Monday, December 29, 2014

Well, Santa - Didya Do It?


EU expecting 'huge gift from Santa', said UKIP's

 EU Budget Spokesman, Jonathan Arnott,

The EU is expecting a ‘huge gift from Santa’, 
according to UKIP’s EU Budget Spokesman, 
Jonathan Arnott, as EU leaders gather in Brussels 
to discuss a €315 billion investment fund proposed 
by EU President, Jean – Claude Juncker.
The fund, unveiled towards the end last month, 
is planned to result in €315bn investment in the
 EU economy in the forthcoming years, using a 
guarantee of €16 billion from the EU budget and 
€5 billion from the European Investment Bank (EIB). 
Getting from €21bn to €315bn represents a leverage
 ratio of 15, a figure that has triggered fierce criticism 
that the European Commission is merely using figures 
 which ‘don’t add up’.
UKIP’s EU Budget Spokesman, Jonathan Arnott MEP, 
said "In the run-up to Christmas, the European Council 
will be holding a meeting about Juncker's proposed 
€315 billion investment Plan for Europe. With the 
European Union contributing just €16 billion and 
the Investment Bank €5 billion, the only way that 
this will work is if they receive a huge gift from Santa 
because the economic reality is that the figures just 
don't add up. "Private companies aren't going to 
contribute 15 times what's put in by Europe unless 
 there's an incredibly sweet deal for them, which means 
a bad deal for the taxpayer. After the recent British 
experience of the disaster which was Labour's PFI 
initiative in the NHS, I don't expect people in the UK 
to warm to Mr. Juncker's Ponzi scheme."

A Church in Crisis.