Sunday, August 31, 2014

'One Of The Greatest Crimes In History'.

Christians purged in “one of the greatest crimes in history”

Douglas Murray
Britain must either stop “the wholesale eradication of Christians across the Middle East” or admit Christian refugees, says Douglas Murray, the Associate Director of the British-based think tank, the Henry Jackson Society.
He asks why no European capital has been brought to a standstill by marchers expressing their outrage at what he describes as “one of the greatest crimes in history”.
Douglas Murray says the militants of Islamic State (IS) have attracted the most bloodthirsty sadists and fanatical Muslim extremists whose aim is to impose a hard-line version of Islam with “no possible accommodation” of any other religion.
Christian Concern.
The Same PC Disgrace From Rotherham Is Found In Dealings with The Middle East.

Yvette Cooper.

Yvette Cooper MP, Labour's Shadow Home Secretary has said that immigration figures showed Mr Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May "have utterly broken their grand immigration promises."                                         
RANK HYPOCRISY! Whose party DELIBERATELY started all the chaos?

Jonathan Arnott MEP Explains That The EU Is 'Beyond Reform.'

China - More Persecutions.

Huang Yizi with his family
A Christian pastor in eastern China, who has been openly critical of a church demolition campaign faces being sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Huang Yizi (40), from Wenzhou in Zhejiang province was taken from his home by plainclothes police officers and faces what his supporters call a “trumped up charge”.  His lawyers say the allegation of “gathering to assault a state organ” is often used by the Chinese authorities to silence critics of the government.
Christian Concern.

Alastair Cooke.

Even if he manages to stay on as Test captain - he MUST now quit the ODI squad altogether! Yesterday was shameful - AGAIN! Swan is right.


Rotherham - Labour MP Admits This Blog's Take Is TRUE!

Labour MPs: Left ignored sex abuse

Young girls who were being sexually abused by Asian men were ignored by officials because of Left-wing political correctness, Labour figures say

Rochdale labour MP Simon Danczuk
Rochdale Labour MP Simon Danczuk Photo: PAUL COUSANS  By , Political Correspondent.
A culture of Left-wing political correctness led politicians and officials to ignore the plight of young girls who were being sexually abused by Asian men, Labour figures have warned.
Ann Cryer, an MP from 1997 until 2010, told The Sunday Telegraph how she had feared being called “racist” when, in 2002, she exposed a sex-abuse scandal involving Pakistani men in her constituency of Keighley, West Yorkshire.
A “politically correct Left just saw it as racism”, she said.

Peter Hitchens On Douglas Carswell.

The only interesting things about Douglas Carswell’s switch from the Tory Party to Ukip are that it took him so long and that he has acted alone. Any thinking person has been able to see for years that the Tory Party hates conservatives. It is a roadblock, not a road, championing the elite against the people.
It is kept in being only by the BBC and various dodgy billionaires, who provide it with airtime and money out of all proportion to its real support. It has no actual aims except office at all costs.
It has no actual policies either, only negative smear campaigns, falsely portraying Ukip as mad Nazis, or Ed Miliband as some kind of Trotskyist loony.
Laughing all the way: Even Nigel Farage has more of a clue about how the world works than our supposedly clever elite, writes Hitchens
The party leader has never pretended to be anything other than he is – the heir to Blair. That is why so much of the Left-wing media prefer David Cameron to Ed Miliband.
Mr Cameron’s promise of a referendum on EU membership is worthless three times over. First, nobody can rely on his word after his broken promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
Second, Mr Cameron could  not win a Westminster majority in 2010, and there is even less chance of his doing so next May, as he well knows. He could promise paradise and be sure he would never have to deliver it.

Clacton - UKIP 44% - No, That's Their Likely Majority!

New Currency For An Independent Scotland?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Christian Marina Silva.

Devout Evangelical Christian Marina Silva Started Life Illiterate in the Amazon; Now She's Primed to Become Brazil's First Black President
She almost died twice and never learned to read or write until she left the Amazon forest as a teenager, now at 56, Marina Silva, a devout evangelical Christian, is primed to become Brazil's first black president. Christian Post.

