnott, the UKIP MEP, Actually Believes In Democracy! (Like His Party.) 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Trojan Horse Inquiry.

A draft report from the so-called 'Trojan Horse inquiry into Islamic extremism in Birmingham schools has revealed evidence of  "coordinated, deliberate and sustained action to introduce an intolerant and aggressive Islamist ethos into some schools in the city".
The report, written by Peter Clarke, the former head of the Metropolitan police's counter-terrorism command, said there was a "sustained and coordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools the segregationist attitudes and practices of a hardline and politicised strain of Sunni Islam."

Read more (Guardian) >

Er ...

Pure Internet Speculation.

 President Putin was returning to Russia from the post World Cup summit of BRICS Nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in Brazil when the Kiev junta despot Petro Poroshenko took the opportunity to assassinate him by bringing down his aircraft and shot down the Malaysia Airlines plane instead. Doubt very much Obama has a hand in it.

Tory Eurorealism/Euroscepticism? SCAM TIME Again!

The evolution of the Conservative Party's Eurorealism/Euroscepticism continues. In his January 2013 Bloomberg speech, David Cameron repudiated the 'ever closer union' phrase in the 1957 Treaty of Rome and committed a re-elected Conservative Party to a renegotiation on the UK's position in the European Union. But he still insisted, apparently regardless of what might come from the renegotiation, that he would campaign 'heart and soul' for the UK to remain in the EU. This created the rather obvious problem that he intended to enter the negotiations without a meaningful bargaining position. If his default position was for the UK to stay in the EU, our so-called 'partners' had no reason to offer anything in a renegotiation. The status quo would just carry on. Prof. Tim Congdon.

Advice - As Good As It Gets.

Not Just A Bolt-On Commandment - He Is Serious.

VERY Special Stamps.

PS - Nigel Does Not 'Own' Ukip! - He Is Answerable To The Membership.

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 2.jpgUKIP and Tories neck and neck in race to raise money from party members as Labour builds biggest election warchest

Nigel Farage’s party – which has nearly 32,500 members – raked in £714,492 from its members’ in subscription fees during 2013, almost as much as the Conservatives' £749,000. Mail.

6 Barriers To Prayer.

Don't Accept This - Ask WHY The EU Input At All!

The European Commission will assess whether governments re-writing their tax laws to offer corporate tax breaks amounts to illegal state aid, the bloc's competition chief has said.

Freedom Of Speech.

Feel Free To Say It: Threats to freedom
 of speech in Britain today, by
Philip Johnston
More people are being jailed or arrested in Britain today for what they think, believe and say than at any time since the eighteenth century. Most have fallen foul of Section 5 of the Public Order Act or the laws against 'hate speech' or the somewhat cavalier use of communications legislation ill-suited to the digital age. Here Daily Telegraph journalist Philip Johnston puts the current debate into its historical context to show that free speech is not an optional extra for a free society: it is and always has been the defining condition of a free person.

Rick Warren - Four Habits Of Happiness.


Suicide Bombings In Nigeria.

Lord Alton On Religious Freedom.

An increased international focus on protection of religious freedom is required to combat the worldwide persecution, torture and killing of Christians, says Cross-bench Peer, Lord Alton.
The Peer made the statement whilst leading a debate calling on the House of Lords to note that Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was “under threat in almost every corner of the world”.
Lord lAton asked the House to take note of international compliance with Article 18 and said greater devotion to the protection of religious freedom was required. Article 18 of the UDHR stipulates that, "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”
Lord Alton drew on many international examples of the persecution of Christians around the world. Christians in Iran were subject to torture, raids, and threats of execution for their beliefs. He said Iraq’s second largest city did not have a Christian community due to “religious cleansing” and he told Peers, “anyone who stays and refuses to convert will be crucified.” In Syria, 75 Dutch Jesuits had been murdered, illustrating why 450,000 Christians had fled. In China, protestant and Catholic churches were persecuted for their faith.
“There are many benefits to a nation which promotes freedom of religion,” he added, explaining that societies which denied freedom were “unhappy.”
“This can be measured by the link between economics and religious freedom. A society which promotes religious freedom will be enlivened and enriched. Those which don’t will be in decay.”
Lord Bach supported the cross-bench member saying Lord Alton’s motion was “right and action is necessary”. He said the House looked forward to hearing what the Government proposed to do about the situation. Christian Concern.
Read the full debate here (Hansard) >

'He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.'

As I weep at the carnage amongst the Palestinian population of the Gaza strip I cannot remove this single thought from my mind. It recurs and recurs. Every time we see pictures of hapless Palestinians amongst their dead families and their broken children - I cannot but ask myself whether these self same people had been cheering when the wicked Hamas were launching rockets into Israeli civilian areas when the Israelis were not responding in kind.

