Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thomas Aquinas - Proofs.

The Five Ways.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioXjKuZ8N4fPbQbvrtzJDSaLuNqx6O953L3XgjhC_hxHt7Kizt4Y91887epYKS5R4L_qdnWrxmD24rGYYlb-NLz8bZ-bqLGyDn95zzZ1ZCm_dECbaXKwr5cgvYtzMU1EC1Bnen/s1600-h/dictionary.jpegThe Five Ways: The five rational arguments that Thomas Aquinas saw as pointing to the existence of God. The five arguments are (1) the argument from motion (all things in motion need a mover, but there must be something unmoved that begins other things in motion; God is this Unmoved Mover); (2) the cosmological argument (all effects must have causes, but there cannot be an infinite series of causes into the past; thus God is the first or Uncaused Cause); (3) the argument fromcontingency (all things exist in dependence on something else, that is, contingent; therefore there must be something that is absolutely independent, that is, necessary; this necessary being is God); (4) the argument from perfection (there appears to be an increasing degree of perfection among things; therefore there must be a being who is the height of perfection; this Being is God); and (5) the teleological argument (the observable design in the world suggests that there must be an intelligent designer - God)