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali - On Role Of Parents.

Bishop emphasises the vital role of parents

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
In the aftermath of the shocking report of 1,400 girls in Rotherham being terrorised and abused over a period of 16 years, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has had a letter published in the Daily Telegraph emphasising the important role parents have in raising their children and keeping them from harm.
He writes that the tragic cases "reveal the dangers our children face from sexual predators".
He also emphasises that sex education which does not teach that the right context for sex is in marriage, is part of the problem. Christian Concern.

Be Thankful.

Sex Education From 9 or 10, Maybe But ...

The Liberal Democrats are calling for children as young as seven to receive compulsory sex and relationships education in state schools across England. Christian Concern.


... Or Indeed, Madam.

George Galloway Injured.

Much as this Blog rejects everything done and said by Galloway - it must be stated categorically, that attacks against his person are 100% WRONG!

Ebola Cure: Zmapp.

Ebola drug Zmapp is 100% effective at treating monkeys with the deadly disease, scientists declare 

All 18 rhesus macaques given the drug made a complete recovery, say the team of scientists led by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Mail.
GET IT INTO MASS PRODUCTION THIS WEEK! Far better to have a part-tested drug than no working drug at all to combat this vile disease.

Aaronic Blessing To All Readers.

Escumetorp. (United.)

Escumetorp - The Viking name for Scunthorpe. I just thought that my readers would want to be kept fully informed. At home to Walsall, today.

Not Just Tories.

Labour MPs have also been in  discussions with Mr Farage over the possibility of defecting to UKIP. (These do not include Austin Mitchell, apparently. He is standing down next May.)

Friday, August 29, 2014

GK Chesterton. K. Chesterton on Atheism

"If there were no God there would be no atheists."  G. K. Chesterton

Immigration: Blame Labour Who Started it and The Coalition Which Has Done Nothing!

MORE than 240,000 jobless immigrants flooded to the UK last year, fuelling a dramatic increase in net migration. Express.

Second Reason Found For Scots To Vote For Independence.

To add to the primary reason - Gordon Brown urging Scots to vote 'No' - a second reason has now been uncovered.The President of the CBI has said that they shouldn't!

Shaun Wright - Why Unthinking Voting Is Always a Very Bad Plan.

In the elections in South Yorkshire for Police & Crime Commissioner, there was a triumph for unthinking voters. Labour supporters ignored all the negatives about the hapless Shaun Wright.
Even though knowledge of what he had overseen was just the tip of the iceberg compared to what has emerged this week - it was always lurking in the background. They still cast their vote for a Labourite.
Unthinking voting is the principal reason why LibLabDem politicians have walked all over us throughout history. When you vote for those who, by and large, do not represent the people - these are the situations which will inevitably arise.
Who in their right mind could believe that a Labour representative would possibly fight crime, anyway? - Risible.
In Rotherham, of course, UKIP won a heap of council seats last May. Perhaps that tide of folly is now finally turning. 

The Peace of God Is Very Real. (I Wish That I Had It ALL of The Time.)

Theresa May's Disgrace.

You can't deport me... I am gay: Jamaican thug's plea moments before being put on a plane stops him being kicked out 

Alvin Brissett
Father-of-two Alvin Brissett, pictured, from Stratford East London made the gay claim as police were about to put him on board a flight back to Jamaica at Gatwick Airport. Home Secretary Theresa May signed a deportation order for Brissett, who has 18 previous convictions in March 2011. However now he has been told he can remain the UK. Mail.

Conviction Politics.'I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph.'
Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher LG, OM, PC, FRS.
(Prime Minister 1979-1990) 

This is not 'a Thatcherite Blog' as she made rather too many mistakes for that BUT:
1) She was 'a conviction politician' and
2) She made fewer mistakes as PM than any I have seen in my lifetime.
3) She was also wrong with this quotation because in a political sense - good will never triumph. There are too many vested interests. The only real triumphs will be at the return of the Saviour.

Douglas Carswell.