Soft Fruit Ripoff.

British shoppers get a raw deal on fruit compared to the continent, claims campaigner who calls for probe into supermarket pricing. Joanna Blythman said she was shocked by the prices in big stores compared to the continent – where soft fruit, such as peaches, can cost as little as €1.50 (about £1.20) a kilo. Mail. A point which has frequently been made on this Blog from my personal experiences - principally in Spain.

The Inescapable Centre Of Christianity.

Marco Rubio: Intolerance in the Name of Tolerance Is Hypocrisy.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Read This Carefully.

Hamas Announce 24-Hour Ceasefire But Rockets And Bombings Continue. Huff Post 
They simply cannot be trusted. So why do the leftist press attack the Israelis? Hamas are the ones whose rocket attacks began all of this in the first place!
Go back in history and the legitimate state of Israel has been treacherously invaded FOUR times by neighbours since 1948. If Israel keeps land taken in those defensive wars - what reasonable person can blame them attempting to defend their right to exist by buffering? Hamas and similar groups oppose the very existence of Israel. Lose one war and Israel will be wiped off the map. Surprised that the Israelis are a little edgy?

Farage On Form.

Get More Exercise.

Philip Hammond & The EU.

In the latest reshuffle Cameron appointed the Eurosceptic Philip Hammond to the position of Foreign Secretary. In an interview on the BBC's Andrew Marr show on Sunday, Hammond said that the status quo in the EU/UK relationship was 'simply not acceptable'. His position was that, if the renegotiation achieved no change from the current position, he would vote for withdrawal from the EU. Hammond – a former president of the Oxford Union, a successful businessman and the wealthiest member of the Cabinet – has been making remarks of this sort for some time. Hammond is not an outright withdrawalist, but the direction of travel is clear. It is inconceivable that Hammond would state his views on this very sensitive topic unless he had clearance from Cameron. In other words, the language is changing and Conservative policy is shifting. The next move, probably in early 2015 with three to four months to go before the general election in May, is predictable. Cameron himself will say that, if the renegotiation gets nowhere and secures no meaningful return of sovereignty (in the form of 'competences') to the UK, he also would vote for withdrawal from the EU. Prof. Tim Congdon.

Dinosaurs To Birds - Apparently Not.

Mahalia Jackson.

Think Yourself Clever?

Beleaguered Skipper Just Misses A Century.

A sound 95 - but not without elements of luck. It is pleasing to see Alastair getting some batting form back - but he should still go as captain!

Sermon On The Mount - Revised?

Tipperary Victory.

A Christian, who was sacked by South Tipperary County Council for speaking about Jesus and sharing the Gospel with others during working hours, has won his religious discrimination case.
In April 2008, John McAteer, a civil engineer, was informed by the council’s human resources officer that a complaint had been received that he had spoken about his faith in the office.  He was told that he was not permitted to share the Gospel with colleagues and members of the public during work hours, including during his lunch break. In June 2008, he was required to attend a disciplinary meeting about a number of instances where he had spoken about his beliefs with members of the public during office hours.  He was warned that if he continued to share his faith with people during normal working hours, he would be sacked.
In June 2010, he was dismissed after management heard that he had shared the Gospel with a man working as a contractor at the council offices.
The Equality Officer, Marian Dufy found that the ban imposed on Mr McAteer on sharing his faith between 9am and 5pm impacted disproportionately on those of the Christian faith, noting that European charters on human rights and freedoms protect the right of to manifest religious beliefs in the workplace.
She concluded that an award of €70,000 would be appropriate since Mr McAteer, whose salary had been €54,000, has only succeeded in finding part-time work since his dismissal.
Welcoming the result, Andrea Williams, CEO of the Christian Legal Centre, said:
“Over the past decade the Christian Legal Centre has supported Christians who have found themselves in trouble at work for speaking about Jesus Christ. We welcome this result and hope that employers will think twice before instigating disciplinary action in these kinds of situations. We are hoping we will see more judgments like this Irish one in the UK.” Christian Concern.Read more  >

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Michael Vaughan On The England Team.
I only agree 100%!

Lord Alton.

