I AM writing about the article on December 10 by Saros Kavina, "Is this a
resurgence of Powellism in Britain?" I've always been interested in politics and
in recent years have attended meetings where I could listen at grassroots level
to the view of Labour, the Greens, Conservatives and Lib
If you had heard some of their ideas, you would not let them run a bath,
let alone the country.
If I had based my preconceptions of "Kippers" on the Powell article by
Saros Kavina I would have been a bit nervous but there was not a racist or
"little Englander" in sight.
If there is such a thing as the "average Brit", well I can now let you
know where to find some, together with a whole lot of common
I don't think they know the meaning of left or right. Having researched
about Saros Kavina's work, the sentiment appears very
But what I would recommend is to engage with a few "Kippers" before
reaching conclusions based on what the chattering classes
The reality is very different and much of this party's thrust is aimed at
changing the wasteful ways of worn-out politics.
That alone would bring huge benefits to the electorate in the most
deprived parts of Derby or any other city for that matter.
So why not give them the benefit of the doubt; there's precious little to
Peter Yates
more: http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/saw-racists-little-Englanders-UKIP-meeting-ndash/story-25768062-detail/story.html#kGVhrG9Oyrj2CR9V.01#ixzz3NN3rf4i2 Follow us: @DerbyTelegraph on Twitter | derbytelegraph on Facebook