TORY SHOCK: Ukip defection piles pressure on Cameron

DAVID Cameron was last night battling to stop a new Tory rift opening up over Europe after one of his MPs defected to the UK Independence Party. Macer Hall - Express.

Carswell, commons, conservative party, european union, EU, david cameron, general election, ukip, uk independence party, nigel farage, Carswell's UKIP defection has sent shockwaves through the Tory party[PA/GETTY]
In a move that shocked Westminster, Douglas Carswell quit the Conservatives and stood down as MP for Clacton in Essex, triggering a by-election. Claiming the Tories were “not serious about real change in Europe”, he pledged to fight to regain the seat and become Ukip’s first elected MP. His switch, just as a huge rise in immigration was revealed, was seen as a coup by Nigel Farage, leader of the anti-Brussels party.Mr Farage hinted other Tory MPs could soon follow Mr Carswell into Ukip ranks, saying: “There are others in Westminster having similar thoughts.”Official figures released yesterday showed net migration into Britain – including a surge in arrivals from the EU – hit 243,000.
REMEMBER  - THESE FIGURES ARE JUST THE LEGALS! We have no idea how many illegals (whom Boris would legitimise) have arrived through the not-very-well-guarded back door.

Who Runs Our Country?

Born Again.

God Would Love You to Know Him

By Dan Delzell
When you came into this world, you were born in God's neighborhood. You can only get into His family, however, by being born again into it. (see John 3:1-16) Your first birth was physical. The second birth is spiritual. Many people live and die without ever being born a second time. They live and die without ever knowing God.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

ODI Fiasco.

NOTHING has changed. Cooke is still in charge when he cannot even justify his place in the one day team as a batsman ahead of James Taylor or Ravi Bopara or arguably, Gary Ballance. I was, of course, delighted with the trio of somewhat unexpected test wins - but I warned at the time that these may well have been more due to the failings of India than anything new in the England setup.
The England ODI squad revealed ALL of the old failings whereas, by playing the shorter form of the game, India were playing to their strengths.
It is true that an appalling umpiring decision permitted Raina to score heaps of extra runs - but this was partly down to the fielding captain. Cooke managed his troops well in the early overs but regrettably, chose to gift scores of unnecessary singles by keeping the fielders down the ground far too deep in the middle overs.
Lamentable batting. Moreover, the miserable bowling of Jordan and Stokes should guarantee that they are both promptly dropped. Bell should go with his head hanging down in shame. Eoin Morgan has been sussed. He only plays in narrow zones which are a gift to fielding sides. Praise should be reserved for just three players: Woakes, Hales and Tredwell. Some sorrow for Root who received what was close to being the 'unplayable delivery'.

Ryanair 'Business Class'.


Nigeria: Some Have Escaped.

More than 60 girls and women kidnapped by armed men from Nigeria's Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram [recently]  have managed to escape, officials said. However, over 200 other girls who were abducted separately [some time ago] are still captive. Christian Post.

Accept God - Reject Him.

The Great Things.

A Question To Make The Left Bristle - But A Fair One, Even So.

('Are' to be replaced by 'may' would perhaps be more accurate.)

Gordon Brown Warns Scots of 'Poverty Til Doomsday.'

For the first time, I have seen a genuine reason why the Scots should vote 'Yes' in their independence referendum. I would not trust any advice from that particular source!

The Hard Left Usually Manages To Be Worse Than The Hard Right.


This Blog has consistently warned of the dangers of EVER legitimising any of the illegal immigrants who have broken, ignored or flouted our immigration laws. It was only a matter of time before Labour or the Lib Dems would begin to make this a policy. In the event, it turns out that it is a TORY who wants to do so. BORIS.

Apart from being singularly immoral to reward wrongdoers, all it will achieve is to offer fresh invitations to would-be illegals. The message is 'Come on over illegally. Keep your head down and eventually you will become legal.'

MacShane - With His History of Dishonesty, Can We Believe Him?

'As a true Guardian reader, and liberal leftie, I didn't want to rock the multi-cultural boat,' says former Rotherham Labour MP Denis MacShane as he insists no-one raised town's child sex abuse scandal with him.