An appeal to world leaders to "wake up urgently" to the persecution of Christians in Iraq has been made by the cross-bench Peer, Lord Alton of Liverpool.
Writing in The Times, Lord Alton, says Islamist jihadists have been targeting Iraq’s Christians who still pray in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke.
"Religious cleansing"
He describes the persecution by the jihadist group, Isis, as “religious cleansing”, highlighting the fact that once there were 30,000 Christians in the city of Mozul, Capital of Nineveh Province in Northern Iraq, but now there are none.
"Before pitilessly exiling the Christians on foot, Isis stole everything they had — homes, businesses, cars, money and even wedding rings, sometimes with the ring fingers attached. Churches have all been destroyed, shuttered or turned into mosques," he said. Christian Concern.
Read Lord Alton’s article here >

Just Who Wants This Poster Banned?

Now either this is factual or it is not. If it is factual, as I believe it to be, there is no justification at all for calls to ban it. What is so wrong with facing up to truth these days?

Christian Concern Church Partnership.

Christian Concern Church Partnership

At Christian Concern, we've launched an exciting new initiative: church partnership — a formal relationship between Christian Concern and your local church. We believe that it will bring glory to God and great benefit to your church and our nation.
 The idea of church partnership has grown out of an understanding that our ministry and the ministry of the local church are complementary.
Leaders from over 100 churches have already expressed interest in forming an official partnership with Christian Concern and some formal partnerships have already been made.

Cameron Upsets The N. East.

Our illustrious leader could not tell the difference between the Tees and the Tyne on his Radio Tees interview. Little wonder that the tories lost their MEP up there two months ago, is there?

The Palestinians ...

... even after a truce by the Israelis which might have become permanent insist that they will continue sending rockets into Israel. This is not mere insanity. It is using dead children to make a political point.

So That Is What Quid Pro Quo Means.

Cameron's 'Big Society' Dream In Tatters.

The New BNP - Like The Old One But Worse?

Fury of PoWs after new leader of BNP visits shrine to Japanese war criminals who killed Allied troops in WWII.
Adam Walker's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo has outraged veterans' associations and former soldiers who worked as slave labourers.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

If God Did Not Exist ...

... almost all the moral dilemmas would be quite different. But seeing as God has invited us to 'taste and see' - The Christian moral base can be proved. The moral problems arise from those who, for reasons of their own, take a mighty leap of faith that He does not exist - something which is beyond all proof.

Payback Time - A Warning BY Charlie Daniels.

Eva Hudson.

I enjoy thrillers. There are many authors I'd happily recommend. Sadly, that number does not include Eva Hudson.
I acquired her ultra tedious, stunningly inconsequential novel The Loyal Servant on Kindle but was bored out of my skull by the time I had read 15% of the thing. Never one to give in easily, I read up to 36% when I finally accepted that life is just too short and consigned it to, what I hope will be, oblivion. Never again for me with this writer.

Tory MP Supports Astrology.

So That Is What Happened.

Apologies for the language.


'I trusted God from the first instant. I knew that he would not abandon me': First words of Meriam Ibrahim after dramatic escape from Sudanese death sentence for marrying a Christian.

FGM For Mosul?

Jihadists 'order four million girls and women in Iraqi city to undergo female genital mutilation'

Such a 'fatwa' issued by the Sunni Muslim fighters would potentially affect 4 million women and girls in and around the northern city of Mosul, the UN has said. Mail.

It Is A Good Idea To Heed One's Own Advice.

So THAT Is What They Are Up To.

Sound Advice.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Rape-Murderers In India.

On one basic level, human beings must feel a great sense of satisfaction that local justice is executed on rape/murderers by communities. It is the opinion of this writer that such things will eventually become the norm in the UK, too.The problem is that mobs are not known for their corporate discernment and lynch mobs are, by definition, indiscriminate in the 'justice' they mete out. It is ironic that India is one country where the perpetrators of vile deeds can expect to face justice from the state after due legal process. When a society such as our own does not offer justice this kind of response will eventually take hold.                                                                    This issue is examined rationally, against a Christian backcloth, in the two thrillers, 'The Unassuming Assassin' & 'The Assassin Reassessed' by Les Arnott. Both are available online and on Kindle.

EU Exit - The Only Option.

I Suppose I Am A Bit Of A Technophobe But Not ...

Tommy Aquinas.

E=mc² - Relativity Explained So That All May Understand It.

Americans No Good At Executions?

Solution - USE A VET!


Littlejohn Talking Sense, As Per Usual.

Nice One, Benny.


Brookes To Ukip?

Relations with the Prime Minister have cooled to such an extent that racehorse trainer Charlie Brookes, 51, is said to be planning to cock a snook at the Conservatives at the next General Election.
The Old Etonian is understood to be considering standing for the UK Independence Party. He is believed to have discussed the possibility during a meeting with Nigel Farage, the party’s leader. Mail.
 Okay, I suppose, but we must have strict limits on old Etonians In The People's Party.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Meriam Ibrahim: No Arguments - Finally Free!