The former MP, who resigned as MP for in 2012 over the expenses scandal, said ‘misplaced racial sensitivity’ prevented him from 'burrowing into' the widespread sexual abuse allegations. Mail.
(You may well ask, how did he know that there was 'a boat to be rocked' - yet not know of this crisis? - I suppose we shall just have to take his word.) 
The left-wing position is based on a distorted world view. This only causes problems, however, with: Immigration, Economics, Public Safety, Our Relationship With The EU, Crime and Punishment, Poverty, Disincentives To Would-Be Investors in the UK, The Downgrading of Our Armed Services inter al. You may care to note how the Tories have adopted so many similar leftist positions in recent decades.
(I note that with regard to people of influence today, 75% come from that hotbed of liberal leftism - Oxbridge!)

The EU, You Say? - Okay, I Surrender!


Advocacy Team - Open Doors.
Christians in Sudan are facing extreme persecution from their government. Shocking cases, like that of Meriam Ibrahim being sentenced to death for apostasy, rightly cause a worldwide outcry. However, the ongoing persecution of Christians rarely gets a mention.
Take, for instance, the destruction of churches and the ban on constructing new church buildings. This is devastating for the church, placing great restrictions on them and is a flagrant denial of their right to freedom of religion or belief. But it is easier for the world to ignore. And easier for the Sudanese government to get away with. Such a slow and steady squeeze on the church could eventually suffocate it.
This is why we must speak up.
On 12 July, Sudanese Religious Affairs Minister, Shalil Abdullah, reiterated a ban on new church permits, saying that Sudan has enough churches – despite local Christians’ claims that the church is growing.

The ban followed the demolition of the Sudanese Church of Christ building in Khartoum by 70 government officials. They gave only 24 hours’ notice, saying that they wanted the land for housing.
“We have been praying in a tent since the church has been demolished,” a member of the 600-strong congregation told us soon after the demolition. “The government does not want us to do that, yet they refuse to allocate us another place for worship.”  Over a month later, the church is still meeting in a tent which they have to take down after every service.

The government also ordered the demolition of a 300-member Sudan Church of Christ building in Khartoum on 17 February and town planners have reportedly forcibly removed some Christians from their homes in Khartoum to a new site across the river which doesn’t have a church.
Furthermore, we’ve just learnt that the government has also closed the Khartoum Central Church building on Monday 25 August, stating that the building was registered as an office instead of a place of worship. “Please pray this case will be solved,” asked our contact. “The KCC leaders and pastors are very worried and desperate for a solution. They still do not know where they will hold services from this coming Friday.”
All this despite the fact that Sudan has signed up to the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which states that everyone shall have the right to freedom of religion, including the right to manifest this religion in public or private, in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

You can do something!

Speak out about this injustice: write to the Sudanese Embassy today. Using the message below, ask that Sudanese Christians would have the freedom to build churches again and let the Sudanese government know that the world is watching.
Please copy the message into a new email, add your name and country to it, and send it to this email address:
It’s important that we don’t mention Open Doors in any of our communications with the Sudanese Embassy, which is why this message doesn’t make any reference to the ministry. Also, because of concerns for the security of Open Doors contacts in Sudan, we will not be publicising this letter on our website and want to thank you for your understanding and discretion on this.

However, we would appreciate it if you could notify us by email if you do write to the Sudanese Embassy, as we would love to be able to encourage our contacts with the support you give.

The message:

Mr Bukhari G M Afandi, Chargé d'Affaires, Republic of Sudan

I humbly petition the Republic of Sudan to rescind the ban on new church buildings.

Dear Mr Afandi,

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Sudan is a State Party, protects the right of every person, ‘either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching’. Additionally, the 2005 Interim Constitution of the Republic of Sudan clearly protects the right to freedom of religion or belief.
In this context I was surprised to learn that, on 12 July, the Republic of Sudan reiterated its intent to ban the construction of new church buildings in Sudan. Therefore, I am writing to express my great concern at this ban, which will directly undermine the right to freedom of religion alongside the rights to freedom of assembly and association.
The explanation for the ban on new church buildings is the substantial diminution of the Christian population of Sudan following the secession of South Sudan. However, I humbly submit that there remains a lively Christian community in Sudan which desires to contribute positively to Sudanese society, providing hope and relief to their fellow countrymen in humility and dignity.

I am also very concerned about the demolition of the Sudan Church of Christ building in North Khartoum on 1 July, as well as the demolition of the Sudan Church of Christ building in Ombada, Omdurman on 17 February. Collectively, these churches had 900 members in their congregations who are now without a church building and unable to erect new church buildings. Additionally, I am alarmed at the news that town planners have forcibly moved Christians from their homes to an area across the Nile. This community is also unable to build a place of worship in their new location.

I respectfully request that your government upholds the right to freedom of religion in Sudan by rescinding the ban on new church permits and call upon your government to approach this matter with the justice and compassion that is in keeping with the values of the Sudanese people, the Sudanese Constitution which affirms the right to freedom of religion, and the international human rights law to which Sudan is a State Party. I humbly ask that you raise my concerns with your government.

Please be assured of my continued prayers for your country and for her people.

Yours sincerely,


Please continue praying for Sudan:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

South Thanet.

Nigel Farage selected by Ukip to fight South Thanet seat at 2015 general election. 

NIGEL Farage has tonight been officially confirmed as Ukip's candidate for South Thanet in next year's general election. Martyn Brown.

Nigel Farage wants to win the seat currently held by Conservative Laura Sandys, who won with a majority in 2010 Nigel Farage wants to win the seat currently held by Conservative Laura Sandys, who won in 2010 [GETTY]
The 50-year-old pledged to be Ed Miliband and David Cameron's "worst enemy" as he fights for the seat in Kent in May 2015.

Judge Mary-Jane Mowatt.

Judge Mary-Jane Mowatt of the Oxford circuit is retiring. She has declared that convictions for rape will not rise as long as women lose control of themselves through abuse of alcohol.
She is 100% right, of course, but note that it is only at the point of retirement that she dare say what has been blindingly obvious to all but feminist leftists for several generations.

Main UKIP Target Seats For May.

South Thanet, Boston and Skegness, North Thanet, Sittingborne and Sheppey, Forest of Dean, Aylebury, Great Yarmouth, East Worthing, Thurrock, Grimsby, Eastleigh and Portsmouth. (After recent revelations, perhaps Rotherham or Wentworth should be included.)

Do NOT Believe The Spin - CRIME IS UP! - (Again.)
7.3 million to ELEVEN MILLION!


Rotherham: "They Feared Being Labelled Racist."

This is the most telling phrase used as we discover the sexual abuse horror that was (is?) Rotherham. Police, council officials and social workers have been too terrified to risk sticking heads above the parapet. As most of the offenders were of Pakistani origin - the accusations of 'racism' would  have been inevitable. (This is the self same council whose social workers decided that UKIP-supporting foster parents must be 'racist' more than a year ago - thus fomenting a media frenzy.) Thank goodness that UKIP has now become the party to challenge Labour in the town where they have now gained a dozen council seats.
Sow the wind and you reap the whirlwind, so they say. Who is really to blame, here? - THE LEFT. It is they alone who have caused this sick situation.
As long as forty years ago, I know personally of a Sheffield school where, any non-white child accused of misbehaviour would adopt the default response, 'You are picking on me because I am black.' Such retorts can wreck a professional's entire career in one fell swoop. 
Racism is horrible and must be tackled - but extremes bring you to situations just like this one! Indeed, for 40+ years, normal people have been warning of what outcomes would be if the leftists got their way!

Pray The Truce Holds.

Why celebrate the truce? If Hamas and their supporters had not wanted a war footing, how come they persisted in lobbing rockets into Israel during a time of peace thus fomenting the carnage in the first place?

10,000 Songs?

Leftist French Government In Economic Disarray.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Single Sex Marriage.

European Court rules that same-sex 'marriage' is not a right

The European Court of Human Rights has re-affirmed its position that member states do not have to recognise same-sex ‘marriage’.Christian Concern.