Praise God: Meriam Ibrahim finally free!
With great joy, we heard today that Meriam Ibrahim and her family have left Sudan and arrived safely in Italy. Thank you to everyone who prayed and campaigned for her freedom.  
Today – 24 July – Meriam Ibrahim and her family flew to safety in Italy, accompanied by Italy's vice-minister for foreign affairs, Lapo Pistelli. Pistelli posted a picture with the family on his facebook account, along with the caption ‘mission accomplished’. Upon arrival in Italy this morning, Meriam was met by the Italian Prime Minister and has since had an audience with Pope Francis. On 11 May Meriam Ibrahim, who has been a Christian her entire life, was sentenced by a Sudanese court to death for apostasy (converting to Christianity). Her biological father is a Muslim, which makes Meriam a Muslim under Islamic law, although she was raised by her Christian mother. She was also sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery because she is married to a non-Muslim. She spent over 140 days in prison where she gave birth to her daughter, Maya, in shackles.  After increasing international pressure, Meriam’s sentence was overturned and she was released, only to be re-arrested when trying to leave the country the next day, accused of forging travel documents. She was released again, but then followed a time of great trial and uncertainty where Meriam and her family were forced to take refuge in the US embassy in Khartoum, while her half-brother – who had previously stated that he wanted to see Meriam executed – lodged a number of lawsuits against her in an attempt to prove Meriam’s biological connection to his family and to annul her marriage to fellow Christian, Daniel Wani. Praise God, this is now all behind her. Read Meriam’s story in full on our website.Sources: BBC, Reuters, The Sudan TribunePlease continue to pray for Meriam and her family: 

Anti-God? - It Is Not Always Just The Out And Out Lefties!

Belief in God is a “virus”, and evangelical Christianity is one of the more “virulent infections”, a Conservative Peer and columnist for The Times has claimed.In an attack on faith schools, Matt Ridley said that “rationalists” want to “protect” children from religion.And the Peer, who is a supporter of the British Humanist Association, said “secular, free-thinking” should be adopted to “combat the rise of radical Islam and radical Christianity”. Christian Institute.                                                                                     (So no difference at all between believers in God's love and jihadists, huh?)

UKIP Show Their Disgust For Unchallenged Racism In EU Parliamentary Chamber.

 ... In the same debate, I saw the ugliest side to the European Parliament. We saw racism on that day, the first time I've been confronted with racism in a very long time. A Polish MEP described black people as n***ers and n****s, comparing the millions of unemployed young people to the southern United States.
We were all stunned by the speech and I wondered at first whether I had misheard. But the 'n word' kept on coming. UKIP's Jim Carver MEP was the first to react with cries of "shame on you" and the rest of us took to booing. Incredibly, the president of the session seemed unperturbed and would have moved straight to the next speaker had there not been uproar in the chamber.
Racism is a serious word. It is a serious allegation and not one which should be taken lightly. And in modern society, there are few more serious charges that can be levelled against anyone, but I use the word advisedly to describe what happened in the European Parliament that day.
I will leave you with one thought. When the Left of British politics throw the word 'racism' about like confetti, they cheapen the word and demean the experiences of those who have been the victims of racism. They should hang their heads in shame.
Follow Jonathan Arnott on Twitter:

UKIP - The Integrity Shines Through.

West Midlands police are apparently charging Nikki Sinclaire, the former MEP, with money-laundering and misconduct in public office.   Mole-In-The-Know, ever one with his ear to the
ground, suggests strongly to me that it was UKIP politicians who fomented the investigation against Ms Sinclaire and made the initial reports to the police. I couldn't see the LibLabCon doing anything other than coverup - could you? At least Nikki Sinclaire will have the opportunity in court to fight these charges.

Iranian Legalised Brutality.

In the city of Kermanshah a Christian had his lips publicly burned with lighted cigarettes for eating during Ramadan. What can I possibly say?


Gutless Clegg.

The Bradford MP, Ward, who says that he might well have wanted to fire rockets into Israel will NOT be kicked out by his party leader. Is this because Clegg shares his sickening views?


Cameron Has Promised To 'Modernise' The EU.

Balderdash designed to deceive the politically naive!

Not Real Coppers.

Cop killer: Better you than meBetrayal of our murdered police heroes: Fury as two ex-Yard chiefs oppose whole life sentences for police killers

Moves to make such murderers die behind bars are a PR exercise and the ‘contemporary version of hanging’, according to Lord Condon and Lord Blair. Mail.
Bramshill, politically correct clones - what they say simply does not matter!


... Mountford is correct about the length of time we have had the kind of data needed to calculate the extent of the sea ice around the polar regions and about the extent of the ice. Satellite data only goes back to 1979. Furthermore, this data is publicly available from the Sea Ice Index website of the National Snow and Ice Data Centre. On checking the maps and graphs for the beginning of July 2014 we found that the sea ice extent for Antarctica was over 16 million sq km.For the statistically minded the area of ice has been over two standard deviations higher than the average ice area for the previous three months. The graph of the trend in ice area for the past 30 years reveals an overall increase of 1.7% per decade. This leads us to ask the question: why hasn’t increasing ice in Antarctica received the same publicity as the decreasing ice in the Arctic Ocean, especially as there is more ice around Antarctica than there is in the Arctic ocean? The only answer we can suggest is the absolute prejudice visible in this debate from the global warming fanatics. Mountford is also correct in pointing out that three decades of data may not be significant in the long term, and may simply be part of ongoing natural cycles. Creation Research.

3 Parent Babies.

Majority sidelined as Govt
backs three-parent babies

Proposals to allow three-parent babies will be pushed forward by the Government, despite more than 60 per cent of people opposing the plans in a consultation. The Christian Institute.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

UKIP PROVED To Be On The Right Track!

Ukip is a 'backward force' claims Tony Blair in a damning assessment of modern politics.

Weakness Is Strength.

UKIP To Take Westminster Seats?

A survey of 14 Tory-held seats in which Labour came second in 2010's vote show Ukip are set to top the polls in two - Thurrock in Essex and Thanet South in Kent.
The survey, conducted by former Tory donor Lord Ashcroft, also spells trouble for David Cameron, with 11 of the remaining 12 constituencies on course to return a Labour MP.
Lord Ashcroft said the results showed Ukip was taking votes away from Labour voters as well as Tories as a result of strong work by activists on the ground.
He said: "With Nigel Farage planning to concentrate his party's resources in just 25 targets, Ukip's impact is likely to be felt in a series of local contests to which their headline vote share may bear little relation."

Compare The Meerkat To Lose Trade?

Not so cute anymore! Female meerkats attack their daughters and KILL baby grandchildren
IF you've fallen in love with meerkats thanks to the Compare The Market adverts then this sinister side to the creatures may put you off them. Alpha female meerkats KILL their baby grandchildren to prevent breeding. [GETTY] Dominant female meerkats prevent their daughters from breeding and even KILL their baby grandchildren so they remain the alpha member of the clan.

Examine Your Ways.

Vile Anti-Semites On The Left.

In an outburst on Twitter David Ward, MP for Bradford West, said: ‘The big question is – if I lived in Gaza, would I fire a rocket? Probably, yes.’


Remember The FAIR Old Days When Merit Was The Issue?

Schools 'to put middle class at back of queue' and take poorer children in return for hundreds of pounds in funding .Ministers are planning to tear up admission rules that forbid selection on the basis of family finances and allow schools to give low-income families priority. Mail.
From a so-called conservative government, huh? Even with a Lib Dem infestation to be taken into account, this is a disgrace.

'Ban Ki-moon condemns attacks on civilians.'

Meaningless! Palestinians extremists lob rockets amongst Jewish civilians and then hide amongst Palestinian civilians so propaganda coups can be claimed as soon as there is any degree of reciprocation. Beneath contempt.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Black Boxes Given By Rebels To Malaysia.

Does this not mean that a SAM missile from the rebels in downing the airliner is much less likely than previously thought? Have western governments jumped to unwarranted conclusions? Is this just a disguised witch hunt because Putin is so objectionable?

Labour Not Trusted Shock!

Voters Don't Trust Us On Immigration, Senior Labour Figure Says. Huff Post. (It's okay though, voters don't trust the Tories either.)

Thomas Aquinas - Proofs.

The Five Ways. Five Ways: The five rational arguments that Thomas Aquinas saw as pointing to the existence of God. The five arguments are (1) the argument from motion (all things in motion need a mover, but there must be something unmoved that begins other things in motion; God is this Unmoved Mover); (2) the cosmological argument (all effects must have causes, but there cannot be an infinite series of causes into the past; thus God is the first or Uncaused Cause); (3) the argument fromcontingency (all things exist in dependence on something else, that is, contingent; therefore there must be something that is absolutely independent, that is, necessary; this necessary being is God); (4) the argument from perfection (there appears to be an increasing degree of perfection among things; therefore there must be a being who is the height of perfection; this Being is God); and (5) the teleological argument (the observable design in the world suggests that there must be an intelligent designer - God)

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...