Dawkins Forced To Backtrack.

Richard Dawkins Apologizes for Saying Couples Should Abort Down Syndrome Babies, Try Again

Atheist intellectual and author Richard Dawkins has issued an apology following the controversy over his recent remarks claiming that Down syndrome children should be aborted. Christian Post.

UKIP Taxation Strategy.

UKIP has set out the tax strategy that will be part of its manifesto in next year's general election.
The party will enter the race with a pledge to cut taxes and take low earners out of income tax entirely.
Leader Nigel Farage said its policies would ensure that people "get out and spend" and "actually help to get the economy going".
UKIP would also make the 40p rate the top rate of tax, which people would start to pay once they earned £45,000.
Mr Farage confirmed last month that the party was rethinking its economic policies and that it no longer backed a single rate of income tax.
In 2010, when he was not leader, it supported a "flat tax", which it said would be set at 31% and would be achieved by merging income tax and national insurance.
 But Mr Farage last month said he believed an appropriate top rate of tax was 40%. He also announced that no-one earning the minimum wage or below should pay any tax on their earnings.
Mr Farage told the BBC News Channel: "The most important thing is raising the threshold at which people start to pay tax."
He added: "If you do that whilst at the same time controlling the over-supply of labour that's coming into Britain from many parts of Europe, not only do you get people back into work, you make it worthwhile for people to get off benefits."
Mr Farage said full details of how UKIP would pay for the tax changes would be outlined at the party's annual conference next month.
He added: "When you leave people more money in their pocket they actually go out and spend it in the economy. That actually helps to get the economy moving."
The party would also block new migrants from claiming benefits until they had paid tax and national insurance for five years. BBC.

We Shall...

Scottish Independence.

Apparently, Salmond gave Darling a bit of a rousting in the second debate. Still not good reason for Scotland to make the mistake of 'going it alone'.
I find it incredibly interesting how so many 'anti-nation state' leftists seem anxious for this divide.

Sing For Joy - Instead.

Led Zep's 'Whole Lotta Love' ...

... voted top riff of all time by BBC listeners. I am unsurprised. A riff needs to have a raw rhythm, punch, catchiness and a simplicity. Right on all fronts. I shall make no mention of the lifestyle of the group in question, however.

Our Modern, Technological World.

Suicide Bombers - Common Sense From Littlejohn.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Faith Brings Health Boost.

Health benefits of faith in God “extraordinary” says GP in medical journal

Dr Richard Scott
A Christian GP has published an article in a medical journal this month in which he reports on research which shows that the effects of faith on health are “extraordinary”.
 Dr Scott, who is also a former Christian Legal Centre client, had his article published in this month’s British Journal of General Practice. The article was also mentioned in The Telegraph this week.
Prompted by his own battle with cancer, the Margate GP consulted the Handbook of Religion and Health, a book published by two American professors in 2012. The book surveys the wealth of research on religion and health that has been conducted since 1800. The majority of these are US-based studies and concern the Judaeo-Christian tradition.

Read more > Christian Concern.

No Shame!

Racism Or ...

The thoroughly wicked accusations of 'racism' so often levelled at UKIP by the media in the runup to the EU elections had a 'little brother' which tried to achieve the same end with less obvious defamation. Watch out for the weasel phrase, 'causing division'.


Volcano To Trigger Our Worst Ever Winter?

BRITAIN could freeze in YEARS of super-cold winters and miserable summers if the Bardarbunga volcano erupts, experts have warned. Express.
The good news here, of course, is that this is The Express which is hardly noted for its balanced weather reporting. If one newspaper ever had a single, major deficiency, it is The Express when it gets over-excited about weather forecasts.

Media Tot Ups MUST Stop.

The latest in farcical journalism is found in the Mail where drug dealers apparently got a much-merited 100 years in jail. BUT, this absurd headline is, in fact, a shareout between TEN different people. Each of these will inevitably serve less than half the actual terms.

Lord Carey On Dealing With The Jihadists.

The Prodigal Son.

Happily, the wayward son seemingly only had to repent on the one occasion. And us  ....?

The Only Solution.
